What happened to Dead by Daylight?

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Its been quite a long time, I really hope BHVR can pull it together and fix the main issues at hand, but other than that, its good to be back 🙂

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45 thoughts on “What happened to Dead by Daylight?”

  1. I hate knights not because the camping or anything I don’t like the camping but what I hate about the knight is that I never really get a loop in because they don’t commit they just hold a loop and I’m forced to run to a new loop but the exact same thing happens I just don’t have fun also I just feel like dcing with the gen patrolling

  2. I started playing last winter and sort of forgot about the game for a while. Now I picked it up again and first it was fine. However in the last few weeks, I barely had a game where there wasn't excessive camping, tunneling or just afk killers. It's just not fun anymore.

  3. Gens are too slow to be fun for survivors and too fast to be fun for killers at the moment.
    If survivors just sit on gens from the first minute and split pressure you'll always lose since you can't be everywhere at once (unless you abuse unfair mechanics/builds or play nurse)
    On the other hand if survivors try to have fun or do anything but gens they'll almost always lose. Another MAJOR problem I have with the game is hatch rng, having the last survivor escape because the hatch spawns them, or having the hatch spawn on the killer is just pain.

  4. Was in a game for nearly 35 – 45 minutes against a skull merchant. We had 1 gen left, she kept the 3 gen forever. She would keep slugging myself and the other remaining survivor. It went on so long I had to dc cuz it stopped being fun. Took a 20 minute break from my stream to just chill for a bit

  5. Yeah it's kind of true like especially since survivors or squads can cheat an exploit the game by blocking hooks all together and throwing away your hard work because Debs don't want to fix it but don't mind when a survivor's dumb and you outplay them and they run into a cutoff area they get to walk through you even though you hit them flashlights never being in any chest so you can't do anything even when you're going up against good killers so you just have to hide and pray they make a mistake during the match the MMR does not match you up with people of your skill level at all most perks or a joke on the survivor side and most perks on the killer side are useless unless you make a bill directly for it 🤦‍♂️

  6. I used to absolutely adore DBD, make not so good quality but made with heart DBD videos, watch DBD, everything DBD but i just can't seem to squeeze any more of fun from the game and rarely, but when i open it up i just jump into one match because it's just so exhausting to play.

  7. BHVR should say they came out with a new chapter, give very vague themes and details the devs want to work with. Look at tall the conspiracies and theories. Try to find the most likes concept and let the community know it was actually a experiment to see what is desired and they will make the next chapter based on what is most popular.

  8. Dbd become very boring: as killer I have a very high mmr on Blight but I dont Play much so I almost can't win. As a survivor – there is Like 95% that you or your teammate will Get camped, slugged and tunneled so I left for some time

  9. IMO Dead by Daylight just needs a total overhaul to overall game-play, perks, and less stress of those just starting the game. each side must not be hyper focused on out competing each other, whether it be survivors bringing more generator progression or looping (second chance) assistance perks, or on the killers side picking gen regression perks or disliked strategies most survivors don't want to fight against to counter generator progression or builds that makes the only way for multiple survivors to escape harder to do. maps and killer choice also have an effect on game-play as few killers of the past have less chances of being picked then powerful ones preferred to compete in the current meta. its just an unending cycle of one thing being changed but the reason behind that thing being changed does not change.

  10. I haven’t touched dbd since November. Tried it yesterday. Literally got camped and tunneled just for doing gens. It’s a Nope from me. Won’t play this game till meta changes

  11. The game is kind of a gamble.
    You lose, you play again, in hope of maybe the survivors will not be as good, or you'll be able to loop the killer and survive.
    Many players say they have "love and hate" relationship with this game; but in my humble opinion, that's addiction. One gets addicted to gamble when they lose, not when they win.
    The growing toxicity merely fuels the fire, with players aggressively trying for wins. Wins they gain nothing from.
    The developers sure are aware of this, and they simply let happen. It gets them money, so why not?

    I personally only play the game because I know I don't even care about winning and who does what, and am able to have fun with what there is. If you can't take it, don't play. Not for now, at least.

  12. u could play for moris, instead of play for gen kicking, thats what i do.
    With the new perk of the new killer, that lets u change obsessions u can trigger hatred multiple time and kill2 or 3 Survivors in one game

  13. "stbfl base kit" – dude did hit his head when wasn't playing this game.

    and sounds like a surv main who plays 2-4 matches as strong killers, wins them and then say "oh, killers are too ez, should be nerfed"


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