US Presidents play Dead by Daylight | The Plan

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Join us for an epic gaming journey as former U.S. Presidents unite in a virtual world to save their predecessors from the villainous “Bill”! It’s not just about strategies and skills; it’s a heartfelt story of friendship, reconciliation, and courage amidst chaos.

Special thanks to Melee Master for the exceptional gameplay that powered this thrilling session. Don’t forget to support their channel at!

Ready for action, suspense, and unexpected twists? Dive in, and experience a saga where every move is a fight for survival and every moment counts. Subscribe and join the adventure that redefines online gaming!

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00:00 – Prologue
08:15 – DbD

Disclaimer: This video is fictional and for entertainment only. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is purely coincidental.


31 thoughts on “US Presidents play Dead by Daylight | The Plan”

  1. great to see that the channel is saved from bill, what do you plan on doing to celebrate. I personally want to see Donald or maybe Barack try out killers to see who they could main. you could have Michelle take whosevers place as the fourth survivor just to make her go through a redemption arch of sorts

  2. You have Top tier writing with the Friendship they all have in this series man im glad to have seen that michelle dbd video and continue the journey on this channel from there onwards once again the Bromance and frienship is godly and Clinton was a pretty good bad guy but im guessing its not the last of him either cant wait for what you have in store next

  3. Hearing George Sr.'s words of wisdom definitely sheds light to not only Barack, Michelle, Joe, Donald, George, and Ben, but to us as well. His words are a inspiration and a truth that we should all remember and hold to our hearts forever. With that being said, this is such a good series and content. Well done MrMikron, well done 🙂


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