Two Game-Fixing Ideas for Dead by Daylight

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Addressing how bad solo queue is, making SWF more like regular games, and addressing the boredom of generator times.


45 thoughts on “Two Game-Fixing Ideas for Dead by Daylight”

  1. It could add a really interesting layer to the game if the chat commands were spoken out loud so the killer could also hear them within a certain distance (perhaps a similar distance to repair noises?). Not a fan of the parts idea tbh, especially since chests kind of already fill that function (assuming you find a toolbox and you don't already have an item), but definitely into the chat idea.

  2. I like the parts idea…I wonder if instead of it being an item you use to do gens faster, it was more like something you had to install? And you need to install maybe 3 on each gen, with an install taking something like 15-20 seconds, which resets if you interrupt the install (like totems do)? Maybe even slightly longer, with difficult skill checks that come up to speed it up, like the current Brand New Part? That way, you will NEVER be on a gen longer than 20 seconds before being forced to continue exploring the map. It promotes much more movement, giving the killer more opportunities to interact with survivors, making it less of a hide and seek game. Breaking a gen is now a longer action that removes a part, and the part respawns at a different location from where it came from.

  3. As much as I get why miscommunication in survivor games is frustrating at times, I feel like people are forgetting that's part of DBD's idea. Decision making with hidden information, both as killer and survivor. Survivor arguably more often, leading to unforeseen consequences, and requiring cool nerves instead of panicking. It's tough seeing so many people push these competitive game quotas onto DBD, when that was never it's intention. It's the same thing with the hook counters now; Was that not an aspect of the game? Keeping track of hooks? Now the game just tells me. Sure, it's nice, but it feels disingenuous. Not to say we should keep things the way they are, there's obviously room for change and improvement, but giving solo survivors lite voicechat? Eh, not sure. As for the gen parts though, great idea with the right balance tweaking (repair times, distance, etc)

  4. I have always really disliked the 'make gens require parts to be done at a decent pace' idea because its JUST as boring, running across the map isn't engaging or very fun (to me, its just hold W and, if i REALLY want to avoid the killer press ctrl if the killer is near on the way to the part), and having to sit on a gen for FOREVER just cause the killer is/happens to be camping any parts is frankly, in my opinion, really dumb and EVEN WORSE that the usual parts idea that gets thrown around. I think parts is a terrible idea, and this concept is…okay? at best? its hard to come up with anything i like cause i don't like it, but i can't say its objectively the worst thing ever (thats deathslinger and old MoM), i just don't like it. I'd rather something that rewards you specifically FOR interacting with the killer, rather than rewarding you for RISKING some killer interaction, cause this doesn't really DO much to force an overly immersed player to actually get chased or anything, cause they can fixated walk/urban evade crouch all the way to the part and then put it in the gen anyway, and sure that MIGHT take longer than just doing the gen without the part, at which point that literally doesn't change how an immersed survivor is going to play at all which means that games with overly immersed players are going to drag out EVEN LONGER than normal and be even WORSE to slog through, especially as a killer (and also kinda as a survivor, cause if your the only not giga immersed one, you're going to more than likely be the only one getting parts or chased and also likely to flat out die especially on certain maps).

    However, that context based ping thing is amazing! I have no criticisms/thoughts there cause its very good and i absolutely adore it! (as someone who prefers the general attitude that comes from playing solo q myself as opposed to the 4 stack swf stuff)

  5. Hey scott, love your suggestions for the radio buttons.

    What do you think of adding a corrupt intervention-style effect as part of killer base kit? I.e. the furthest x gens are blocked at the beginning of the game and slowly get unblocked as the game progresses? Corrupt intervention would obv need to be adjusted. Example: at the beginning of the trial, the furthest 3 gens are blocked and one gets unblocked every 45 seconds.

  6. One survivor activates a part spawn on one side of the map and another survivor on the other side, they are in a voice call so they can let them know where the part is and both get the parts on their side and run to to the other side of the map for their gens. Feel like the parts idea would be quickly abused by swf.

  7. I'd disagree with the status update to other team members, as one of the things that works in DBD is the tension; of not knowing where your team is or what they are doing, and having that feeling of being on your own.

  8. These changes sound great! I think it would be helpful for the part system to allow only one part at a time on the map. If a survivor picks it up and begins working on a gen, the part is kinda stuck to the gen. Maybe you could have more and diverse toolbox addons this way as well like an addon that lets you take parts from an unfinished gen. This would prevent good survivors from genrushing but still keep them thinking about where the part would be the most useful and could lead to some interesting decisions in the game. I think this system is a great idea and has lots of ways of incorperating it into other game mechanics like offerings(could affect spawntimes and max limit), toolboxes, maps and perks. You really put alot of thought and effort into your ideas and it shows.

  9. U simply talk shit. DBD made survivors GODS against killer. I am rank 1 killer and most of the mathces i can do nothing against looping survs round n round, 1 million pallets on the map, 4 ds on surv, 1 min repair for gens and u think that even more help for survs will make the game better? I almost can't play as killer cause all what i get- 3,5 min genrush, 1 hook and facecamp- where KILLER TRYING TO DEFEND HIS VICTIM FROM OTHER SURVIVORS. Survivors must be scared of maniac and make mistakes, they should have NO info- that's the point- u r in the cage with killer. Now and before- it's killer in the cage with survs that teabagging him, blindind with flashlights and trolling all the way. U simply have NO time to hook 4 people 3 times each when u have 3,4 minutes to do it- and then they have ds. They make mistake- u catch them and the game punish killer for this. NICE. Soon it will be NO killer players at this trash game with "ideas" like urs. This game can be fun only at 20-15 ranks- where people scared, make mistakes, don't know where generators r etc. But u wanna make dbd even more owful then it is now.

  10. Surv can use perks that shows to other solo teammates that killer left the hook. But why use this perk if u can use ds and chase the killer to catch you. 2021 year and u talk nonsense.

  11. The lack of communication isn’t the issue, in fact if they did add game chat the game would be even more toxic than it already is. The issue is matchmaking. Good survivors play perfectly fine without comms and then the devs would be able to balance killer accordingly.

  12. I'm not with you on this one, Scott. The quick chat like the one Identity VI has is indeed a good idea but with this gas can idea you're just making the game impossible for survivors. What if a killer face camps? If there's a good premade of survs 3 would make it out, but with this change you're proposing that won't happen anymore and killers will notice that eventually, is a 100% win for them if they just sit in front of a hook using Buba. So no, this idea won't make the game fun, it would only make this new mechanic abusable and a killer would just camp the first surv, 2 gens would go in the process and after that, if that killer know how to play the game, the match is already gone. Your idea would be sort of good if the parts were way more closer but you had to spent X amount of time collecting them, like if it was a chest, that way the killer would buy some time while survivors search for parts but at the same time it would make the game possible for survivors.

  13. BHVR please do this, Ik you probably won’t see this, but things like this would LITERALLY only benefit your game. THESE are the changes the player base wants and I think you should seriously take a wider view of your player base.

  14. Proximity chat would be better. A global communication system across the map would basically turn every game as killer vs SWF. The ability to share information is what makes SWF so annoying to play against. Just implement a 3rd party application blocker to force players to use proximity chat if they want to talk in-game. Otherwise they would have to use something not connected to their computer to get around it.

    The parts idea would be a bad addition to the game. Especially since I could see a new killer eventually being introduced that would have a perk that would let them see auras of parts. So now it takes the survivors significantly longer to complete generators, also with killers like Nurse, Billy and Wraith existing. Not to mention Corrupt Intervention. But even if it did get introduced, you should have to drop your item in exchange for the part. And probably limit the amount of parts on the map to 3 parts maximum without offerings.

  15. Two more ideas for fixes:
    1. When being unhooked, survivors are teleported into a random locker outside the killers terror radius (if possible).
    Removes tunneling basically completely. DS, BT and other anti tunneling perks are functionally worthless.
    Meanwhile, reveal the aura of the unhooker to the killer for 3 seconds so they can't sneak away from the hook.

    2. Survivors get a % penalty to repair speed if injured, baseline. Something like 10%-20%.
    This forces survivors to search each other or heal in other ways in order to be efficient on gens.

  16. On the idea of the chat prompts, it makes sense. Even on console, the D-Pad isn't used at all. Why not give it purpose. On PC maybe tie them to the number keys. It's a very universal idea that could definitely make things more enjoyable

  17. Quick chat is a brilliant idea. However, I think the maps are the issue not gen speed. The overall size of maps would ruin gen parts. Dead dawg would be literally impossible, and while it would help with maps like ormond splitting up would still be super strong. I prefer a system where the farther the generators are from each other the slower they progress. This would help on both sides.

  18. Giving to all survivors the same information that is possible to share between SWF is the first step in order balance Killers and Survivors. You can't do it when playing SWF is so much easier than playing solo. I've been saying that for years and I don't believe the devs are that dumb to not understand that. They just keep focusing on the wrong things.

  19. I kinda like the CONCEPT of parts, but not that interpretation of it. It seems highly exploitable on survivor side, especially in higher ranks (10-20ish). There's another asymmetrical game set in the resident evil universe that kind of addresses the boring objective problem, where survivors are REQUIRED to find objectives by getting by the mastermind (the singular enemy). I think that would help if dbd implemented something like this but ik that would require a major overhaul. So instead of parts rewarding survivors with additional gen progress, maybe make it a requirement to get the gen completed. Maybe make it so you can get 50% of a gen completed, but then you need a part to unlock the other 50% (once it reaches the part threshold you wouldn't need another part on that generator progress regresses below 50%). That would add a new layer of depth to survivor teamwork. The parts would spawn randomly in a map, similar to totem spawns, and survivors could see the aura of them once they get close enough. (Fairly close distance maybe 10 meters at most) killers won't see the aura but the part would physically be visible. As an answer to killers camping a part, make them compatible with any generator, and maybe have a cooldown on when a new part could be grabbed, or have more parts than generators on a map. It could have different interactions with other perks and items too (ex: brand new part could be just a part that you wouldn't have to grab on the map, maybe with multiple uses) idk these are just ideas but i feel like they could make an interesting change to survivor gameplay. Especially since lately all we have to look forward to for survivors are 2 new ok-ish perks and 1 maybe interesting perk every update

  20. Even if BHVR finds these ideas risky or whatever, they could EASILY make this in to an alternative game mode and see how people react to it. And this can also be a springboard for all kinds of wacky game mode concepts, just have fun with it, you know. This would be so sick.

  21. To help with immersion, id say each gen should have its own missing part that it needs to speed up its repair time. One gen needs a gearbox, one needs an oil can, etc. Im sure they can come up with parts. Id also say that the part associated with the gen should not be highlighted, but rather all parts share a set of different spawn locations they can be in. This leads to make a puzzle that the survivors need to solve and they can call out in chat "hey this part goes with this gen". Also, i dont think people should be punished for bringing the wrong part to the wrong gen. I dont see why that should be a thing. I do think though, that if you are holding a part for too long that the game should force you to drop it and not allow you to pick it back up for say, 20sec. This is only to prevent trolling and holding parts hostage. The game can give you a "encumbered" or "over encumbered" status effect.

  22. Wouldn’t the parts idea possibly be undermined by the killer facecamping? What if there’s a part near the hooked survivor and the killer’s facecamping? In that scenario, it’d basically be impossible for the survivors to do anything since gens progress at a snail’s pace

  23. I am actually going to be working on a "DBD type" of game, I actually love the idea of the game but it hurts to see the dev just not listen to their own community. I think these are some great ideas Scott and I think I will include something like that in my game. To me, a community is what makes and breaks a game and it sucks to see BHVR not listen to theirs.

  24. The one problem I see is adding the part system would lead to survivors looking and finding totems even faster as their is no longer “should I work on gen or look for totem” and you would also have to think how the “radio” system would work on console and I guess mobile

  25. Give survivors the ability to yell. It appears as a loud noise notifications for both killer and survivor. For the killer it's just a notification. For survivors, it has a word inside of it that's impossible to see at medium distances and clearer as you get closer. Words include heal, totem, gen, and equipment (for killer equipment).


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