TTV is Racist, Sexist, & Homophobic after a 2K! | Dead By Daylight

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Today’s video features one of the worst cases of salt and toxicity that I have ever seen in Dead By Daylight.

This TTV that will be talking about today resorts to racist, sexist, and homophobic insults, amongst other things, after getting a 2K as killer….

I start the video with a trigger warning but also wanted to include one here: This video contains discussions and discrimination around heavy topics. Viewer discretion is advised.

Please go and show some love to the victim of this person, DocBaby, by checking out her Twitch and sending her some positive vibes!

REMEMBER: This video is not an excuse to send hate. Please don’t resort to this person’s level.

If you enjoyed this video, please let me know by leaving a like and subscribing to the channel to help me grow! Also, leave a comment down below to let me know what you think of this… absolute creature.

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Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex

#dbd #dbdtoxic #dbdsalt


38 thoughts on “TTV is Racist, Sexist, & Homophobic after a 2K! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I recently played against you whilst playing Cenobite for a challenge, and though he's not my strongest killer, you were still a great sport and very sweet about it and for that I appreciate you! The DBD community needs moee people like you ❤

  2. Saying someone's gameplay is cancer is saying its horrible. I've lost several members of my family to cancer. I dont have a huge issue with this. I do agree that wishing cancer on people is pretty garbage though.

  3. went and subbed to doc very nice and cool streamer that didn’t deserve it at all. and aaron i watch all your videos and love your content and that you for making this video too but something you did rubbed me the wrong way by you using the slur it’s not a huge deal but it kind of rubbed me the wrong way i’m not sure if anyone else felt that but other than that a great video and much love to you and doc

  4. It's one thing to say 'This is cancerous' or something, is it crude? Sure. Now HOPING someone gets cancer is fucking disgusting and abysmal. You NEVER wish that suffering upon someone, ever. I stood beside my best friend since elementary school as he went through his battle with Cancer, held that motherfuckers hand as he went through Chemo. Seeing that shit first hand, even talking about how they're afraid they'll lose their battle which thankfully didn't happen was heartbreaking and I'm very detached from empathy nowadays. Seriously, people need to not take games like they're real life. It's amazing how people like this get 1k+ Followers, or Partner yet streamers who're more deserving of a following struggle for years.

  5. I was a bit disgusted at the cancer remark, sadly it's one that is parroted by trash of every kind, the bashing on the lady for being inter-sex (honestly don't know what that is) and bashing on her for being of a different race is quite a childish schoolyard bully type of deal. I'm glad the scumbag's Twitch account got the yeetus deletus and I hope he won't be back, especially with that ridiculous toxic behaviour. Like this lady I cop quite a bit of toxicity from entitled survivors that screech if I didn't play how they wanted me to or screech if I played better than they expected…. It's a lose lose situation with salty people.

    I lost my grandfather to pancreatic cancer, he went into remission but it returned with a vengeance and metastasized before anything could be done about it, he passed roughly 4 months ago (iirc?).

    I can understand the killer getting butthurt over getting a 2 kill round at RPD but he had no right to go as far as he did, his behaviour clearly shows he's 35 going on 8. I eat quite a few pallets, the occasional flashlight and flash bang but I don't care because I keep trying regardless the outcome.

  6. This is literally the definition of "tell me you're a crybaby without telling me you're a crybaby", but seriously;

    At this point I am not surprised that toxic people such as this person exist but sending your viewers to harass a streamer is a low blow. DocBaby does not deserve this type of harassment for simply trying to enjoy her game only to be called a "stream sniper", "cheater", so on – and in the same time have to deal with people joining her stream and discord server in order to continue the harassment.

    Thank you once again for calling out the trash of the DbD community and I hope that one day, DocBaby will be a big streamer. ❤

  7. If I caught my kid doing anything like that he would get a spanking and would spend at least a full year with 0 access to internet, cell phone, PC, console or TV and would only go home-school-home. I won't be raising a little shit like that.

  8. The dude got attached/needs validation for his emotions. He's seen her face and knows she's pretty, she gave him attention for quite a bit and he refuses to leave on a sour note + might be trying for a friendship or more.

  9. "I grew out of it"….

    But do the people you impact with your actions also get the benefit of "Growing out of it"? I hate the idea of just letting people do their thing, as when it impacts someone else like this, sometimes the trauma the victim suffers doesn't ever truly go away.

    Just some food for thought

  10. If he’s claiming to be 35 you would think he’d show a bit of maturity, Don’t think a 35 year old would be saying things like that over a game. With any luck his twitch stays down

  11. This kid has something wrong with him, idk what but hopefully he will get help. And I wish all the best to DocBaby she didn't deserve what she got from that kid and his little minions.

  12. ive had a ton of hateful messaged when playing dbd as killer because i 4k or i am better i have never played a game where people jump into my stream to harrass me i had to make my VoDs sub only cause people would make clips with title names that are innapropriate its just insane how mean dbd players can be

  13. This one kinda made me feel sad. I wish there was more wholesomeness in dead by daylight. But thank u for the video and calling out this person's disgusting actions

  14. Actually, kind of curious, does anyone have any theories as to why Little Boy was so insistent on getting his apology accept by Docbaby? Like he put in a LOT of effort into trying to get his apology accepted, but my question is, what does Little Boy get out of it if Docbaby accepts his "apology?" Like is he trying to appeal to twitch or something to get his account reinstated with proof that he made peace with people or what? Or does he genuinely feel guilty about all this?

  15. I remember getting toxic messages from survivors when i played killer (i play on xbox btw) by the whole swf squad and accusing me of being toxic and insulting me by calling me a no life, hacker, and threatening me by reporting me on my dbd account when all i was doing was playing for fun. This was a month after i started playing the game and was playing as huntress because I found her quite fun to use and I was still kinda new and managed to get a 4k at endgame without being toxic or anything just playing to get better and yet they say im trash and a no life🤷

  16. Sadly, this is not content creator .. there is many hiding in the community and I encountered some as I started dabling within the community on Twitter and on Steam forums. I am sad to say, I encounter lots of these egotestical people and they are so rude and bluntly arrogant. They tell you to your face to shut up or go away .. or your opinion isn't valued or you are a waste of my breathe .. literally [minus all the swears] ..
    However, that is nothing like what happens here .. especially because this is a bully with fuel and minions .. of course, these people shouldn't have a follow but I am sure people like him .. are the representatives of people that hides in forums and twitter and just say the nastiest thing. Sadly, the only thing to do … is to block them.
    I send lots of love to Docbaby .. and I think she handled him so well. I admire her patience and tolerance .. he is nothing sadly .. and when people have no value to themselves, you can't treat them with respect because they don't identify it or understand it .. I hope that's the end of it for her and that after this video .. many will check her content .. support her and show her there are many great people within this community too <3 .. I am sure she knows .. but I want her to know that many won't approve or accept that behaviour <3

  17. This person made my blood boil. As an LGBTQ+ member myself, their use of the f-slur really angered me. I'm glad Twitch has addressed this by banning them and I hope they continue to be banned until they change.

  18. That 10 year old boy… if I hear my own son if I ever have one talk like this…I’m fucking bringing out my chanclas and discipline this mofo basic respect. There are just some things that influence your child behind your back regardless of you trying to teach them better. Sometimes there’s just some rotten apples and that’s absolutely sad. Still, I wouldn’t stand for my child to talk to women/ or anyone like that. I’ll legit take away his pc, net, smart phone. The lil shit.

  19. I absolutely love Aaron's videos.
    It also hit really close to home on the "cancer" bit of things. To hear him just shut it down instantly and explain how serious it is. 10/10.
    Also I died at the "Touch Grass" bit. That was just lovely.
    Love this channel. Keep up the amazing work!

  20. Idea let's make a survivor rule book for real, and put the most and final important rule…

    Never listen to the survivor guideline book, like what are you doing…go touch grass and play like a normal human you are


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