Unlucky Bubba gets a tour of the entire RPD… | Dead by Daylight

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The other day we played a Survivor match against a very unlucky Bubba that was essentially given a pallet tour of the entire RPD East Wing. I wasn’t going to upload this match, but I thought some people might benefit from the information showcased!

Watch live: https://www.twitch.tv/Otzdarva
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Big thanks to Drascool for helping me record the intro footage.


31 thoughts on “Unlucky Bubba gets a tour of the entire RPD… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I find it funny that this map is so "consistant", yet still probably the hardest map, and most disliked for both survivors and killers. There are several spots where I personally always get tricked from auras. Thinking I'm super close to something, I go straight for it, but it turns out I actually needs to take like three turns to actually get there.

  2. In RPD the map will either generate with mostly the left side opened up, or the right (from the front entrance). You should definitely prefer to play on the correct side if you want a long chase since the other side will have way less resources. The back exit gate and basement entrance will also be on the left/right side depending on which version of RPD you got. You can tell which side you are from the front gate if you go over to the outdoor staircase and the helicopter crash is accessible. If it is blocked by debris then you have the left version, if you make it to the helicopter crash you have the right version. Also keep in mind that hatch can spawn both upstairs and downstairs on RPD.


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