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16 thoughts on “VENCA BETTER THEN NURSE? LOL Dead by Daylight”

  1. I am sure it wasn't the devs intention to give Vecna an ability that has very little to none counterplay like Mage Hand has right now.
    I am sure they will nerf Mage Hand in the near future to be more balanced for both sides, and then Vecna will be in a perfect spot in my opinion.

  2. No killer will ever compete with nurse. Until other killers she can ignore map resources that the survivors have. Only line of sight blockers can buy the survivor time. Pallets do literally nothing 😂

  3. Okay easy Tru3, no killer is beating Nurse, Vecna is strong but Mage hand is the only thing that can't really be countered. He has counterplay, make sure you grab those magic items.

  4. Every killer has their own mmr that is combined with profile mmr. Whenever you buy a new killer you start out against low mmr potatos. That’s probably why he thinks this killer is strong.

  5. 9:32 are you serious, my guy? there's two survivors left, with literally zero chance of winning this game you're playin'. are you daft or smth?
    you're complaining that gens are too fast, STILL? They were holdin' on to dear life, trying to squeeze as much outta that game as they could before getting out.
    'CaSe iN pOiNt, GuYs' WHAT ?!

    Were you expecting them to be at 4 gens, or smth? I don't understand your logic. and you've been presumably playing this game since beta.
    the game is objectively more balanced than it has ever been and this match proves it, more or less. I've only started playing a couple months before Trickster came out and have around 2k hours and can say with certainty that the game feels great now in terms of balance. But, hey! to each their own opinion. I just found it hilarious that you're winning by a long mile and still complaining that a gen was done in the background after u sacrificed a second survivor. OMEGALUL
    They may have overbuffed Vecna* a bit and I'm not a big fan of haste perks / gen repair perks, but there's positives and negatives to every build you choose, since you have such limited space for builds.


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