What does the World Believe Happened to the Killers of Dead by Daylight?

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Hey everyone, today I want to consider what the outside or real world believe happened to the killers of Dead by Daylight when they were taken into the realm. Their sudden disappearances are certainly going to raise some questions. I also want to consider the possible consequences of their disappearances. Let’s get into it.

Chapter 23 has been released! It’s Sadako Rising, a licensed chapter. The new killer is named The Onryō, and the new survivor, Yoichi Asakawa! Sadako’s gameplay is really fun, and Yoichi’s perks are pretty interesting.

Check out my 2nd channel for content focusing on other games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnz3TK9TLt6BhKh-P66srtQ

Follow me on Twitter @AZHYMOVS for updates and thoughts on various DbD things: https://twitter.com/AZHYMOVS

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Vital Whales – Unicorn Heads
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake

Hope you enjoy!

Some images used were taken from the Villains Wiki, and are used here under fair use: https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page

Some images used are taken from a variety of in-game Dead by Daylight, and Dead by Daylight mobile cutscenes, and are used here under fair use.

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Intro 0:00
Trapper 0:16
Wraith 0:48
Hillbilly 1:33
Nurse 1:54
Shape 2:25
Hag 2:53
Doctor 3:21
Huntress 3:40
Cannibal 3:56
Nightmare 4:16
Pig 4:41
Clown 4:50
Spirit 5:11
Legion 5:30
Plague 5:58
Ghost Face 6:25
Demogorgon 6:42
Oni 6:58
Deathslinger 7:22
Executioner 7:58
Blight 8:15
Twins 8:45
Trickster 8:55
Nemesis 9:31
Cenobite 9:51
Artist 10:10
Onryō 10:35
Outro 11:07


23 thoughts on “What does the World Believe Happened to the Killers of Dead by Daylight?”

  1. Just a repeat incase you missed the community post:
    Hey everyone, this is a post to simply inform you all that I’m going to be taking a break for the next couple weeks. As things stand, I’m pretty stressed at the moment, from a variety of things. I’ve never been particularly open about myself, because I feel it isn’t that relevant to my videos, but recently I’ve just been very stressed, and my mind has been very much pre-occupied with a lot of other things, and when it comes to taking a sizeable break, I want you to all know it's for good reason. I’ve had some technical issues with equipment, I’ve been dealing with my first proper tax year as a content creator (boring, I know), I’ve been trying to find a new place to live, and I’m also slowly coming off of anti-depressants after about two years (a positive, but still makes me nervous). It’s one of those times where it seems the perfect storm is happening.

    This is adding to the fact I’ve never really taken a break before, because I’ve always been concerned to take one. I’ve taken a few weeks off here and there, but realistically those have just been used to get a bit ahead of schedule for content and whatnot. I’ve never really stopped, like ever since I started this channel.

    There’s other factors, of course. I always try and make unique content; I try and do what I can to say something new. A lot of my videos focus on really stretching out the lore, to the point where it isn’t really meant to be stretched that far. But hey, I find it fun. Another thing is I tried to start a second channel early this year. This isn’t something I gave up on. It’s just something that was drawing far too much away from the main channel, so I’ve kind of put it on hold for now. But I do want to bring it back.

    For the last two years I’ve basically just been in my room, like literally, making videos, with Dead by Daylight taking up the majority of my brain, sad I know. For the entirety of my final year of university, I was doing online lessons, and the entirety of my work, YouTube, was also online. When I finished uni May last year, it definitely helped a bit, but I did still feel quite static. So, as much as I love YouTube, I’ve kind of felt like I’ve been in limbo for a long time. It’s hard to feel like you’re making progress when you’re physically in the same spot you were two years ago if that makes any sense. I have stuff to sort, and I want to just literally go elsewhere and think about some other things for a while aside Dead by Daylight.

    At the end of 2020 I was in a pretty bad spot mentally, mainly due to the combined stress of work during the unsure times of COVID, I’m sure many of you can relate to that. There was also a variety of other personal things that don’t need to be mentioned. I had been through a very long bout of depression up to that point, for about 5 years, and it had all kind of come to a climax when I nearly did something very stupid in late November. I was in hospital for a brief period of time, recovering, and when I came out I promised myself I wasn’t going to allow myself to feel that low again. So, when I do begin feeling closer to that point than I have done for the past two years, I feel like I need to kind of take it seriously. So, I’m taking a proper break. At least two weeks. I’m excited for the anniversary, and I’m still very optimistic about the game’s health as a whole. There's one more video scheduled for the 1st then nothing for a bit. I’ll be back soon. Thanks!

  2. Pinhead’s disappearance probably is a probably in his realm, and a concern for leviathan

    Personally, I believe his three Allies try to chase after him, and reach the realm, and lose to the entity(hence why three of his add ons are damaged remnants of them, and from there chatterer is taken as a killer)

  3. Yknow considering what happens in Scream, it wouldn’t surprise me if Danny disappearing just inspires more Ghostfaces afterward. Probably less competent ones, but still that’d be funny.

  4. What IF, we're the Entity's toy (soul or something else) and face us with the 4 survivors he "chooses" and wants from us to try and kill them all?

  5. i dont think Umbrella will just say good bye to an asset without asking what happened. though they might not be able to actually investigate it with what happens to them after racoon.

  6. Here's a new idea,use it,if you want. "How long would it take for the normal world to notice missing of killers and surv?" (kinda like a tierlist.. From 1-2 days up to maybe never.)

  7. I hope you take a good break and just relax. Drink some tea and watch some good movies, you deserve this dude. All your real fans will be waiting for you to return.

  8. Could you make a video theorizing what would happen if the characters escaped from the entity's realm? for example Kate abandoning the music because it reminds her of the forest where she was taken or Mikaela who would become a horror writer for her adecdotes while she was in the realm.
    Sorry for my english, i'm spanish. I love your videos <3

  9. Take all the time that you need and sending you positive vibes and hugs that everything works out. I really do enjoy your videos and when you come back I can't wait for your new one.


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