TrU3Ta1ent Reacting to the DBD Dev Stream! Dead by Daylight

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TrU3Ta1ent Trying to keep my calm watching 2 devs say things about a game they don’t understand.

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #reaction #react

I’m live right now! get on over here –


30 thoughts on “TrU3Ta1ent Reacting to the DBD Dev Stream! Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is strictly a new player noob patch only, nothing to do with the pro players at all except to make it more difficult to actually play at high level, ohh well its Blight for me till they gut him like they did hillbilly by removing his balls and making him a survivor bitch

  2. I want to keep my Legacy cosmetics.. I guess that is implied when they mentioned the bloody cosmetics.. But people HAVE lost their legacy cosmetics when they made the same claim about not losing them.. I did not get all of the Legacy I wanted to go for but that was on me. I do not want to lose the ones I did manage to earn before they changed the bloodweb the first time. Hell I use the weapon all the time for my Wraith as I really like how well it looks with the hollowed blight body and head. ( I have also used it with the face cosmetic that has the fire like wings but I have discovered that they never fixed the issue with the fire wings not showing when cloaked.. They claimed they did twice now but people can still see it. )

  3. Shit! Didn't know they're a Canadian dev. Now it's pretty clear why they seems to be clueless. They aren't clueless, they just take idiots (read stupid, poor skilled, complete casual players) in account more than any other kind of players, all because of empathy beyond the necessary and the rational. It's so fucking clear now. Jesus fucking Christ!
    I use to love Canada like 10 years ago. Now I just hate it. So much bullshit going on there. Imagine comedians getting shut down and been persona non grata because of jokes… fuck that. Fuck you Canada.

  4. As someone that plays survivor and killer equally, I can say that:

    Killer :
    When Sadako teleports to a TV, the sound should be silent… Since when in chase, if you teleport to gain distance to where the survivor will be, all they have to do is run back since they heard you teleporting

    Gens do go too quick so the gen speed increase was necessary.

    NOED's max visibility range should've been 18m not 24m

    The Ruin change was really unecessary, it needed buffing not nerfing

    Corrupt Intervention definitely needed to be basekit, just like survivors got BT base kit

    Tinkerer change wasn't a good things makes it basically useless now since it doesn't give you the info like it did before with multiple gens, now just 1

    Scourge Hook change was not needed, since now it doesn't give you the info of survivor position, you can't pair it with perks like dead man's switch

    Surge change was great, makes it worth taking now

    Lethal Persuer can now be paired with Floods Of Rage aura, doing this will increase the Aura time from 7 – 9 seconds

    Survivor :
    Dead Hard change was ABSOLUTELY a good thing that needed changing, too many times have I avoided being hit/lost a down and lost the game because of it

  5. All the variables need tinkering, blood lust needs to be even more effective, and corrupt or ruin should be base for killer if BT is for survivors… 😂

  6. Also, I think true here finally noticed why I have been talking about, and complaining about.. The amount of perks they gave endurance to for survivors. They basically might as well give survivors 3 health states. I also mentioned them bringing back old DS with off the record but admittedly I have mentioned that more on the forums than I have here. Either way they are making the game into being a nightmare for killers.. Of course survivor only players are pretending like killers are getting nothing but buffs and will be way too strong in this update.. as per their normal.

  7. I think Scourge hooks should be blocked from being destroyed, some builds or perks paired together rely on Scourges, especially pain resonance of floods of rage… If you destroy them then you've lost 2 perks for an amount of time

  8. Rank 1 killer and survivor at high mmr and its hilarious how they fix ds and ruin it and nerf bbq and dont give it a secondary part of perk but give were gonna live forever a non bloopoints nerf too but give it a secondary part to the perk lol. With all the endurance effects going to be running around, it's just going to waste a shit tone of time to hit someone four times just to down them xD.

  9. Spine chill is now been buffed if you aren't a stealth killer, all action speeds increase whilst in a terror radius now. Which is only countered if you aren't doing another action instead of chasing people from a gen. I cant tell you how often a survivor is just sitting on a gen that im hooking right next to, to try and finish it, and now they will always succeed. The perk went from a nice nerf to an insane buff

    Edit:also good luck getting to your totem they spawn on.

  10. I don't know why I even care about this anymore. The Devs don't know what they are doing and keep messing up the game. Did we really need an entire UI system revamp? What purpose does it serve? Why does it seem like the Devs think we're all monkey kids?
    Doesn't matter anyway. I don't play DBD anymore. The game became unrecognizable after a while before I decided to quit. I can't imagine the crap that the rest of the player base has to deal with now.

  11. So about Off the Record… They understood the issue with DS, they fixed it, and then transferred that same fucking problem onto a different perk, except made it even stronger, from what I gather anyway. Because DS you could only use once, where as Off the Record you can use every single time you're unhooked, right? Holy shit…
    Oh, I wonder if it'll stack with BT as well xd

    Meanwhile, nerf PoP because killers have too much time to kick generators. Actually, nerf it twice, so now they get less value off of it with less time still on top of it.
    At the start I was being really hopeful, thinking they started to finally realise that gen slowdown perks are essential, which they seemed to in fact admit – so in return they pretty much just get rid of it all together?

  12. The blindness the developers have towards killer is truly disheartening. Without a doubt the most blind developers I have ever seen for any video game. Of all time. They're absolutely fucking stupid, and they'll learn how bad this patch is when kill rates drop astronomically.

  13. I am a survivor main but at one point I tried being a killer main for a month or so. I had to do a lot of tunneling and camping to secure two to three kills and it wasn't long before I began playing against survivors that were around my survivor skill level if not greater and as a survivor main who exclusively plays as Survivor I can tell you that having corrupt pop and ruin nerfed is going to be a major issue because when I play with just one or two of my friends in a two or three man SWF we easily can find ruin and we easily work around corrupt. A lot of times we can let a random die and me and my one friend have literally done three generators in a 2v1 when our randoms died early in the game and we both escaped many many times. I know for a fact that this game is going to become even easier for us and personally I don't mind that but what I do fear is that this added stress onto the role of killer will create longer matchmaking wait times due to a dying player base for that role as well as killers that will camp and tunnel even more so than they do now. I feel bad for killers when I play and even when they camp and tunnel me or my teammates, I dont complain, i don't say a word because I know how hard it is for killers and how the game is catered to me as a survivor. I just want you guys to know that there are survivor mains out there that respect you killer players because without you guys I wouldn't have a game to play. So I thank you all and even though I'm on console and I can't say GG to most of the players I go against, I just want to say a preemptive GG from Ricviz


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