TRICKSTER IS S TIER!!!! vs these – Dead by Daylight!

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31 thoughts on “TRICKSTER IS S TIER!!!! vs these – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Please explain how he isn’t strong. YOU’RE ONLY 2 SAVING GRACES IN THE GAME ARE USELESS AGAINST HIM AND 9 TIMES OUTTA 10 GET YOY INJURED OR KNOCKED! Going behind objects doesn’t matter because you get hit either through them, or over or beneath them. I got hit and knocked to a trickster that hit me over one of those rocks that are 3 to 4 feet over your character. THE ONLY counter play he has, is crouch behind objects and pray to god the the person playing him is absolutely awful and that shouldn’t be the case with any killer. All killers should have counter play. I have clips if need be. Don’t try me you won’t win this argument. Also before MMR dropped, I was rank 2 so this is coming from a high rank, not a rank 20 or 16. If you say rank doesn’t matter than Tru3 already said those people are the people that say that because they died to a killer that’s lower rank. So we all know why your saying that.

  2. In case a person, that genuinely believes Trickster is S or anywhere above D tier really, watches this: 0:28 stop playing like this Nancy!
    Trickster loves those loops. One pallet between some debris is the one tile that he can perfectly play around. You don't want to be there against him. Run to literally any other place. Even a T L is strong against him. Anything with a wall is safe. Stop looping places like this for two health states and then complaining that he can throw over this stuff.
    And don't camp pallets like this 0:36. Every action that locks you into animation, like throwing pallets in his face or the best one: slow vaulting it, means multiple free knives for him.

    I'm probably jinxing myself with this, but I'd rather never face potaoes with him again, when that means people stop saying he is strong. I'd rather have them underestimate my guy, instead of insta dc'ing…

  3. Lmao they're running with eachother and at hooks and they disconnect when it was their fault. Plus the other 2 committing super hard for that gen was also their fault which started the snowball of pressure.


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