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This is the most “Trying not to smile back” vibe I've ever seen.
He just saw something worth smiling about. 🤷♂️
What did Wesker do to you? :d
Don't mess with wesker
"Good day m'lady"
Dont tell gerbervto shut up >:(
Chop has beef with Wesker
If youre thinking about buying between Nemesis or Wesker , buy Wesker . I bought Nemesis and the best thing about him are the zombies and you get only 2 on the map . It's lame really , he's like Huntress but with way shorter range and long power up built. Wesker is like Demogorgan but with 2 dashes , way more fun and fast paste .
Is she vaping?
هل تحولين ممارسة الجنس معه 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
he just wanted a hit of that vape 😢
Girl got caught vaping and tried to cover it up 💀
Him or You? 😂😂😂
No way he was showing off to a girl😮
Hahaha shut up Wesker hahha. He is obsessed with his glasses, like me. We have something in common, so i need to get hem and play like him.
Bro really said Think 💀
Lol maybe he was pointing at himself saying he don't have a big forehead
Wesker really said "😐what's goin on in heeeeere 🤨”
If thats delta 8 ima just assume you are perfect😂❤
I love your videos so much they make my day! 🫶
Wesker The Best William 🗿
im a wesker main and every time im waiting for the match to start he just does that and it’s hilarious 😭
I was streaming the other day and was queueing as wesker and i said to chat now dont judge me cause i aint the best wesker and right as i said that wesker looks back at me
Ayo bro tried the rizz stare on you
He didn’t like the cape