Trust Me. Dead by Daylight

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New killer Weskers power can be VERY strong!

I’m live right now! get on over here –


#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #wesker #newkiller


18 thoughts on “Trust Me. Dead by Daylight”

  1. Yeah, as bad as it feels as survivor to be targeted for an early kill, it makes sense for the killer to be able to lessen the pressure of playing 4v1. If the game gave a good incentive to go for all players and not trying to get one out of the game as fast as possible, then this wouldnt be as good as a strat.

    Maybe if hooks/injuries leave a permanent debuff on the survivors? Like, every injury puts a stack on the player that makes it do actions slower. Injured survivors do stuff slower as a base and each time they heal, they get a permanent stack that makes it worse and worse each time they are hurt. Talking about numbers is not the point, but the idea is to reward the killer for getting multiple hits on multiple survivors.

  2. Very efficient True, I love this, sending these Filth to the After Life of what is Left of Ochido and its Remanats.
    Cap in hand as a Family, they will do well together licking each other wounds of How bitterly unfair their lives have been on Forum rather then playing and getting gud at the game.
    And when the time comes of their overlord and savior nerfing too hard for not having more then 1 Cell of either Nerfing by half, 40m to 20m or by /4 100% Iron Will to 75%.

  3. Tru3…

    Otz said the same thing over two years ago.

    9:56 Otz starsts talking about "hook economy" and how it's unrealistic to 3 hook everybody throughout the match.

    11:20 "Throughout the match there should always be one to two survivors you should be consistently ignoring" and then Otz goes on to say quite the same things you do on this video.

    It doesn't make sense for people to go after you for things the biggest streamer of the game already said 2 years ago.

  4. I ran Wesker on this map for 3 gens yesterday. I have found that you can do some insane routes on this map. I haven't really played it as Killer yet but it definitely feels more fun than before. I prefer the East wing.

  5. Wesker is cool and all, but literally played like 3 games then was bored. This game really isn’t good anymore, it boggles me how people still play this game consistently. So many better options out there


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