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Playing Trapper at top mmr on Dead by Daylight!

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#dbd #deadbydaylight #trapper #tru3 #tru3ta1ent


16 thoughts on “TRAPPER AT TOP MMR WHOS PSYCHIC! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Survivors are so toxic lmao. They complain about queues but at the same time they cry about literally everything killers can do, hating killers for using the only mechanics that they have left. Unbearable. I don't play DbD but I follow and observe this game since its early stage; I wanted to join to play as a killer, but since I'm not really competitive (and also I have serious problems with staying calm), I just gave up on this idea, especially with survivors either hating or mocking killer players. At this point I just love watching True's plays. You know, it's this soothing feeling of meta crybabies getting instant karma when they run into top mmr killer player. They do everything to ruin the game for killers, so I feel no regrets for enjoying their whining, considering that they still have the audacity to whine. I don't mean to offend anyone who tries to stay away from this whole killer-survivors drama but those who created this toxic atmosphere shouldn't be surprised that some people will dislike it.

  2. The last survivor finding the hatch has never bothered me. It's like they barely survived the match. All their teammates were slaughtered and they got lucky. No shame for a Killer. πŸ™‚πŸ‘

  3. How is this high MMR?. When the Claudette and Nancy were bots and Ace threw pallets for no reason xD

    Yui was the only one who seemed decent and she got tunneled to death, understandable anyway.

  4. tunneling someone out at like 4 gens? lol very interesting gameplay. all your reads and pressure was good, but he said Yui was strong and then just tunneled her out. couldve swore you used to be against that kind of strats and thats why i became a fan, now youre just like every other killer. *yawn

  5. The devs are super scared of killers being strong and survivors not having fun. The build in negatives to killer perks and powers to give (all four) survivors as many chances as possible. This has led the survivors feel entitled and bored. There's no challenge for them so they get toxic.

  6. Scourge hooks should get destroyed but the perks effects should transfer to another hook and highlight it white.

    That way you don't have an invincible hook in an area of the map where the killer can proxy camp and continually get scourge effects repeatedly.


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