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Sometimes you are too strong on some maps and it feels hard to use the powers and use the maps / gen placements to your advantage. You do this too often and it feels like cheating. Regardless, this map we had to chance to use the Shack and the Traps, what do you think?

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


9 thoughts on “USE WHAT THE ENTITY GAVE YOU | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Honestly I wish you the best of luck with doing this stuff full time. It an be a very scary thing since it does not really have much in terms of job security. So I really do hope it goes well for you. For sure understand why someone would want to do this full time if they can. Once again I hope this goes really well for you.

    As for this match.. Yea you never want to, as survivor.. Allow the killer to get a basement hook. Especially if said killer is either Trapper, Hag, Demo, or Leatherface. For the sheer fact of what they can do if they decide to make basement hell for the survivor players.

    As for my games as of late. ( Yes I know no one cares but I just want to share regardless ) I have been playing a LOT of Sadako.. and half wonder if a weaker version of Iridescent Videotape should be base kit in a way. I do understand why its a iri but.. I have noticed a huge difference when playing her with and without said addon. Games tend to be a lot scarier for survivors both in terms of actual scares as well as the fact that she can be a very real threat in the match as well with it. However that could just be me. For my view on it I still want to have a LOT more games before I really decide on what the better way to play her really is.

    But I will say.. Teleporting a lot, confusing survivors as well as cutting the survivors off.. I have soo much fun doing that. Also tend to have a lot of survivor players telling me how scared they where during said matches. Almost always end up with one or more condemned kills as well. I tend to use perks like Floods of Rage, BBQ, Bamboozle, and Jolt the most with her. I use jolt due to for the most part I do not have time to break gens myself as I am teleporting around a LOT. Have thought of using other perks though.. But so far that has been my fav build for her perk wise.. Always using that iri I mentioned and the other addon has been.. Basically what ever addon I feel like using at said time.. IE its not really set yet what one I prefer using as my other addon.

  2. It's not just the salt we come for. It's you and the community. I love just stopping in and saying hey. Only been a couple times but everytime he says hey. His community is lovely and makes you feel welcome. I only hate that I didn't find this channel sooner. Good luck in your full time, boss. Can't wait to see what's next.

  3. Sorry I havnt bin in the stream much recently, I had covid which wasn't a big deal… But it caused me to get a blood clot in both my lungs, extremely lucky to still be here, luckily the Dr I saw had experienced many young healthy men come in with similar issues and found it quickly, on the mend now and hope to be back to normality soon 🥴 your content is much appreciated in keeping me sane 😁


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