TRIPLE Headpop Pig? | Dead By Daylight

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Sometimes you just want to pop some heads.


23 thoughts on “TRIPLE Headpop Pig? | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I can hear it now: of course you won, you always use Tampered Timer and Jigsaw's Sketch. If you even think about these add-ons, you get a headpop. Try running no perks, no slowdown, no add-ons, only Monitor and Whispers, then talk to me.

    Sometimes, this Piggy wants some headpops.

  2. Hi CMWinter!
    That video was great as always, especially I rarely see 3 people die in a beartrap, it's the first time I've seen that from you. I've just started watching you for real and you are very motivating for me! I've watched a lot of your videos and the games you play are really cool in my opinion and you're really good at what you do. It's rare to find a clean killer like you. I started playing Pig recently and I'm getting better and better because I learn so much from your videos! And well, I've been playing more and more as a killer lately!
    So thank you for all these videos that you upload with better and better content!

  3. the counter to this add-on is an insane amount of lucky and pray to the rng gods that it would only need 2 boxs to be remove. But of course, im the type of person that needs to try all but the last one to get it off…. and gets headpop in the process.

  4. of course you won, you always use Tampered Timer and Jigsaw's Sketch. If you even think about these add-ons, you get a headpop. Try running no perks, no slowdown, no add-ons, only Monitor and Whispers, then talk to me

  5. Hum, I didn't know the doors on Underground also opened when you did gens, I thought that was only on The Game. I thought in Underground they are either open or they are not, no changes. I'll have to keep a look out for that next time I play Underground.

    You pulled her off the box a bit to properly, though I think she was just about to finish searching it.

    People really do need to not do anything else when they have a trap on their head. Just, go get it off. Don't save, don't go gens, nothing other than search boxes. No you don't have any time for anything else. You will die if you don't get it off right away.

    Also, yay, not hidden cute Pig art at the end. ^_^

    Thanks for the video.


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