What Is 'TOXIC" In Dead By Daylight?

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This one’s for you DBD community 🙂

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29 thoughts on “What Is 'TOXIC" In Dead By Daylight?”

  1. I truly wish that all of these behaviors didn't evoke that "feeling" in my chest of wanting to take it more seriously than it is. I don't think I'll ever be able to change the fact that these actions from both sides that the community calls "toxic" do indeed unfortunately make me feel something beyond what it realistically should, but I can control how I act because of it, and I always choose to just let it go. I don't see how it's that hard to do, and I don't see how so many people struggle to stop typing hateful messages to other human beings about their playstyle. I could understand if they were spoken, but you're TYPING… especially on console it is agonizingly slow… how can you not stop yourself? What is the point? How does it make you feel better?

  2. A guy call me "toxic" for "gen rushing" something we didnt cause first of sll we were all random guys (and my build was BT, WGLF, Autodidact and spine chill) he was obsesed with a Jane player who carry us all the match bc the killer was trying to killer, he tunnel her and camped at the end but we were "gen rushers" just bc we activate 3 gens at the same time when he waste a lot of time with Jane.

  3. Literally. So glad you made this. Only thing toxic about dbd is people taking it too seriously and sending hate mail. Sometimes you need to camp if they’re too altruistic. Sometimes you need to tunnel if you know they’re a great looper and will pose a threat. Sometimes you t bag to make the killer focus you so your team can do gens, same as clicking. Thank you for this Spook!

  4. My response to hate mail is always “imagine taking a game so serious you go out of your way to insult me when the game is already over…. move on play your next match. Everything will be ok” 😂😂

  5. I Feel like spooks is my dad who put me down in the table and told me that i am idiot, you know what, you are right , i was been a toxic idiot, i will change , you are rights spooks , thank you for this video,i'll become a better woman, i swear.

  6. I've seen toxicity on both sides tbqh. I did get tunneled and, in this case, I think it was toxic. I was a baby rank 16 and brought a flashlight for the first time. I got tunneled by a rank 7 and didn't really know what was happening. The moment everyone was in end lobby the guy started berating me and saying they tunneled and killed me simply for bringing a flashlight that I never even used. I'd call that pretty toxic.

    I've also seen some pretty damn toxic survivors though.

  7. Toxic like the bad way is assault, bullying or being rude or mean after the game. In this game I say toxic when I tbag and save a survivor but thats just a saying and its funny. Real toxic is like being genuine bad and mean to others

  8. Thank you for this video. I've recently had 2 people come to my stream and talk crap about what I did or how I played and then they called me toxic because I defended myself. This video has so many good points. Love the vids man. Keep them coming.

  9. Story time: I remember when I was new to the game and somebody was tunneling and camping me. Later I messaged them and said "I hope your mom dies." I wasn't thinking at the time and then he said that his mom did die in a car accident a week before I said that. I felt super bad and I went to a local CVS and bought a $50 dollar Xbox gift card for him. I gave him the code for it and I said I was sorry and that I was a piece of shit for saying that. He forgave me and him and me are actually pretty good friends online. We play together and never spoke about the incident again. Buy till this day I feel like a scumbag because I said that over a game. I never messaged a person raging about a game again.

  10. There's, like, 2 things I disagreed with in your list of not toxic things. I think flashlight clicking, t-bagging, and hitting on hook are toxic. They're disrespectful. Basically a "Fuck you" to whoever they're being done to. Whether that's your intention or not. As a killer main, I don't mind flashlight clickers and t-baggers, because they're nowhere NEAR as good as they think they are and go down quickly, but it IS toxic. It's the action equivalent of talking shit via DMs. And if "it's not real life" disqualifies video game things from being toxic, that would have to extend to messages online as well. They're not real. Just pixels on a screen.

    That being said, "It's just a video game" does not automatically make it not toxic. Things can be toxic in video games. In addition, NEVER look to developers or any sort of authority position to decide what is morally just or not. I could care less about what the devs will and won't ban for.

    And lastly, I haven't heard anyone say that harassing individuals is worse than camping or tunneling. I thoroughly enjoy your content, my dude. I find it funny to watch (because I'm sadistic). But I disagree with most things you said in this video (apart from the beginning, which only had, like, 2 things I disagreed with). And in the larger picture of everything, I try my best to ensure that all players in the match likely have fun. I only tunnel or camp when I either am REQUIRED to do so or lose… Or the survivors aren't giving me a reason not to (and sometimes not even then). It may be just a video game, but there are people on the other side of the screen. You don't gotta let them get an easy win, but don't be too hard on them.

  11. Well anything that happens in Game is not Toxic, however i think hitting in Hook, teabagging, flaschlight clicking is just BM and there are alot of people who take stuff like that very personal wich then leads to salty Messages and insulting therefore creating actual toxicity.
    As for Tunneling, Camping and slugging its just unfunn gameplay like Camping in a Shooter


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