TTV Salty, GOT TOO AGGRESIVE | Dead by Daylight

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IF you can’t take your losses as a lesson and figure out what exactly cost you the match, be it your team mates, your mistakes, the loss is pointless and you’ve lost an opportunity to grow. The streamer wasn’t so bad, salty sure, but the friend they had on, was absolutely mad and they both could not see their team mates mistakes and the fact they gave up so quickly after being very bold near the killer.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


45 thoughts on “TTV Salty, GOT TOO AGGRESIVE | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm going to challenge you a bit here because I think you're bending things a bit unfairly. Sorry about not being able to keep in concise and comments are really frustrating to get a point across, but I would really be interested on what you think of this perspective.

    You kind of dismiss that the blight is playing kindly because of David's play, when it is very easily possible but instead we lean into survivors playing well.
    We also diminish the hook states they went through as a way to imply "they lorded over this blight by preventing a kill, he stood no chance"
    Overall this section was more to put down the survivors, moreso than it actually achieved in terms of showing that their ideas are "wrong" or selfish

    Chasing a survivor you find incidentally who makes the bad play of running to the hook in your face is one thing. After breaking a wall and abandoning the chase in the middle building you take a pause to survey the area of the map around the hook. This shows way more intent to play by the hook then you focus on, at least you followed away so that's good. Although later in the video you kind of put down the Nea for "blatantly" going for the save, you're undetectable and were just in chase with David moving away from the hook and are scouting the area near the hook. Like, obviously someone is going to "come for a blatant save" if this is the standards we're going to put up. From her perspective she doesn't know the circumstance or the distance you were away, but I don't think this objective review of the match is really fair either.

    Minor nitpick but I don't like the insult "she's doesn't loop at all here" because she made a mistake, as if we're supposed to believe pre-dropping wouldn't have also gotten criticism. You probably were going at the quality of the looping but it does become muddied when the video is targeted at putting the survivors down. I believe the video is framed in this way to push back and come out on top vs their negative opinion of the match, but I wish I saw more concrete demonstration of why they were wrong rather than putting them down as players so their opinion is worth less therefore "believe my side not theirs".

    My understanding is there are complaints that you should be doing things on the other side of the map instead of playing by the hook. From their perspective you did just return to the hook (imo justifiably, and you chased David instead of tunneling Mikaela so there's not anything wrong here) and this is following the first "camping hook" scenario. While their overall outburst and insults in this match and after weren't really justified, I think it's a bit reasonable to be annoyed at what's occurred so far. However…
    Your small interjection before talking about something else is "I don't need to", and now we've blown the whole thing open. I don't need to play the way you want me to, if I play in a way you don't enjoy that's your problem not mine. You can have this opinion, but what you do here is almost completely invalidate any of the things you put them down for earlier, during the blight match. If they want to enjoy matches that only have a bit of push where the way they play gives the killer a chance of being frustrated and low chance of winning, that's there prerogative. Now the situation isn't figuring out who's correct in the situation but is an opinion shouting match of "no, I'm right, you're the wrong one because I said you're wrong but you can't use the same against me" from both sides.

    Next hook scenario, you notice a survivor en route to the hook. Being charitable this was incidental and you didn't have a desire to camp the hook prior to hearing her, so assuming this situation is fine. However, the dismissal of their annoyance isn't really warranted, since this is another scenario where you've "blocked" the hook, and in a way the alternatives weren't as reasonable as you make them sound.. Does she stand there and wait for someone else to be chased, letting the hook timer go down (if it did go down and no blatant opportunity showed you'd give yourself a reason to be checking up on the hook). Even if she predicted you were below her, she is still stopped from going for the unhook, no guarantee of teammates saving, leaving in another direction can wind up you finding her, injured.

    4th "camp" scenario isn't kind, but isn't unreasonable anyways, assuming if you hadn't found Mikaela looking to unhook David you would have moved away and continued looking rather than defended the two hooks (which being honest, I would not be surprised if you did, after the hit you return to ensure David dies and admit that's what you're doing). They got caught going for an unhook so got chased for it, though I'm also sympathetic to them given you did just return to David's hook area checking for an unhook blocking them once again.
    I will also mention that the DC was insignificant to the match but I believe it was used earlier as a case for them giving up and basically avoiding challenging matches, I think killing himself on hook was enough to show this but the DC is pretty irrelevant.

    Finally at the end for the final overview, we summarize by painting them as entitled survivors, referencing the blight game (you do a lot of implication of the blight's thoughts throughout the video that I wonder if you talked with them or are just propping them up as a victim), equating them to all other entitled survivors which even in this reference are given a strawman to sound worse "you have to let us go because we won and we won because I said we did". I get it's for entertainment purposes and you mostly wouldn't say this in a literal sense, but it's not doing anything to make your points stronger.

    Overall I really don't like how ideas come together here, they can be fine on their own but they're warped when they come together to suit the story you're trying to tell. "I can play how I want, you can't tell me how to play" "You absolutely ruined that blights game, you have no sympathy" "Everything in that match was your fault and you're wrong for not blaming yourselves and being nice about it"

  2. Survivors goofy as hell thinking thier good in DBD which is a party game. Win a match of tarkov or league or any real competitive game then talk.

  3. Ngl these survivors aren’t that great if this is the mindset they had, they’re practically conditioned to think that because they have “Da Rules” on their side they think the killer playing as least optimal as possible is how they should play.

  4. My favorite line out of all these types of videos is "Manfacejay… Playing like that???"….. HAVE YOU NEVER WATCHED A MANFACEJAY GAME?????? He's there to WIIIIIIIIINNNNNNN BABY!!! They act like he's a streamer that only 12 hooks and if he doesnt then they are allowed to leave…. And him playing to win is going against his normal gameplay. When in reality he will smash you face into the earth when he's in the zone….

  5. Unhook near à hooked survior with a teleport spot. I mean it's no different than teleporting to a hag trap but with well girl you have more control of the when but at static positions. The unhook was info and was taken advantage of as there is no one doing objectives so why not be proactive with the pressure.

  6. I'm starting to try to transition from saying "tunneling" to "focusing" and from saying "camping" to "defending the hook". I think tunneling and camping are such huge buzzwords to label a genuine strategy. And both are punishable by the survivors. It sucks when it happens in solo queue, cause the way to counter it is communication, but regardless of how you see it, it only happens because the killer is wanting to win, and they're never wrong for wanting to do that. IMO, the only thing that makes you a prick is BMing someone, whether it be hitting the hooked survivor as killer, or tbagging the killer as survivor. Which even then, is a strategy in its own (frustration tactics, as you say), but can be prick-ish in certain contexts.

    These survivors are entitled though 100%. I kinda wish you didn't blur out these names so I could look out for them when I play (EDIT: not to harass them, but rather so I can dodge them). After all, they broadcasted themselves publicly online, and therefore open themselves up to criticism of any kind. But either way, I enjoyed the analysis. I really do enjoy how you break down these sorts of encounters in the game, and turn it into a positive message through the lense of a genuinely raw analysis.

  7. I've said it before and I'll say it again, BHVR should have two killers so you've at least got someone on your team afterwards to share the loss and bolster the victory. It's way harder for people to beat you down when you're not standing alone.

  8. I play Solo survivor and so I can understand a lot of frustration with the game in that regard. Usually you want to blame teammates, but some ppl think it's easier to blame the killer. Imo, swf should not have any complaints. In terms of the power hierarchy it would be SWF > Killer > Solo Survivor. This person needs to get a reality check. They had every advantage to succeed, and if they failed it was because of their skills & no one else's. Just makes other survivors look so bad when they come with this entitled attitude.

  9. Perfectly fine when they absolutely smash the killer and the killer probably had no fun at all, but the moment they get destroyed and the killer has a lot of fun in the match its shit. No one is responsible for the other side's fun and both killers and survivors need to realize that. I know when I'm killer and I'm destroying a team I try to finish the match as quickly as possible and when I'm survivor I stick around long enough to make sure everyone can escape (at the opened exit gate) and then get out myself. It's when the other side delays the inevitable and rubs it in that they are that much better than you that it becomes scummy, not the actual gameplay. Doing everything you have to do in order to win is not toxic nor scummy.

  10. These kind of swfs really makes my blood boil… I mean is your head attached on wrong? They’re missing up on their own—can’t except anything but their on Survivor rules. 😒

  11. Even without seeing the names I know these 2, I played Huntress on Gideons against them a few days ago and I was losing badly against them for a while but once I starting giving back the same energy they were giving me eg. Shaking the head, moonwalking, pressuring hooks or exploiting messy instant hook saves they got so angry because I started to turn the match around and I went in to chat to say “ggs was a close one” and they had the exact same attitude towards me as they did to yourself.

  12. Lmao if you're not facecamping then you're proxy camping. If you punish their mistakes its toxic and lame play if they do it they're out playing you. Survivors on the whole have this awful mentality and it shows that they rarely play killer and when they do it's so rare that they're at the bottom of the mmr so of course it's much easier and you dont have to sweat it out. They lack such a large degree of critical thinking and it shows. They have no issue with clicking and teabagging but killer punishing them for being in a disadvantaged position that's toxic. It's like they expect you to hook then run off and look at all the random gens where the odds of being survivors is minimal. Because you know punishing them for them being forced into a singular place is lame and bad. Actual clowns

  13. Woooow jay, I’m so glad you reviewed this gameplay for me. I’m the type to complain like those survivors, but now that I hear it from your perspective(the killers perspective) I just need to do better. I can actually see what the devs mean too. A lot of us get hung on our own ways so much that we don’t see the flaws and we just end up omitting other possibilities or techniques.

  14. As someone who was a killer main and just recently became a survivor main if I go for a hook save and then I see the killer sees me going for the hook save I immediately tried to stop going for the hook save and try to just loop the killer away from the hook because it would make sense for the killer to come after me as I'm trying to go for the hook I don't see why these survivors are complaining

  15. okay these people I have faced them before as killer and played with them as survivor the are really salty if they loose, they will blame everyone but themselves.

  16. Keep up the good work mate you literaly helped me to improve my attitude/understanding of DbD and what ''having fun'' really means.
    I used to DC, beeing rude in endgamechat and wasn't willing to view my own mistakes and try to get better.
    I would blind a killer at 1 gen left and 0 hooks, loop him get out and teabag him just to say ''ggwp'' afterwards and nowadays i prefer to give them a chance because the fun lays in the chase for killer and survivor.
    The poor Blight had a rough game as you saidand nowadays i feel the pain of playing blight so i just earned a high amount of respect for blights/killers in general.

    You should be dumb and able to play ''toxic'' aswell but you shouldn't DC or complain and accept the possibility that hes gonna kill you because its a fun way to play, at least sometimes but you should know the risk that comes with a playstyle like that.

    They should play killer and experience the ''fun'' first hand.

    PS: How could you hate on a chasing Sadako getting a 4k on Ormond lol

  17. That's really very common among certain types of survivor players. When they have a bad start, they just fuck over the game, maybe dc and then complain about the killer. Like, the killer is not allowed to have a good start in a DbD match. Because: NO ONE IS HAVING FUN THEN!!11!! 😉

  18. i remember using blood warden with Oni, I tried finishing the match with blood warden but when I seen it came close ( by 2 seconds) so let them go by not slugging them again, but still got salt by 1 survivor lol…….. i got a little mad tried telling him and everybody you can't tell a killer how to kill you or play the game!!!!
    it absolutely crazy because i don't understand why ppl get mad when a killer acts like a damn killer WTF!!!!

    Then i said im sorry cuz he called me a scum bag but the guy blocked me like a little girl instead of talking sooooooo

  19. I think the worst thing they could have possible done was reaching second stage by unhooking. If you want to win, trying to unhook can be good sometimes but rarely, reaching second stage puts the team at a huge disadvantage, Ive both lost as survivor because people force themselves into second stage, and won as killer because of it. It's more tragic than anything else really.

  20. No offense meant to them, but just from watching the Blight match alone and listening to their commentary.. I can easily see how you wrecked shop.. They legit seem to rely on the kindness/incompetence of a killer who's job is to kill you to have a fun match. They don't bother securing the area or making sure they're safe before healing (you can easily get away with healing underhook, but not while the killer is barreling down on you or is unoccupied), they take direct paths to objectives and think nothing of killer presence on the map. They're more than content to just sit on a generator and hold a button all game, which some of them should be doing gens, but they legit thought the blight was a fun game.. and then complained and freaked out when he even managed to get 1 down…

    Like.. Just from analysis alone of just the first match, these people strike me as brand new players or bad players that if challenged even a little will kill themselves to get an easier match

    Then watching the second match.. Why are they complaining? They literally killed themselves.. They still had a good chance to make a come back even with their mistakes.. I've seen groups come back from having a man down at 5 gens left.. You came to check the hooks after they got off of the hooks.. Your job is to search for survivors and kill them.

    If there was advice I could give them/others in their mindset.. Play Killer some.. So you can get a decent idea of what the killer is going to be doing. These people seem clueless as to what the killer's job is. If a killer isn't in chase, and someone gets unhooked.. Of course they're going to go to the hook.. And sometimes if they aren't in a good position in the chase they are in, if they have the option, they will often bail that chase to go after TWO people, instead of one.. The GAME ITSELF notifies you when people get off of the hook. The game incentivizes you to go back to the hook after someone is unhooked.. this is Killer 101.. This is Killer Tutorial level stuff.. It doesn't cause a mark that takes up 1/8 to 1/2 your screen and make a loud noise just so you know to turn your back on them and give them some breathing space.

  21. I don't really watch your videos but I enjoy watching DbD stuff on down time and honestly for your sake just do your own thing and put up builds/fun matches etc these ttv call out, toxicity videos are as almost as bad as that toolbag spooknjukes. Gl in the future but just focus on your game and not causing the same toxicity/drama you are trying to point out.

  22. I actually did my own test on this topic(similar to spookandJukes), I spent a few games leaving the hook and going far away from it looking for survivors and the next few games applying full pressure(not facecamping but staying near hook if I heard/saw someone and regularly checking) and I noticed playing nice and by the survivor rules got me no kills to maybe one petty kill I got out of luck and the games I played my way I got 3k to 4k constantly and if not that it was always at least a 2k.

  23. 100000% i see survivors like this almost once a day when i play killer. they just expect killers to let them run around having an easy time and want the killers to play nice. i guess it's easy to forget the name of the role being killer not nice person.

  24. So shoutout to MFJ first off.

    Secondly what I love about this video is that it shows information about how survivors half swfs half randoms make bad plays and decisions. Players that Rage on Hooks, DCs dont hide in lockers cant loop can cost you the game. This shows that it's clearly not the killers fault.

    Third im a Proud Rage Survivor admittedly when it comes to Killers Clearly trolling the match hitting you on hooks, and survivors such as these players throwing the match because they made mistakes. It cost you games and its frustrating.

    No matter what the dev's do to nerf killers it's still up to the people to play the right way. I am hoping that do a training mode freelance for survivors to practice looping.


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