This Killer Main is Unhinged! | Dead by Daylight

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In all my time making these videos about toxic streamers in Dead By Daylight, I’ve never met another killer main who has been so… unhinged.

This guy has literally taken it upon himself to deliver righteous justice to the survivor community in the hope of teaching them where their place is… Yeah, I’m not joking!

The lovely streamer featured part way through the video (not the main guy, of course) is called Anzal! Go show him some love here:

I hope you enjoy the video today! As usual, if you know who this is or ever come across him, please don’t send hate, there’s really no point. Also, remember to let me know what you think by leaving a like and a comment down below.

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Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex

#dbd #toxicdbd #killermain


26 thoughts on “This Killer Main is Unhinged! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I’m a killer main myself, even when I first got dbd, I started playing killer right away. So needless to say, I’m more than familiar with the amount of pain and struggle us killer mains have had to endure (and in many ways still do).

    However, what I want most in my games is to have fun and enjoy playing, regardless of if I win or not. It’s just so disappointing to see people like this guy who not only ruins other people’s games, but goes out of his way to try and upset them.

    No matter which side I’m on, I want to make the game fun for everyone, but killer mains like this overshadow us kindhearted players.

  2. Survivor mains do give Killer mains the respect they deserve. NONE.

    Because the 5% of Killer mains that aren't camping, tunnelling and generally being scumbags will never be able to untarnish the reputation of Killer mains.

  3. Zero respect for killers like that.
    Camping and tunneling just because they can? Why?
    If a couple of gens were done or the killer has a hard time in general (constant flashlight saves and what not) I get it and don't blame them at all.
    But where's the fun staring at a hook for 2 minutes straight?

  4. Here's what I think happened:

    As a baby (survivor), this man went into the basement. He opened the chest down there and got a sweet skeleton key (back when they were useful). Shit's looking great. And then… he hears it. The terror radius. The footsteps of the Killer above his head. He tries to climb the stairs, but there is Bubba, sat at the top… waiting. There is nowhere he can go, and nothing he can do… and Bubba knows it.

    He's downed by the Bubba and subsequently camped until he is dead, the Killer nodding the whole time. Ever since THAT DAY… he swore that he would never be the victim of the Basement Bubba again.

    No. He shall become the Basement Bubba.

    My anecdotal theory story aside, this man's attitude is nasty. Survivors owe the Killer nothing, and vice versa. May he endure the endless clicking of flashlights and tbags at the exit gates until he inevitably rage-quits forever and blames it on the "toxic survivors". 🙏

  5. These are the type of killers hackers should be holding hostage for 10 hours straight like you guys could use you're hacks for good if you see this and hold him hostage thank you for you're service solider.

  6. The way he talks it's so manifestoie like the white hoods when they ramble about jewish ppl or something, it's such an off and bad vibe. Like watch list levels of bad vibes… YIKES.

  7. Lord… this guy makes me want to play some killer games and just be nice to survivors to counter balance the DBD universe…
    Have to rely on your team to save you… wonder why there are 4 of us and it's not 1vs1 then?
    Imagine needing 3 hooks to die and only a 4% chance to kobe… but not needing someone to unhook you….

  8. Pretty sure I've come up against guy before, his stream gave me the creeps when I went in after the game. He was ranting on about us getting what we deserved because we were scummy meta perk survivors. As opposed to himself who camped and hit us on hook. Oh and the meta perk I was using was BT 🤣
    I'm so glad I don't have TTV in my name or it might have been worse.

  9. he is the type of streamer I would follow just to check if he was streaming, so I would feel a bit safer on the street. because if he even is 5% of that he is on the screen he surely tries to force people into stuff they don't want to do.

  10. If your getting face camped, let the other survivors do gens and dont go into 2nd phase immediatly, the killer will probably realize (unless its this guy) that they are wasting time and move on.

  11. butt it ok for survivor to cuss out killers all the time this seems 1 sided that survivors are always right the killer is always wrong survivors will never be happy even if they took all perks away from killer and there powers also so I say turn around is fair play

  12. Honestly, the only reason I wish you told us who these assholes are are so I can find some way to block them. I don't want shit to do with them, I don't want to run into them in game, nothing. I'd love to block them on twitch too so i don't get recommended them.

  13. As a Scottish streamer and player of dead by daylight myself (survivor main) this streamer makes me ashamed that i share a country with such a disgusting toxic person

  14. i know this is so unrelated, but i watch your videos now and i quite like your explanations of things, so i was just wondering how the matchmaking works lmfao. i know people have been complaining it's broken for a while now, but i played as killer for maybe the 5th time and leveled wraith up to 15 just so i could get a feel for something and i ended up going up against all these survivors that were looping me, pallet stunning me, flashlight stunning me then sabotaging a hook before i could hook a survivor so they could wiggle free, etc. and it was the longest game i ever played. it was also one of the most fun!!!! i didn't win or get any kills, but it was a ton of fun honestly. afterwards though, their prestige was WAY higher than mine. i'm 26 (doesn't even display) and one of them was prestige 9 😧 i said "i have NO idea how i got put against a prestige 9, but that was the most fun game i've had so ggs!!!" even though they t bagged me at the gate 😂😂😂

  15. I don't wanna say this Killer is not an asshole,
    but i play DBD since 2016 and almost all survivor mains i have ever played with or against are just like this guy.
    Sorry to hit you with reality, but it is what it is.

  16. tbh l would just dare him to play a charakter that cant 1 shot survivors and dont use noed. he is prob too full of himself to give up his tactics and lose his power to argue, but it would be fun just seeing him falling apart


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