WTF IS DBD NOW!? Dead By Daylight

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►Starting Song – SoundNet – Losing Hope Was Freedom
►Ending Song – L’indécis – Soulful


38 thoughts on “WTF IS DBD NOW!? Dead By Daylight”

  1. I always get dumb players who just crouch the entire match and when you hook that's when they run and go try blend in the corner and crouch down hoping they don't get caught. There idiots. Running leave scratch marks. They totally did the opposite or when expose they do the same thing. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  2. I’m just glad Elden Ring is out. DBD is too convoluted with all the killers in the game. After 5 years in this game, it’s increasingly meh

    “Should we fix the game? Nah, let’s update all the character models and make them look different for no good reason. Oh and let’s change the flashlight angle for no reason. And let’s update how maps look. Game mechanics? Nah f that”

  3. I've quit playing…I sometimes get mad when the killer hits me when he shouldn't but it has been literally every game the past 2 weeks and it had me raging so I'm not playing anymore…theyd rather make make new characters and cosmetics instead of fixing their latency issues which tells me they value money over player satisfaction which is also why their player numbers are decreasing

  4. Hi Puppers. I’m new to your channel but not new to DBD. I read about what you are going through on DBD’s Facebook group. My MIL had what you have, and I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. Wishing you the best. 💜

  5. I just wanted to let you know i think you're an incredible beacon of strength and courage to the world. I have the utmost respect for you and hope this comment puts a smile on your face like you've done for me so many times.


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