TRU3 CHUCKY VS St1v1 (no filters) Dead by Daylight NEW CHAPTER!

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He’s the one in yellow.

It’s funny how tru3 always advertises his streams as “High MMR, no babies” but when he goes against a good survivor, he starts coping


19 thoughts on “TRU3 CHUCKY VS St1v1 (no filters) Dead by Daylight NEW CHAPTER!”

  1. Earlier in the stream someone mentioned that STBFL was getting nerfed due to killer being able to tunnel the hook which is dumb because the only way to effectively be able to do that is by getting 8 stacks (Hitting 8 people keep in mind if you hit the Obsession you lose 2 stacks). Like if anything in this game is hand holding its that super unnecessary.

  2. U forgot the ping thingy, the 200 ping lobby it was, uploading this with that title as if it proves something while not accepting the 1v1 without filters is other lvl of cringe

  3. If you cry about filters every match why not just use them. It’s like you only don’t use them so you have an excuse when you lose. Its such a shame because you are a decent gamer your ego is just to much

  4. What is with people hating on st1v1 its stupid. 1 he was playing in a 200 ping lobby 2 I don’t get why put “no fliters” its a bit cringe. Also the people hating on st1v1 i would love to see u try to play killer against him 💀


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