Toxic TTV Gets Condemned – Dead By Daylight

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Shoutout to Kopa for being a CRACKED Sadako!

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21 thoughts on “Toxic TTV Gets Condemned – Dead By Daylight”

  1. This is getting sad. Saw a few of your videos now it feels like al you do is make content on others actions very lazy. And also promoting this as entertainment. Pretending to be goody good shoes. And saying this behavior bothers you while making money of it. Lol.
    I dont mind salt I dont mind banter I don't mind someone losing their shit it should not effect my shit. If it does: maybe I'm to sensitive to play with others online because it effects my mental health. Again I'm not saying that haters gonna hate and racist people are going to be racist nomatter the game or place and we just gotta deal with it, but making videos about it trying to look sad googly eyes as if it effects you personally at that point your playing games with your audience. If it really bothered you that much you would not grant them this much attention and would just report them straight to dbd creators. But I don't expect you to respond to this or the half million people to see this and be like hmm he's kinda right about this kujeskoops. I do expect you to glance at it and maybe wake tf up and make content that's makes you you. Unless your just the dbd snitch. Then glhf in that I guess but I'm out

  2. im so happy to see people agree with me and that i'm not alone. Insulting a human being because of a game is just not worth it… I got called several profanities and a cheater (yes a cheater) for using Windows of Opportunity. A Perk. That behavior made…..

  3. Literally just had this. Crushed a sweaty SWF and had 10/12 hooks. In the end game chat they told me to get cancer and STD's, lmao. Entitled survivors are well in the head and all. So many people out there that need to get back to reality and touch grass. They're so lost in the head that they think the game is real life.

  4. I never noticed how obsessed ppl get at times (sometimes) based on how one plays specifically on my own survivor team. Im bad at flashlight saves and wanna get better and had some stocked up and would TRY to get a save when i could (i wasnt running halfway across the map for a save πŸ˜…) and i heard a twitch streamer audibly wonder wtf i was doing. (I tried to get the save but failed ) the killer let me leave πŸ’€ but i was kinda shocked hey sounded so upset and annoyed like im gonna be the best at flashlight saves πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

  5. Here we go again you expect survivors to be jolly olly and cream themselves over this type of bs playstyle let's be real spooks without toxicity you don't post shit that's all you post and what made you be where you are you know damn right you wouldn't like it if you were the survivor in these matches. You've called girls a bitxh and other shit so what is it you pick and choose what offensive words ppl can and can't use?

  6. Played a match like this last week was brutal as I had good survivors in my team the match was going into at least 20mins of us playing she didn’t have one kill we had 3 gens left to do but I ended up dc as the match was boring af

  7. This game's community is so exhausting and insufferable. It's salt, toxicity and attacks in 8/10 matches, does not matter whether you win or lose.

    My tip to whoever cares to read: disable end-game chat and keep it like that. Makes it for a much more enjoyable experience

  8. I don't understand why this person is so mad about this. The killer doesn't get much from killing all survivors. If you mori everyone there is no progression for the killer, so why does it matter.


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