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Hey everyone, today I wanted to consider what would happen to the characters had the Entity never intervened, interacted, or taken them. If the Entity was never there, what would their fate be?
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Intro 0:00
Trapper 0:11
Wraith 0:53
Billy 1:35
Nurse 1:55
Myers 2:37
Hag 2:58
Doctor 3:16
Huntress 3:36
Bubba 3:57
Freddy 4:14
Pig 4:41
Clown 4:47
Spirit 5:00
Legion 5:58
Plague 6:19
Ghost Face 6:55
Demogorgon 7:18
Oni 7:43
Deathslinger 7:56
Executioner 8:26
Blight 8:40
Twins 9:19
Trickster 9:39
Nemesis 9:58
Cenobite 10:16
Artist 10:30
Sadako 10:55
Dredge 11:06
Wesker 11:32
Knight 11:50
Skull Merchant 12:13
Singularity 12:36
Xenomorph 13:00
Outro 13:10
Can you do a survivor vision?
Love this, hope you have a particularly good day cutie 🙇🏻💕
I’m just now realizing that azhymovs is bi (no hate i just never knew lol)
7:39 what if it Dustins?
Day 4 of asking for which survivor each killer likes and dislikes the least
Fun fact about xenomorphs they don’t actually breath or need anything kinda of atmosphere to server so xeno isn’t dead just floating throw space and we know this because the creature of the series said so
It's hilarious to think about how the outcomes are ranging from "gets arrested" to "gets nuked"
FYI Renato is pronounced Hen-ah-two.
Michael was evil before the entity 🤣 the only one the entity had no influence on
I find it really funny to think that the lament configuration was actually opened during a trial, so there was suddenly a second killer just that once.
It would be fun to see a list of how killers would react to Pinhead showing up out of nowhere
Like how a few of them are just "dead" lmao
I personally think Danny Johnson would definitely be able to restart in another town. The way he kills in Roseville shows he has plenty of experience, likely from other small towns. Also just the fact that he himself reveals his identity to the newspaper. He knew what he was doing and was going to continue, new town, new identity
Who wins in a free for all fight? For killers
I think Myers and Laurie's appearances are based on how they look in the comics, which supposedly follow the H20 timeline. This would mean that Myers and Laurie are siblings in DBD and that Michael got burned alive but survived and eventually tracked down Laurie after she went into Witness Protection.
Cenobite's addons seem to indicate that his appearance in DBD takes place between the first and second movie, which makes sense as he technically dies in the second movie and is then split into "good and bad" halves in the 3rd film.
could you do strongest and weakest map for each killer, maybe with some explanation?
Just to clarify on the alien. He is right that the Xenomorph would have dead. It was stated that there blood acts…well like a battery. This is what allows them to function is space but once that energy runs out it will die.
i just noticed his bi charm that’s actually so cool unless he put it on for fun lol
I think canonically the entity only takes a non canon version of them, the ones we see in the trials are not the main line versions of them. Two examples are Wesker, Nick Cage. Wesker died at the end of re5 and Nick is still here in the real world. So this means infinite timelines and all that so whats happening in the video could actually all be canon in their respective timelines/world.
essentially, the majority would've died
It was funny that LITERALLY AS I was watching this video I loaded into a lobby against you LMAO,
P100 Ghostface on midwich btw ggs, I tried to let you go at the end when I put you down but the last gen got finished and your Adrenaline kicked in 😢 I ended up losing you after that
Was knight really protected by something other worldly? Or was he just a champ?
For Michael Myers I would say his story continues im Halloween 2018- ends in which he would end up dead if he isn't taken by the entity
Pyramid Head is my spirit animal. Just "goes to sleep"
You have to do survivors now. I need happy endings!
If im remembering right i don't think the xenomorphs need oxygen to live (its still probably dead from starvation or something) but in the second movie the alien queen hides in a ships landing gears and seems perfectly fine after it flies away and lands so they seem atleast resistant to lack of oxygen and the cold of space.
Meanwhile during the video. We see why nobody likes playing against the plague
I like to think singularity would have made it to earth and become like a massive Godzilla sized monster
Maybe you could do a video of ranking killers by how old they are? Just an idea
When Azymovs said for Michael, " He 'd probably be locked up"
Me: They tried it before; they had to literally had to grind him to stop. Jail ain't gonna do nuthin
There are a couple of lines in the Huntress' lore that make me wonder if Entity had a hand (claw) in Anna's fate. The elk that killed her mother is said to have charged Anna without warning (even though she would have likely looked less of a threat than her mother), and that it had "murderous fury in its eyes". I mean, yeah, it could be just an ornery beast, but maybe Entity decided to adjust the trajectory of Anna's life. Not sure if things would have turned out better for her had her mother stayed alive – she did have to go to extremes to survive. A better adjusted Anna could be at a disadvantage.
Nah huntress would’ve definitely been gassed by the Soviets after 1917 they just gassed peasants who disagreed or caused problems
Pyramid head: I sleep.
Entity calls.
Pyramid head: Real shit?
You should make a video ranking the best fighting killer , have all the killers one vs one each other and see who comes out on top the most it would be interesting to see how some killers counter stronger ones with there ability’s
It is nice that you considered Entity´s interventions as major points that would turn them into what they are. However, you forgot the same with Legion. The death of that store janitor was only because of the Entity´s intervention. It is more likely that Legion would simply be caught or janitor beaten hard, but he would survive it, as there would be no Entity´s influence overcoming Frank at that moment.
Can you do this whit survivers pls
Pig is actually alive. Saw X confirms that Amanda is coming back.
In Hellraiser, it seems there is no sense of time in Leviathan’s Labyrinth. Pinhead could already have had the movie played out or even shown up to the realm before the movie plays out. It could have been thousands of years since the events.