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Hi guys I see you at the bottom of my description. Just wanted to say thanks for watching my videos, I have been making content on YouTube since 2006 and I love it.
Every view every like every sub is massively appreciated, I have been through years of this channel being stagnant and it feels amazing to be doing well.
I can’t thank you enough for chilling with me and joining me on this adventure!
Have a brilliant day!
Its playable on console its just painful. It lags for every killer, not just nemesis.
Nurse, billy, wraith, you name it lag spikes mid chase for both sides, and the pallet bug is back too so it's just a rough experience if you play on ps4/5 xb1
Edit: judging a killers rework based on ptb pubs is like throwing a NFL lineman into peewee football and saying he's overpowered… of course, he's going against babies
Ace in the Hole has a double effect : You don't lose the addons you either find or bring with you at the end of the game.
The Doctor and Leatherface are the most annoying killers in the game. They're guaranteed at least a kill or two based on how OP their abilities are.
Fps drops on nemesis…yep I play on ps4 and I can't even play as nemesis. You want to hit a surviver? Wel wait 2 seconds to get your frames back and hope you hit them.
I haven't said this enough, you and Vertiigo are my favorite streamers/youtubers <3 I absolutely love it that you guys are playing together again <3
Just a heads up, but gleam link isn't working.
Hope you take a rest after a daily run of vids! ❤️
My Wednesday feels complete again, I’ve missed shrinewatch 💕
I love little Victor just dancing in the corner
The 7% movement speed is so even if the killer has agitation they can’t catch you and you can keep up.
The last daily comment thanking you for the daily uploads!!! Now take a day or two and don’t burn yourself out my guy!!! FIST WITH RIBBON FOR LIFE!!!
Yes! love all the content. so exited for resident evil lets play!
I would argue that game is not “unplayable” on xbox one, but for a game thats been out for 5 years and isnt very graphically intensive, it should be running waaaayy better than it does.
16:23 We share this mentality ♥
Ace in the Hole got a shadow buff with the change to items. Its how you keep your add-ons that you bring into the match
I love your evil voice. It's weirdly hot lol.
I get Daily Rituals for Pyramid Head a lot. I play Survivor 98% of the time, but I often play as Pyramid Head when I do play Killer. He is pretty fun to play. Thank you for all the videos you've posted – I've really enjoyed watching you play again.
vid starts at 10:00
Feeling spoiled by you panda thanks for all the great content. Looking forward to catching up on the videos I haven’t had time to watch yet 😊🥳
I'm lost what's the shrine watch for today..
It’s really nice seeing panda in my notification’s again
10:36 this music is really loud and distracting
under the sea trapper 😂 i want headphone!!
tears, i love you panda
The Siren (mermaid) costume for The Sprit maybe came around cause her name is Rin
evertime i hear your vice it makes me smile 🙂