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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
hmm i wonder why. time to find out
Hello from the killer waiting room.
Imagine dc’ing against Trickster 😭😭
Ngl, if I see corrupt and ruin and the killer isn’t a complete potato I’m probably just gonna move onto the next game. Survivor queues are really fast for most of the day now so there’s no need to play out boring matches.
Trickster needs a huge nerf
I still think they should buff him. Nice video.
Trickster op?
smh DCing against trickster 🤦♂️
Trickster was shadow buffed
0:55 notification sound was good timing
Nerf trickster pls
This is how I feel against games as killer with what I feel are good swfs. Body blocking, 2-3 gens after the first chase, shift w before I get to the gen, no not playing because that's not fun. I don't need the 4k win or whatever, just not dealing with being out classed.
Imagine those assholes when auto ban comes out. They will gonna lose the killers
Youre crazy if you don't think tricksters the best killer in the game 😛
That’s why I don’t hide in corners. Easy spot to be well.. cornered lmao.
It's insane that survivors can still rage quit but only get a slap on the wrist for doing so. It is an exploit that needs to get punished with something bigger than a few minutes of timeout FFS
Really? I stopped playing trickster after I unlock all his perks ,he’s such a bad killer lol
He isn't strong, I mean NOONE uses his ability 😑 what does that say about him that the ability needs to be looked at and buffed, him and his ability needs to be buffed
Survivor mains will DC if the killer applies pressure…all the time
1:26 laugh, perfect timing when they rage quit.
Survivors like this get Four maned with no perks no add ons
Kate DC'ed cause Jake and Yun Jin did not went to rescue her, they were the two on the gen when Discordance went on. And i guess Feng DC'ed cause she knew the game was lost after that and the ranged down was because of her bad pathing.
Come on man. U should’ve give hatch to that Jake. All his teammates gave up. I still think u need to be a bit more friendly in this kinds of games
This is definitely going in the highlights.
Ruthless off that!? Even with the speed i'd be lucky for a brutal with 2 dc's
Since he is worst killer people feel really bad when they get downed easily against him. They except to loop him for 5gens.
I had a good amount of people DC or die on hook when I did an all day Trickster session. It was usually people that didn't know how to counter him, which is basically making him lose line of sight.
well people dcing against trickster
thats new
Obviously broken af and TOTALLY needs a nerf.
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°