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40 thoughts on “VECNA IS JUST STUPID NOW LOL Dead by Daylight”

  1. Wow, they actually made him decent, see how long that lasts before they nerf (though mage hand is a little too nice, makes it easy vs the survivors who don’t put more thought into their chases).

  2. I swear bro complain about everything in the game like why play it? It makes it hard to consistently watch him because he’s so consistently negative, he’s been say the same things for years about anything the devs do, they’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t

  3. This game sums up pertectly why i stoped playing. Its a sweat fest even when tou down them damn near instantlt and you play it perfectly the gens are just to ez to do. Love the game but since there is no casual playlist its not worth it tbh.

  4. They're definitely going to nerf the hand that yanks pallets back up for sure. Make the cooldown on that one specifically way too long to be any good. I can see survivors crying foul so much over that one specifically.

  5. Please, just once, do a day where you track how often all 5 gens are done and how many of those games you lose. You talk about 4 gens being done as if that is the Survivor objective and they don't need to get another gen done and then get to the doors and open them to escape. Just look at the data, sir. Yes, 1-4 gens usually get done. I'd even say 5 get done 50-60% of the time, but a Killer (statistically) only loses about 30-40% of THOSE games. Please stop acting like 4 gens means anything.

  6. Imagine dark arrogance, enduring and light born
    Not only have a vault speed 25% and decrease your stuns and blind.
    Lightborn makes you immune to flashlight ,chineseFirecracker , flashGrenade , and blastMine. also Enduring reduced pallet stuns by 50%.
    Combine all of that and you get 25% of vault speed, 25% of pallet stuns and being immune to blindness
    How crazy is that!!

  7. What better way to make a product more appealing than by buffing the product. Then pretending to care about the game when they "listen" to the audience to nerf later.

  8. Yea they are going to nerf him once they reach their sales goals. Can’t have strong new killers. Also that new map broke knights guards, they won’t chase when survivor goes through teleport hole in the wall.

  9. Mage hand seems like a simple 50/50. Either predrop, so he picks it up and get hit, or fake it and get another loop. Mage hand just punishes predropping, which is the most braindead strat a survivor can do

  10. This sucks, Vecna really did need buffs but now the devs just over-tune him so people will buy him. Mage hand went from useless to barely counterable, the orb is now too fast, the only thing that seems like a solid change is flight of the damned as it's better than ptb but not impossible to deal with.

  11. wait till you realise that the skull ability is completely undodgable if someone drops a palet.. all you need is the timing. You can place the ability on their head so they cant crouch in time lmao

  12. Tru3 he just came out today give people time to learn how to play as and against him then call him op or weak. Hes new and its on all platforms now. I will say the speed increase to lifting pallets wasnt needed though.

  13. Gotta love watching this guy’s criticism of the game on balance and then watching something like this, blatantly unfair in one direction, but he enjoys it. “Yea we had some good chases” good chases?? Where? Survivors can’t even use pallets against this killer. Mage hand is basically nurse and he has no issues with it. He says flight is ass but it’s not, it’s free traversal and you can use it to body lock as well after going through

    “Yea I win like 99.9999 percent of my killer matches, the game is survivor sided”

    “If you start to bring killers like nurse, killers have more “tools” available to them”


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