Tunneling/Camping Experiment RESULTS – Dead By Daylight

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Don’t worry guys, I WILL still camp and tunnel whenever I feel like it in the moment. I’m only choosing to try playing less sweaty to avoid burning out on DBD. There’s NOTHING wrong with the playstyle and if you want to win, you SHOULD play sweaty. As always, play how you want 🙂

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43 thoughts on “Tunneling/Camping Experiment RESULTS – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I’ve started playing killer more and I decide during the game how I’m going to play . If I’m playing a team on comms I’ll normally tunnel and camp as they’re the ones who tea bag and click their flashlights . I never used to camp or tunnel but having a few survivors DM me cheek it pissed me off a bit . But as I said I take it as it comes I don’t go out my way to tunnel and camp.

  2. Im not sure if I'm only the one notice this but…

    Does everyone notice after your few games of killer… survivors are not sending any salt at all???

    Because no matter how I shake my head at them, tunnel, camp, or bring noed. And no salt whatsoever… anyone notice that???

    Edit: console wise

  3. The only reason why I really stress out on winning is because I want those bloodpoints. I really hate the mmr system because even if I try not to let losses get to me, i am sure I am still going to sweat just a bit for the simple fact the mmr system sort of pushes you into it.

  4. That's what makes DBD stand out. You can "lose" and still have fun. Of course that is if the tea-bagging, flashlight clicking, salty-as-the-Dead-Sea-post-game, crybaby community doesn't ruin it for you

  5. Y'all get mad if you get camped and tunneled. I just DC and play another game lmao. I'm fine with losing but I'm not fine with waiting 20 minutes just to join a game where a killer stairs into my soul after I run him for 3 gens

  6. Noed is like deadhard, you use it to get kills you probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise the same way deadhard stops you from being downed when you should. Both are unhealthy for the game but you should also use them if you want to "win" more.

  7. Honestly as long as someone is CONSISTENT when they say "play however you want", it's cool with me no matter what they do 🙂
    Just sucks a lot of people aren't consistent at all, they'll defend the right to play however you want then get platinum mad when someone dares to play in a way they dislike. But it's clear you're not carrying that particular mind virus, hope you have fun no matter what you decide to do!

  8. You just won DbD my man 😀
    It's all about how much you enjoy it.
    I am a very competitive person as well but after I stopped caring and instead went for just playing for shits and giggles, the game became fun again.
    And it was less fun for quite a while.
    Ironically it also made me play better.

  9. Killer is easy, you don’t really need to tunnel and camp. (I have to say sometimes tunneling happens anyways on accident due to soloQ survivors not taking Aggro after unhooking) IMO Even if you play casually – as killer – you still win a vast majority of the time. That’s why I just like to meme and mess around as killer most of the time – cause I know the survivor role has it a lot harder lol. (Queue killermains shitting themselves in anger..) The real win is having fun… the people who’re like “waaa youre trash… ggez” or “you ran that perk, you suck!” on either side are the real losers. It’s okay to get bent… just hit continue and move it along.

  10. I think that the reason why turns out that camping & tunneling is more "efficent" is becaouse, as a survivor, I literaly doesn't have fun to play against a camping killer. Recently I've begin to understand and embrace the "don't care about winning, care about fun" mentality and with this mindset every time I face a camping killer I think "ok, a camp, let's end this game quickly and go to the next one" and I doesn't mean that I throw the game (I have never DC one single time during my games) but you know, is quiet hard to deal against facecampers when you play on soloQ and when it happens I just think "pffff I doesn't have fun in this way".

    So the equation is easy:


    Of course, there are some exception, for example if you play in a well coordinated team that can deal with facecampers (with perks like camaraderie, BT, DS ecc) you can still have fun and "punish" the killer for playing an "unfun" style. But this tryhard teams are an exception. I think that survivors mains plays 90% of their games on soloQ and on soloQ dealing with facecampers is boooooorinnnnnnng.

  11. Finally! My guy, you win when you have fun. Appreciate the good plays by survivor and and relish the times you beat them with no excuses. Winning isn't getting kills, winning is learning to enjoy the game for despite it's broken unbalanced state.

  12. I still camp/tunnel at times too but tbh I’ve found the same thing when I decide not to do it. Usually if I’m tired and wanna play but just do not have the energy to sweat or focus/work harder to win when survivors give me a good run. I’ll sit there like “eh if I get the 1 -2k, I get it, if not whatever I’m going to marinate in bed after this anyway and at least I’m getting some cool chases in”.

  13. One thing I'd like to see is more players that understand perks and what they do. Like everyone knows what NOED is… but there are so many different combos to run that can make it fun. For example, my best build is Boon Healing, Shadowstep, Exponential, and Flip-Flop. Nobody seems to understand what exponential is or does and it's kind if annoying when the survivor just lays there or DC's without trying to recover and at 100% speed in the boon. This works amazingly with Flip-flop because even if the killer grabs me at some point, that recovery will convert to 50% wiggle. I'm getting matched with a lot of players lately that just lay there and squirm for help while the killer camps them (add Soul Guard for endurance after recovery assuming a hex is active.)

  14. I have no qualms about camping and tunneling, the reasons being that 1) I expect survivors to be playing to win as well and 2) I wanna strike back against the entitled-survivor culture BHVR has cultivated through their failure to balance their game, even if it is just by making those particular people’s days miserable.

    Plus playing as an interdimensional serial killer makes me feel EEEEE-VILL. What else do you expect? XD

  15. Key word is having fun and it's a game at the end of the day. Sure camping and tunneling isn't fun for survivors and some killers but end of the day it's a strat and, most importantly, there is no rulebook. Killer kills survivors by any means and survivors do gens to escape, anything in between is extra and having fun or messing around.

  16. The dc's and give ups are BECAUSE of the tunneling camping. Plenty of survivors just say F*** it just kill me so I can move on to a better match. Likely were those extra kills came from.

  17. The only problem I can see arise is that if every killer just camps and tunnels every game it’s going to make it a lot less enjoyable to play survivor unless you party up with people cause as of late that’s alot of the games I have played lately have been just that and it only takes one mistake to get taken out of the game like I understand to camp and tunnel at end game but last couple of days have been people doing it on there first hook with still 3-4 gens still and it seems less enjoyable of a game to play

  18. Yeah no shit sherlock. Of course you are a bad player, when you just tunnel and camp. You don't learn anything by going the easy route. Its much better to always go for the 12 hooks, without using noed, and eventually you will become better at the game. Then it just depends on your intelligence on how far you will take it. Because this game is super freaking easy to play, you just need working braincells. Read a book or two, play some chess. Work those brain muscles.

  19. At the end of the day being happy is the most important thing. Think of it like, if you were told you had 1 hour left as a human being and you would never do anything human again… I hope all that boring camping in DBD and sweating to win made you happy! Happy gaming!

  20. I'm happy that you enjoyed the game without tunneling and camping. And if that helps you to not get burnt out of the game, that's a win already ^^ I'm very glad for you 🙂 Just try to find a balance and I think that will be very good.


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