Toxic TTV Caught CHEATING! – Dead By Daylight

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In today’s reupload we look at “Shelly”, a toxic twitch streamer who was caught red handed using blatant hacks offline. This is one of the most ridiculous DBD stories you’ll ever hear. Remember to Like the video if you enjoyed the video.

DISCLAIMER: Please do not try to find this person, BHVR has already addressed the issue, and there are enough eyes on her to keep something like this from happening again. Public witch hunts can cause serious harm and I don’t condone them. Any comments saying this streamer’s name will be removed.

Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. If you try to copyright and take-down this video, I will fight it and pursue legal help.

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36 thoughts on “Toxic TTV Caught CHEATING! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Sorry for the reupload everyone, YouTube was being cringe about some stuff in the original video, and I think it's still one of the best toxic TTV stories out there. I hope you enjoy the bonus footage!

  2. Oof the clip she sent you with only her VO is very sketchy and I got 2nd hand embarrassment from it, frankly. I hope she does learn a lesson from it because if I got my very pricey account deleted just for hatch, I'd be defeated and never play again. Much less stream it again.

  3. just gonna point out with the lack of killer time limit now what killer would do the joke anymore the devs ruined the killers ability to have fun now the game promotes grinding and shamefull killer play

    honestly not fun i enjoyed the hunts and still think the game needs to remove the normal mode for a chasing mode instead

  4. So she report someone cause lacking awareness of the trap being at the door which she can disarm, the humor part on the wraith doesn't she know in higher mmr people tend to be more focused in which i dont blame em but the cheating was funny cause she doesn't wanna admit lose overall she is a quality lol cow to have a good laugh cause of being delusional and relying on yes man to support her pov

  5. It's the damned if you do, damned if you don't thing. You play good, you get reported. You play bad you get trash talked and get reported. Then there are always hackers just wanting a leg up because they suck at the game. All those toxic entitled brats. And of course if you're the killer and they're all together even if they're the ones hacking you'll be the one getting mass reported.

  6. I just started with the game and i find it insane how toxic this community is that even people go into offline streams to harass them. My Girlfriend is a DbD Streamer and when she played offline i was in her channel, setting up some channel commands and out of nowhere appeared a toxic streamer who harassed her for losing the game. After she realised "whoops" there is somebody, she deleted her whole VOD where she was also toxic and had clips off. I cant wait when i have my first toxic person in my chat who waste their time to harass me and get commentless banned then kinda like "oh no…..anyways back to the game" X)

  7. i don't mind cheaters .
    they already gotta deal with a 1v4 . that isn't fair at all .
    then killers has to defend 7 generators , 2 exit gates & 1 hatch as 1 killer on those big maps ??
    doesn't seem fair AT ALL .
    the maps should be smaller and way less generators .
    if there is 1 killer then there should be 1 generator and 1 exit .

  8. hundreds of people use perk recolors.. there's so many artists who do commissions and even big streamers use them. no way she would get banned for that. her faking a voiceover for the cheating clip to make it seem like she was glitched was one of the cringiest things i've seen in this community.

  9. Shelly: "They won't tell me what triggered the ban."
    Of course they won't tell you what trigger the ban, because then you know what to avoid in triggering it again when you do it again.

  10. imagine missing the easiest deadhards. abusing the report system, and then complaining about camping when you have a literal cheating software then saying you resort to a shitty playstyle lol.

  11. in asia, this is literally every game.

    Japanese survivor did a deliverance with broken. No deliverance perk.

    Japanese killer has franklins. Dosent have franklin's later.

    Every chinese survivor = ups to 7% when they round corners than down to 4% while looping.

    For. fucks. Sake.


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