Using the Escape Speedrunning Build in Dead by Daylight

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Using the Escape Speedrunning Build was a fun and different concept! The new Wake Up! buff definitely added a new synergy to the concept. Like and subscribe if you want more videos like this and turn on post notifications (the small bell beside my name) to see my videos as soon as they come out!
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43 thoughts on “Using the Escape Speedrunning Build in Dead by Daylight”

  1. I was wondering if you could do a random perk build BUT if you use a perk ( other than a passive like no mither or sprint burst ) then you have to lose/end the video/die to the killer… example you accidentally use balanced landing, ya lose. Much love again mang 👍🏼

  2. Wow PROBZ didn't approved the disrespectful Dwight. That's nice to hear that he's not kinda of a toxic player! That hillbilly gameplay though, after he round around the killer, no one even saves him.

  3. My favorite escape set-up is running: Adrenaline, Poised, and Deception with Lithe. I love this to help rid of my scratch marks and it confuses so many killers when you get a good spot! (Lithe first then deception) Love your videos! <3

  4. they really let you die on first hook?…………………………………. they had NO danger the entire game. got to relax and do gens…and they cant even lift a fucking finger to help you off the hook when YOU ARE TWO STEPS FROM AN OPEN EXIT GATE????

  5. Truly the best survivor player right now congratulations and way younger than an old rusty pro like me but I got a little faster learning curve and therefore I have to thank you as well as noob3 and sweh and all the others =) keep it on


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