Twitch SWF group who GENRUSH EVERYGAME vs my Huntress | Dead by Daylight

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Twitch SWF group who GENRUSH EVERYGAME vs my Huntress | Dead by Daylight

Hey all it’s PotatoHuntress here I hope you’re well.

If you want to see the mind set of high MMR survivors HERE YOU GO!!!
BNP + Prove thyself EVERYGAME with the mind-set just to gen-rush.

Of course… there’s no problem with this.
But grouping up with friends and just exploiting gen speeds by bringing the best things every game is kinda../ sad to do.

Only way to beat these guys… is too slug. But unbreakables 😉

Well from the poll results a huge % of you hate this playstyle… so enjoy me going against it 🙂

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🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵

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22 thoughts on “Twitch SWF group who GENRUSH EVERYGAME vs my Huntress | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I agree with everyone here…. Speed gens, are pointless stat to max for objectives, it leads to no pips at all. I always max chase, bold, altruism, stuns, and blinds, before all 5 gens are popped.

  2. Played against a toxic swf as well today after they brought me to coldwind farm. Went out with a 2k, 4 BBQ stacks and 7 hooks after the game got finished in about 4mins because they only gen rushed. Afterwards in the end game chat I got called basically every insult and also got discriminated for my country. Gotta love those main survivor swfs, actually feels so good to destroy their dreams of 4 escapes every round 😂

  3. I actually don’t get why certain teams bring bnp just to sit on gens when I play I never want to stay on gens I want i to get chased as well but it’s so hard to do when their isn’t another objective which I think the other objective should’ve been the boon totems or something but yeah just sitting on gens just like that is so boring

  4. Isn't the whole objective of the game is to get the gens? I'm confused how "gen-rushing" is even a thing lol. That's making it seem like they are going out of their way to do something to hinder the killer or something. It's not, its the objective……….. is it not? Lol but good gameplay I love your videos!

  5. Gen rush builds is like bringing tomb stone Myers or Moris into the game(excluding devour hope); you can do it but you're not going to get a lot of blood points/pips. Only reason to do it is climbing ranks.


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