What Every Killer Did Before the Entity’s Realm! (Dead by Daylight)

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Hey everyone, today I wanted to talk about the killers of Dead by Daylight, and what they did before the realm. As in their jobs or professions or what they were aspiring to be. I also want to discuss what they may have become had they not entered the realm. Let’s get into it.

The gameplay was done by my partner, please give her lots of love!

The little floppa in the corner is by Miss_Fabb, you can find her stream here. She also does commissions : ) https://www.twitch.tv/miss_fabb

Check out my Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/azhymovs

Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/azhymovs

Check out my 2nd channel for content focusing on stuff other than games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnz3TK9TLt6BhKh-P66srtQ

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Night Run Away – An Jone

Intro 0:00
Grouped killers 0:15
Trapper 0:31
Wraith 1:25
Hillbilly 2:01
Nurse 2:35
Hag 3:13
Doctor 3:43
Freddy 4:16
Pig 4:25
Clown 4:52
Spirit 5:20
Frank 5:39
Julie 5:59
Susie 6:13
Joey 6:34
Plague 6:54
Ghost Face 7:17
Oni 7:52
Deathslinger 8:17
Blight 8:37
Twins 9:11
Trickster 9:35
Nemesis 10:24
Cenobite 10:43
Artist 11:00
Sadako 11:23
Dredge 11:49
Wesker 12:08
Knight 12:41
Outro 13:11


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