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Hate Gen Rushing? Well this Ultimate Defense Doctor build has just what you need. Regression, Regression, Regression!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Doctor Gameplay!
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#dbd #Doctor #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #intothefog
I am a world before i am a man
Isnt dead mans good on doctor?
Request Build
Game Accurate Nemesis
Lethal Pursuer
Fire Up
Brutal Strength
Any add-ons you want
7:22 by that one chase you can tell the kate is probs the most efficient survivor
Time for a check up
Wow, such a unique and underrated build! You totally do not see it on every other killer!
I like Doctor, but his shock therapy is so punishing to use. You’re practically forced to use shock delay and range add-ons for it to actually be considered anti-loop. Not to mention just how slow he goes when charging it. Doctor using shock therapy moves at the same speed as Huntress during her hatchet wind up.
That first girl was so bad ☠️
Here's a build request, the "No Fun Allowed" Freddy
Killer: Freddy
Hope you enjoy the build, love your videos!
You can also use Oppression instead of Eruption and Dragons Fire instead of Scourge Hook
Hey red, can you do this "good for everything" wesker build?
Brutal Strenght
Add ons : Loose Crank, Unicorn Medl
Build request attempt number two.
Trapper with bloody coil and [your choice], with the perks blood echo, thanatophobia, hysteria, and [your choice].
Can be very cruel forcing survivors to either suffer the consequences of being injured, or leave traps armed and dangerous.
Could you substitute oppression with pop goes the weasel or it wouldn’t work ?
Build request
Killer: billy
Add-ons: apex muffler and your choice
Perks: tinkerer, monitor & abuse, pain resonance, deadlock
This is just a fun stealth billy build I like to use I find it really fun
Can we have pyramidhead next with Gift of Pain, Nurses Calling, Sloppy, and Pain Resonance with his range add ons
Could this build also work on Pyramid Head?
Maximum offense deathslinger
Coup de grâce
Save the best for last
Dark devotion
Prison chain
Bayshore's gold tooth
I think the overcharge + eruption combo is amazing tbh. The doctor build i used most recently was that + sloppy butcher and save the best for last… it was brutal and the survivors gave up towards the end when they absolutely count not break the 3 gen I defended. I felt bad and let the last person go though. I think even just one survivor getting hit with eruption is absolutely huge. Like that can really win you a game by itself I mean think 2 of the survivors can't do any gens or heal…(I don't mean literally I mean you still have to do your job lol)
I did a build similar to this with Doc and his iri add-ons with some friends. I play a very sadistic Doctor, but withheld any information about my killer history besides the fact that I was a fairly recent killer. The didn't believe. The fear at the end of the match and not a single Gen done as they tried to get rid of me on Game was… I vowed to be more lenient in real games after that lol
I’ve never seen dbd look so clear an smooth, most people I watch it looks like a PlayStation 3 game. Is it his specs?
Lol, I swear that Doctor weapon is like the bloodied up version of the "Fragile" leg lamp from A Christmas Story. 😄
Is overcharge or call of brin better
Hi Red, if you're up for it, how about the "I Hate Items" build –
Wesker –
– Franklin's Demise (forces drops of survivor items)
– Hoarder (Noise notification if a survivor opens a chest or picks up an item)
– Overwhelming Presence (Items last only half as long in your terror radius)
– Coulrophobia (healing in your terror radius is half as slow)
– Bullhorn add-on (Survivors that use a First Aid Spray are Oblivious for 30 seconds)
– Helicopter Stick (Survivors that use a First Aid Spray show their auras for 8 seconds)
Wesker has a naturally large terror radius and decent map mobility so is more likely to catch survivors in both Overwhelming Presence and Coulrophobia. Any survivor that uses or picks up any item including his First Aid sprays will give you noise notifications where they are and, if it's the spray, will also be Oblivious and show their aura for a hopefully quick ambush.
If you do run this, but feel like mixing it up between the two games, you can swap out Coulrophobia for another perk you like better since it's the one that's not directly item related. I just think Coulrophobia is fun on Wesker in particular and has kind of neat synergy with Overwhelming Presence since it makes heals not only take twice as long but eats up the medkits twice as fast too.
Do you make the thumbnails by yourself?
Is there any way that a killer can find if a gen has the wiretap?
Can you try my oni build. infectious fright monitor and abuse discordance and bbq and scaled topknot and the banner
does eruption work with pain rez ?
How do you get your scratch marks to be so bright and make them stand out like that? Mine do not look like that. The color is much duller. Yours glow like neon lights.
Great content as always, Red.
Missing some Artist gameplay <3
What's the best sensitivity for killer?
Build request
Double Nightmare
Hex:Blood favor
Hex: Devour Hope
Addons: Paint thinner red pain brush
All this reminded me of how much of an asshole and pain going against the doc can be. I LOVE IT
Oh hang on, is Eruption just a better Jolt?
4:28 he got stuck, in that spot there is a bug that happens every time
hey red. if you like mayve trying this build for twins.
hex: devour hope
hex: undying
sh: floods of rage
sh: pain resonance
RPD map is so annoying 🤕
Call of Brine is better than Overcharge. You get info and more regression.
As soon as i know it’s doctor I disconnect not playing with toxic fucks