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Dead by Daylight’s lastest Killer, Albert Wesker, is buggy and has some rather strict collision detection that combined, leads to a rather rough experience. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as The Mastermind in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
I really want to love garden of joy but the map design team just don’t learn 😔
They should test out changes for live before they release them.
Hunk video when?
I didn’t play this game for like a month and I come back to play some killer… my first 2 games were back to back garden of joy and then my third map was the game… i disconnected from all of them and closed dbd
despite of his hitboxes and a ton of bugs, he's a good killer
Wesker honestly feels incredibly bad rn,somehow as buggy as twins and sometimes his power goes right through people as well despite it being a dead on hit. I'd rather buy the HUNK skin for legion.
What happened with the meg at the beginning is possibly the most common glitch for me to find. Whenever you grab a survivor if you don’t immediately slam em into the wall they jump of your shoulder and not take Any damage
Take a shot everytime he says cringe. Now thats cringe💀
Ptb people thinks wesker must geting nerf i fing wesker musst geting nerf egan :]
I've found that Wesker could probably be really good on maps with super safe upstairs windows (main building on Garden of Joy, Strode house on Haddonfield), if you dash into the window as the survivor vaults you usually will either get the hit or vault the window and catch up easier
When's the Wesker cosplay?
I think once they fix his hit registration he will be fine they nerfed it too hard I think 30% is a good balance not too much but not too little just in the middle that way u get more hits u worked for and not robbed but why also not making it like it was in ptb
He is definitely super bugged out
They need to lower his environmental hit box further, as well as increasing player hit boxes and fixing all the bugs.
When is BHVR gonna fix this shit? He was so fun on the PTB but now he's so painful to play and so painful to watch
"Shut up Wesker, I'm not having it."
"I'm JUST getting STARTED!!"
when it was ptb i wanted to play him, but release wesker? ima pass rq lmao
The shitty hitbox size and “min distance requirement” are really holding wesker back
So I'm not the only one who's had a hard time playing as Wesker. And that's a relief. He feels underpowered and his tiny ass viral bound hitbox doesn't help it and he will also come up short of reach at times on survivors. I don't get how people say Wesker is S tier, he's d tier at most
What's streamer mode?
While I agree that the hitbox is bad I will also admit that skill does seem to be a component in this video
Killer working as intended, true to the Lore of Wesker likin a lil drive-by sniff-ass
I had the worst experience playing Wesker, I'm not even mad because it's what I expected from BEhaviour
You will not believe how frustrating it is going straight through survivors with his power and getting tbagged and clicked in return for it
Yeah he’s rough alright 🥵🥵🥵🥵