Trickster and skull merchant were just bad conceptually. They aren't Scary or spooky. BTS Joker and Hot Topic Brazilian mommy are not horror characters
I mean. Current trickster doesn't feel nice to play as or go against. Hes supposed to be a high skill killer but right now he can just switch between m1 or knives whenever he wants with no drawback. But at the same time cluttered maps feel real awful to hit 8 knives with without his best add ons like ricochet blades.
Honestly, I don't praise BHVR often, but this is a really huge step forward for them. Yeah, you could argue they should have done this much sooner, but we gotta give them praise where it's due.
Reverting the changes to Trickster is a buff to him, primarily because the old design nudged the player toward knife tapping, which – although the skill ceiling is high – is also insanely lethal. As a survivor, I often went against Tricksters who were just spamming their knives, which is both weaker and far less consistent.
Hi scott. In japanese DBD community pretty much every player's understanding is that the game is extremely survivor sided. It's been like that since the games launch that even nerf to nurse was heavily criticize for making the game even worse for killers and this was from both sides of community. Survivor's are very competitive minded and map offering,multiple syringe are very common. In other region I see tons of win streaks/handicap challenges but in japan biggest achievements that content creators are doing is winstreak on all killer and we don't see them anymore because all recent(since the gen kick meta nerf) atemps by best players were ended in failiure because atleast 1/5 matches are against very organized team with organized builds,map offering,strongest items. Seeing ppl like you or Otz playing always makes me wonder how on earth you guys can win so many matches but looks like swfs are rare in your region? Our community's reaction to the Trickster revesion seem to be "Trickster needs buff and not nerfs" and I agree because only time I lost to him is when I'm not in group and I got a baby survivor on my team…
I don’t understand how people think reverting Trickster to his previous form is good. He was ass before. He’s way better currently. Why don’t they instead devote time to changing Freddy, Myers and Nurse. LEAVE TRICKSTER ALONE
Surely they'll use this information as needed and won't end up breaking the game in an entirely different way once this potential update or rework drops.
Most of those changes seem fine but i wish they'd keep his new movement speed and while knives is definitely to low for main event 30 is way too big they need a middle ground like 15 ir 16 to activate main event.
I've always thought that trickster should have "clips" of blades instead all the blades at once. Like, you have 15 blades and after you use them, you need to do a quick reload that slows you down like deathslinger and have the other 15 blades. After using a second clip you'll need to search for lockers. Trickster should have 2 clips or 3 with an addon (which would have some downside like more blades needed to damage the survivor). It dosen't seem hard to do, but it's bhvr so…
I want him to have way slower throw speed, built in bounce, and if you hit directly it is 1/6 laceration but if you bounce it, it is 2/6. Why call him the Trickster if his core isn’t about tricks? Give him like 12-18 knives, have them have to be thought out in some way.
Its funny, i started playing this game just before Trickster came out, and everyone dogged him for being as weak as he is. Fair enough, so they buff. Now yall wanna complain and have him reverted back? And offer no ideas yourselves? Its like picky eater child at this point with this community
This couldn't come quick enough! I have NO idea why or who thought it was a good idea to just give Trickster Main Event for every single chase. I stopped playing Trickster all together because of it and hate playing against him as well for the same reason.
Why should dog whisperers have the final say of what makes a killer fun to play against. Killers should be designed to kill not how fun it is for survivors to play against. That is this problem with dbd.
First of all, NOT a "design" preview, they're NOT DESIGNING ANYTHING. They're basically just turning knobs. There's nothing NEW here, it's a reversion, I don't understand why we're giving them credit here. Second, they're choosing this killer? Not the handful of neglected ones that sit in the cellar like Freddy, Myers, or Trapper? Wtf is this shit? This is the Pig/Billy meme all over again, just with a different killer taking their place. Trickster is FINE, I dunno what idiot on their team is so obsessed with changing killers that don't need changing. CHANGE KILLERS THAT ACTUALLY NEED IT FFS.
They're saying people want the old version. I have a problem with this. Where are they getting this stupid information from? The amount of people who are saying that this is not good is 10:1. This statement is just fucking made up, they have no data that suggests people want all these old statistics on Trickster back. The only people that have a problem with current Trickster are survivor players and correct me if I'm wrong, survivors didn't like the previous version either.
4:39 again, this dumbass thought process of a killer needing to be fun to play against. I could care less whether or not this is the case. I mean people think Trapper is unfun to play against, who gives a SHIT whether or not people think a killer is fun to play against? Are flashy saves fun for a killer? Is endurance stacking fun? Is Adrenaline fun to play against? Is gen rushing fun to deal with? Are swfs fun to play against? There are plenty of unfun things survivors have that a killer must deal with, I could care less whether or not a survivor believes any killer is fun to play against. Any little thing about a killer currently in game is found to be unfun and it does not matter which killer we're talking about.
Previous Trickster was unfun to play against in survivor's minds, so wtf is your point exactly?
He's worse off with the previous version, that movement speed was an absolute game changer for him. You could loop this killer on NOTHING, literal trash piles and single rocks placed on the map turned into fucking tiles survivors could use.
5:09 survivor mind talking. He was NOT better before, that's only true if you're a survivor. Again, his previous version was also complained about, this changes nothing, only to make it better for survivors. As if this killer was just stomping lobbies whenever he got picked. "The only counterplay is to hold W", it's not but ok? His previous version was ASS to play as, this new version feels much better.
I’m glad they are finally actually being clear on changes before a ptb cuz this Trickster change is garbage, keep him 4.6 that’s all I’m bothered about really
It would be unique if there were different firing modes for the Trickster. Here's two of them I thought of right now: 》Triple Shot: Slow firing rate of 3 knifes/0.66 sec, but each knife has 25° spread and slight recoil. 》Tricky Shot: Moderate firing rate of 1 knife/0.33 sec, can ricochet once, and has no recoil.
Main Event is reworked: 》Each time you miss a knife throw, gain a charge. If you land a knife throw, lose a charge. Damaging a survivor with a basic attack resets your charges back to 0. Having 12 charges empties your inventory, resets your charges back to 0, and automatically triggers main event.
Missed knife shots are registered the moment it gets destroyed by the environment, or flies out of bounds. This means you can technically miss more than 12 knifes before all missed shots are registered.
This would give Trickster more flavor and counterplay as a survivor. Dodging knife is more meaningful as a survivor because if you can dodge enough of them, Trickster will prematurely trigger main event and if you can survive it, he'll have to reload early.
I can only hope that SM was a wake up call for the team, to see that pretty much the ENTIRE community immediately knew she sucked and rejected her, no matter what they did. She is forever tainted as a killer because she was so stupid and unfun, and the devs' apparent inability to see the problem throughout her whole design process.
As a Trickster main for a good while, Im happy with the changes. Initially, i loved the big Trickster update that came with all these changes, but man my games became trivial. The only time i was ever really worried was if i got an indoor map like Gideon's or Lery's. I was winning so much i got bored with him. That's about when i fell in love with the Dredge since I couldn't play Twins like I wanted because they are amazingly strong, but agonizing to play. Nowadays I don't play much anymore unless im losing, it's the only time i feel alive while playing anymore… while the pressure is high. The devs have made winning as killer to easy and I never tunnel, rarely slug and do stupid shit like run Hex plaything, retribution, pimento, and Lethal Persuer. I'm glad the devs are working on reaching out to the community with potential changes and not just assuming they know the best course the game's balance should take.
4:30 you can reverse the roles very easily, say youre one knife away about to reach safety…. weaving between trees to avoid a hatchet.. hell you play xeno almost the same way. so negative. only part i clicked to
Because killer is too easy
Trickster and skull merchant were just bad conceptually. They aren't Scary or spooky. BTS Joker and Hot Topic Brazilian mommy are not horror characters
I really hope they go through with this, amazing step in the right direction for BHVR designs!
I mean. Current trickster doesn't feel nice to play as or go against. Hes supposed to be a high skill killer but right now he can just switch between m1 or knives whenever he wants with no drawback. But at the same time cluttered maps feel real awful to hit 8 knives with without his best add ons like ricochet blades.
Communication is good but old Trickster is not. This is why I dislike it when the vocal community cries for the wrong things.
Honestly, I don't praise BHVR often, but this is a really huge step forward for them. Yeah, you could argue they should have done this much sooner, but we gotta give them praise where it's due.
Reverting the changes to Trickster is a buff to him, primarily because the old design nudged the player toward knife tapping, which – although the skill ceiling is high – is also insanely lethal. As a survivor, I often went against Tricksters who were just spamming their knives, which is both weaker and far less consistent.
Really hope this doesn't go through. 110 killers are miserable
Thank God. Trickster, i missed you! New version was so awful. No reason to play.
Let me guess, mathieu played a game against a clicky genrush squad.
I'll play the game when they add 2v8 back
Hi scott.
In japanese DBD community pretty much every player's understanding is that the game is extremely survivor sided.
It's been like that since the games launch that even nerf to nurse was heavily criticize for making the game even worse for killers and this was from both sides of community.
Survivor's are very competitive minded and map offering,multiple syringe are very common.
In other region I see tons of win streaks/handicap challenges but in japan biggest achievements that content creators are doing is winstreak on all killer and we don't see them anymore because all recent(since the gen kick meta nerf) atemps by best players were ended in failiure because atleast 1/5 matches are against very organized team with organized builds,map offering,strongest items.
Seeing ppl like you or Otz playing always makes me wonder how on earth you guys can win so many matches but looks like swfs are rare in your region?
Our community's reaction to the Trickster revesion seem to be "Trickster needs buff and not nerfs" and I agree because only time I lost to him is when I'm not in group and I got a baby survivor on my team…
Good, I liked old trickster.
I don’t understand how people think reverting Trickster to his previous form is good. He was ass before. He’s way better currently. Why don’t they instead devote time to changing Freddy, Myers and Nurse. LEAVE TRICKSTER ALONE
Good lord thanks they posted that idea. It's dogshit, person who suggested it should be ashamed of themselves.
More communication is always good
Now if only they'd remove self unhook attempts for the first Survivor hooked
Skull merchant, trickster, and twins reworks all flopped. Hopefully they can finally get something right soon lol
When are my Myers changes happening!?!?
Video starts at 2:41
scott please give me more yap videos
Scot recycling his jumper from 2 days ago 😮
Surely they'll use this information as needed and won't end up breaking the game in an entirely different way once this potential update or rework drops.
Cool maybe they will now start using a voting system/ poll to get feed back on powers, perks and features. Doubt though.
Over 8 years before they think “wow we should get some opinions on these ideas before sinking resources into a concept”. Genius lol.
Thank god they are looking at this change to trickster. The qol stuff is great for them but the other stuff was bs.
Most of those changes seem fine but i wish they'd keep his new movement speed and while knives is definitely to low for main event 30 is way too big they need a middle ground like 15 ir 16 to activate main event.
5th Trickster rework yayy (I don't think you need to change him)
I've always thought that trickster should have "clips" of blades instead all the blades at once. Like, you have 15 blades and after you use them, you need to do a quick reload that slows you down like deathslinger and have the other 15 blades. After using a second clip you'll need to search for lockers. Trickster should have 2 clips or 3 with an addon (which would have some downside like more blades needed to damage the survivor). It dosen't seem hard to do, but it's bhvr so…
I want him to have way slower throw speed, built in bounce, and if you hit directly it is 1/6 laceration but if you bounce it, it is 2/6. Why call him the Trickster if his core isn’t about tricks? Give him like 12-18 knives, have them have to be thought out in some way.
Its funny, i started playing this game just before Trickster came out, and everyone dogged him for being as weak as he is. Fair enough, so they buff. Now yall wanna complain and have him reverted back? And offer no ideas yourselves? Its like picky eater child at this point with this community
This couldn't come quick enough! I have NO idea why or who thought it was a good idea to just give Trickster Main Event for every single chase. I stopped playing Trickster all together because of it and hate playing against him as well for the same reason.
Why should dog whisperers have the final say of what makes a killer fun to play against. Killers should be designed to kill not how fun it is for survivors to play against. That is this problem with dbd.
Please bhvr whatever you do, remove the timer on main event and let us keep it until you activate it. i dont care if i need 30+knives to use it
First of all, NOT a "design" preview, they're NOT DESIGNING ANYTHING. They're basically just turning knobs. There's nothing NEW here, it's a reversion, I don't understand why we're giving them credit here. Second, they're choosing this killer? Not the handful of neglected ones that sit in the cellar like Freddy, Myers, or Trapper? Wtf is this shit? This is the Pig/Billy meme all over again, just with a different killer taking their place. Trickster is FINE, I dunno what idiot on their team is so obsessed with changing killers that don't need changing. CHANGE KILLERS THAT ACTUALLY NEED IT FFS.
They're saying people want the old version. I have a problem with this. Where are they getting this stupid information from? The amount of people who are saying that this is not good is 10:1. This statement is just fucking made up, they have no data that suggests people want all these old statistics on Trickster back. The only people that have a problem with current Trickster are survivor players and correct me if I'm wrong, survivors didn't like the previous version either.
4:39 again, this dumbass thought process of a killer needing to be fun to play against. I could care less whether or not this is the case. I mean people think Trapper is unfun to play against, who gives a SHIT whether or not people think a killer is fun to play against? Are flashy saves fun for a killer? Is endurance stacking fun? Is Adrenaline fun to play against? Is gen rushing fun to deal with? Are swfs fun to play against? There are plenty of unfun things survivors have that a killer must deal with, I could care less whether or not a survivor believes any killer is fun to play against. Any little thing about a killer currently in game is found to be unfun and it does not matter which killer we're talking about.
Previous Trickster was unfun to play against in survivor's minds, so wtf is your point exactly?
He's worse off with the previous version, that movement speed was an absolute game changer for him. You could loop this killer on NOTHING, literal trash piles and single rocks placed on the map turned into fucking tiles survivors could use.
5:09 survivor mind talking. He was NOT better before, that's only true if you're a survivor. Again, his previous version was also complained about, this changes nothing, only to make it better for survivors. As if this killer was just stomping lobbies whenever he got picked. "The only counterplay is to hold W", it's not but ok? His previous version was ASS to play as, this new version feels much better.
Shouldnt not just bhvr but other companies be doing this ow2 and siege wouldn't be this unhealthy if they listened to the community😭
I’m glad they are finally actually being clear on changes before a ptb cuz this Trickster change is garbage, keep him 4.6 that’s all I’m bothered about really
It would be unique if there were different firing modes for the Trickster. Here's two of them I thought of right now:
》Triple Shot: Slow firing rate of 3 knifes/0.66 sec, but each knife has 25° spread and slight recoil.
》Tricky Shot: Moderate firing rate of 1 knife/0.33 sec, can ricochet once, and has no recoil.
Main Event is reworked:
》Each time you miss a knife throw, gain a charge. If you land a knife throw, lose a charge. Damaging a survivor with a basic attack resets your charges back to 0. Having 12 charges empties your inventory, resets your charges back to 0, and automatically triggers main event.
Missed knife shots are registered the moment it gets destroyed by the environment, or flies out of bounds. This means you can technically miss more than 12 knifes before all missed shots are registered.
This would give Trickster more flavor and counterplay as a survivor. Dodging knife is more meaningful as a survivor because if you can dodge enough of them, Trickster will prematurely trigger main event and if you can survive it, he'll have to reload early.
I can only hope that SM was a wake up call for the team, to see that pretty much the ENTIRE community immediately knew she sucked and rejected her, no matter what they did. She is forever tainted as a killer because she was so stupid and unfun, and the devs' apparent inability to see the problem throughout her whole design process.
Imo new Trickster is way better solely because 110% is miserable with the exception of Chucky.
As a Trickster main for a good while, Im happy with the changes. Initially, i loved the big Trickster update that came with all these changes, but man my games became trivial. The only time i was ever really worried was if i got an indoor map like Gideon's or Lery's. I was winning so much i got bored with him. That's about when i fell in love with the Dredge since I couldn't play Twins like I wanted because they are amazingly strong, but agonizing to play. Nowadays I don't play much anymore unless im losing, it's the only time i feel alive while playing anymore… while the pressure is high. The devs have made winning as killer to easy and I never tunnel, rarely slug and do stupid shit like run Hex plaything, retribution, pimento, and Lethal Persuer. I'm glad the devs are working on reaching out to the community with potential changes and not just assuming they know the best course the game's balance should take.
4:30 you can reverse the roles very easily, say youre one knife away about to reach safety…. weaving between trees to avoid a hatchet.. hell you play xeno almost the same way. so negative. only part i clicked to
BHVR has over 1300 employees, and they still need to outsource their jobs.
Great, now they have to enable Mouse and Keyboard on console so he becomes playable
If they went hard on this it could actually change the game for the better in enormous ways. Listen to the community