Vecna is ALMOST a perfect Killer…! | Dead by Daylight PTB

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This is our first proper showcase of the new Killer on the PTB “The Lich”, better known as Vecna from Dungeons & Dragons. Since the PTB had very slow matchmaking, we played with some friends in a custom match and tried our best to showcase his strengths (and also some of his weaknesses). Overall, I think that he’ll be a very decent Killer if they buff him a tiny bit!

00:00 – Intro
01:16 – Vecna Gameplay

Killer showcase:

Thumbnail 3D render by @Ev3ntic.


47 thoughts on “Vecna is ALMOST a perfect Killer…! | Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. I think if Vecna kills someone with the eye or the hand he should get a small boost. Canonically if he gets either of those back its REAL BAD . Hed be so much better if they just tweaked his cooldowns and a few other tiny things then hed be literally so so perfect

  2. Flight of the Dead should be used to interrupt fast vaulting. Because survivors are going to crouch it anyway, so might as well use it before they’re going to vault thru a window. Mage Hand CAN be used to hold a pallet in place to prevent pallet stun when picking up a survivor. You need trickster’s glove and Fire Up for that tho.

  3. i have this concept that behaviour should add a brown addon for each ability the lich has to decrease that specific abilities cooldown by 10/15/20 seconds/% at the cost of increasing the other 3 by 5 seconds/%, or something similar anyway. cooldowns are a huge part of his power clearly, and i think itd let people specialize a little bit in their favourite ability while still keeping cooldowns important. i dont think this idea would be a 'good addon' per say but just a preference thing

  4. Remove the slowdown on Mage Hand and lower the elevation of Flight of the Damned. You can already dodge the latter fairly easily by weaving in between the skellies so I don't think you should be able to just crouch to completely avoid it. Also wouldn't mind if they made Dispelling Sphere move faster by default. That thing is as slow as the fast food lines on a weekday lunch rush.

  5. The 5 skeletons just suck. They never hit. On PTB I played as a Survivor against him and as Vecna himself. Never had I been hit nor had I as Vecna hit anyone with them. They're too telegraphed and the spell is way too forgiving, easy as hell to counter. The speed they launch out is also very slow- plus space between the skeletons. Unless Behavior changes them, I will ignore that power overall it's so awful.

  6. I completely agree. He is a bit weak with every ability but if he gets buffed a bit with his cooldowns/slowdown he will be perfect. Too much buffs and everyone will complain. They will need to start small until he’s just ready.

  7. Honestly, I played against him mostly as a surv (Didn't play the killer at all) and I can say that from my point of view he needs a buff or some adjustments. He doesn't feel particularly weak, but his power sometimes is too easily counterable, tho very fun)

  8. I think one option would be to give him a counter a number of uses for any power and have those recharge. That would let you chain power uses and also make survivor-killer mind games more dynamic.

  9. if the 3 spells gets buffed as you mention, then the only thing that should stay the same is the fly cool down. lich's fly shouldnt feel like chucky or wesker with a ranged hit. it should feel like our teleporting k's like alien and cenobite. where there is enough time for a survivor to react to the fact that the k just traveled half the map haha

  10. Also if your looking for builds to play around with on Lich. Vault speed builds are imo the best, it does hurt not having the gen regression but in combination with all his power has to offer I think it's worth it.

  11. Intense brainpower is what I look for when playing video games and finding characters to main, I'm so excited. He reminds me of shadow priest on world of warcraft

  12. My one issue is him using a knife. I understand it was needed for gameplay purposes but i feel like they could have been more creative like they were with his kit overall.

  13. Ngl they chose some really weird spells for Vecna to use, when there are so many more iconic spells from DnD.

    Mage hand is fine.

    Flight is okay I guess, but seems a bit weird.

    Instead of the orb thing though, why not the Darkness spell? Could be a more interesting disruption spell that takes away Survivor vision in the area, making it harder for them to loop properly, while Vecna can still see through.

    Instead of the weird skeletons, why not Hold Person? The player has to make a difficult skill check when chosen as a target, and if they miss it they become paralyzed for a short duration or until hit. Obviously to balance it, put it on a high cooldown, maybe like 60 seconds.

    Idk, I get there's a lot of overpowered spells but they chose some weird powers to give him lol

  14. I think the chapter is well done. I do think the killer should have D20 elements as well. Like during flight a 0 is a longer cooldown, 2-19 could add a second or 2 and a naturally 20 could let you immediately attack at the end.

  15. Flight? Good. Hand? Good but needs some improvements. Skeletons? Dreadful, too easily outplayed, too slow just bad. The sphere? Waaaay too loud and doesnt really do much overall compared to the other spells.

  16. the dnd x dbd collab still doesnt feel real to me. these are two of my big interests and… of all things i wasnt expecting a dnd chapter. its been days but im still in shock

  17. His powers are decent but not crazy. I wonder why survivors get the chance to counter them with the items. Especially the skeletons are just awful and can be countered to be even worse


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