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Ultimate Beginners Guide To Dead by Daylight (2021)
In today’s video we are going to be doing an ultimate beginners guide to Dead by Daylight, hope you all enjoy and feel free to add anything else in the comments below!
How to counter all killers:
0:00 Intro
0:49 Getting started
1:31 Leveling up survivors
2:54 Choosing your survivor and perks
8:03 Perks to avoid
9:03 Items and offerings
11:01 Gameplay tips
15:42 Outro
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Previous video:
dead by daylight, dead by daylight gameplay, dbd, red rank, rank 1, juking, how to 360, killer tier list, survivor tier list, perk tier list, new killer, new survivor, new perk, new map, new dlc, dbd funny, toxic, toxic killer, toxic survivor, new chapter, noob3, how to get to red rank, how to get to rank 1, how to pip, how to juke, ayrun, thejrm, tru3ta1ent, dbd perks, dbd meta, dbd killer meta, genrushing, gen rushing, most op build, dbd meta build, dbd best survivor perk, dbd best survivor build, head on, head on stun, new meta build, new sprint burst build, sprint burst, legacy survivor, legacy killer, most efficient survivor build, meta survivor build, killer tier list, perk tier list, how to counter every killer, flashlight, flashlight build, flashlight saves, looping build, looping killers, exhaustion build, exhaustion perk, no mither, no mither build, object of obsession, locker build, smash hit, aura build, meta build, tryhard build, object of obsession nerf, genrush

Reply to this comment if you have any tips to add!
I won't be bad anymore yay! It'll take me 20 years.
This is definitely getting sent to my friend who’s new to DBD
Love your videos man for real you got some great builds
love you naymeti
I don't think spine chill is a perk to avoid… you just need to learn that you do not need to run the moment the perk activates. Spine chill is one of the best perks, especially for beginners, but please don't hide the second you see the cat lights up.
Can you make an “Ultimate person who has been playing for a while, but still isn’t that good Dead by Daylight Guide”?
Yay! This will be so helpful <3
im not new but this helped me out, but i disagree with the spine chill. 1: its good because of the vault speed and repair and healing because it can help you finish a gen, heal a survivor, or just vault faster so you dont get hit 2: lets you know if the killer is looking at you so you can look around real quick to see if its a ghostface or something
Thanks dude you saved me so much time and explaining to my friend
I know it’s not been that long since you posted but I’ve been waiting for you to post again
Spine Chill is one of the best perks in the game. Unbreakable isn’t that good.
Wish you'd released this video like 5 or 6 months ago when I just got the game hahaha
Excellent video! I think you cover basics, but the most important that, when applied to every match, helps you improving more and more

Good thing I saw this vid been running self care since i got the game and there so many other things ive been doing wrong
Really good guide, i knew almost everything but my friends are going to start playing and i think this is the best guide so far.
awesome video man, gonna send it to my friend that started this week, really straight forward and covers everything, wish i knew all this when i was starting lol
GGs i was the bubba on dead dawg hope i made it into your YT video big fan BTW sad you didnt stick around for end game chat
I played dbd for a couple of years now, but i find this video really useful! Thank you kinf stranger
I dont care what everyone says I use self care all the time but I just play to have fun I'm not really a sweat that just has to use all meta perks