What is The Unknown? | Dead by Daylight Lore, Backstory & Theory

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The Unknown was just revealed as Dead by Daylight Chapter 31’s newest creepypasta-inspired character and it comes with its lore and backstory. While The Unknown is shrouded in mystery, I believe that I have cracked the case on its origin.

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24 thoughts on “What is The Unknown? | Dead by Daylight Lore, Backstory & Theory”

  1. You know, I personally think The Unknown looks like a hot goth woman who doesn’t want to hurt me in any way or kill me, but instead loves me and wants to stay with me.

    And now we wait

  2. Or another theory is that marketing material has to have some consistency to it, so they have a model to use for promotional material. I'm still sticking with the theory that it takes the form of what the person is imagining (defining) and what we have is an amalgamation of the final form with everything Olivia knew about it.

  3. My interpretation is that its a tulpa. For context a tulpa is a creature made by the collective thoughts and energy made by people. The urban legends around the unknown might have started as separate stories, but the collective thoughts around them formed the creature we now know.

  4. Something I find interesting is the unknown has lobby voice lines which could hint about what he is. One of his lines is, "I lived in dungeons long forgotten." And the other is "I, the nameless legend." In the first line he states that he used to live in old forgotten dungeons. In the second line he refers to himself as "the nameless legend." I find these lines very interesting.

  5. I think your right about the entity realm explaination but another detail to explain why the government has interest in a being summoned by a cult was for the mind control goo that it spits they probably needed it to brain wash the people into thinking about it remember all the snacks in theater perhaps its all types of uvx laced food. The people who saw the movie and ate the food then summon the unknown for the process to continue like a strange cult purge funded by government.

  6. What if the unknown is a sort of twin creature to the dredge, just that the unknown feeds of ideas and dredge negative thought. Maybe it's based on whats available, small towns lead to many ideas on why people go missing, meanwhile the garden of joy residents where ideas feed to and free thought restrained.

  7. I think that it would be really cool if the unkown could unlock other survivors as skins, seeing a survivor that looks very disfigured and disgusting would be absolutely terrifying and the voice mimicking would be way more terrifying

  8. I think it's less what the victim thinks, and more so what people in general think. The lore mentions that those are theories she heard from others, and those stories likely spread, so it's not just her, but the entire town formed its current appearance. Imo that's why it's current appearance not only fits the theories but also is the same as in the teasers

  9. Possible explanation for the paradox around the whole understanding the unknown both weakens and strengthens it, what if making theory’s is what strengthens it. Throwing out some possible answer with limited or circumstantial evidence of the claim strengthens its power and legend. On the flip side, staring directly at the Unknown and learning from it is cold hard fact, and individuals knowing the real truth is what truly weakens the Unknown

  10. Chances are that it’s all of them like you said

    1) it would be a slasher as it goes around killing and wears the skin of it’s victims. Chances are that someone thought it was wearing a mask because reports of hallowed eyes and seemingly mask like.

    2) it could’ve been taken and experimented on by the government in which is probably escaped Area 51 at some point

    3) could be an alien or cult like figure if people theorize it as such and even in the past saw it as that. Could’ve also been confused with other cryptids

    I think the story is pretty fun in the ideas it plays in, but there’s also the fact that we have unfaithful narrators who could’ve been making connections when there never were any


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