What Was Dead by Daylight's Healthiest Slowdown Perk?

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ruin. it was ruin.


26 thoughts on “What Was Dead by Daylight's Healthiest Slowdown Perk?”

  1. What game are you playing where your matches are 30 minutes? I don't think I've ever had a 30 minute game of DBD and I've got like 4k hours on DBD
    200% regression and Pop goes the weasel for the 2 healthiest gen perks that were both nerfed into uselessness, but I am also a big fan of gen blocking meta….
    Deadlock, Corrupt, Deadman's Switch, No Way Out. You don't kick a single gen and you just play the game, period. The game is automatically slowed down from you just playing the game.

  2. Deadlock is incredibly healthy for the game and should lowkey just be basekit
    I use deadlock every single game almost, it forces the game to go at a more reasonable pace no matter how OP your toolboxes are.

  3. BHVR trying to get killers rewarded for action, I.e kicking a Gen rather than going into an area and getting instant regression is 100% the correct game play design however when it becomes a Gen kick simulator and no committing to chases it becomes an issue. If they made it so COB/overcharge/eruption had some cool down it wouldn't be so rough for solo queue

  4. Generally think pre nerf pop was fair. Room for perks like Blast mine and repressed alliance to counter. Because of it’s limited time you had a choice to pressure or kick the gen for flat consistent regression that required a commitment to the animation. It also wasn’t as “passive” as pain res.

    Hot take: Ruin + old undying had a chance to shape up a better meta for survivors. Seeing totem busting perks in more games would be very interesting. I think all hexes should be insanely good perks at the cost of being a gamble perk or can be taken out. Pentimento would need a few changes tho

  5. I think Ruin could be bumped up to 150% and also give it an additional ability that it can't be cleansed or have a boon placed on it until at least 120 seconds have passed. Or maybe give that ability to Undying. Or just make it basekit that hexes have a 60 second start of game shield and Undying gives an additional 60. Hexes just need some early game protection so you don't just lose them all right at the start of the match before you are even able to move.

    Thanks for the video content Scott.

    Thanks for the editing Skrump.

  6. “Least oppressive” = healthiest?

    If that were The case survs couldnt have any perks xD
    DS and BT are extremely Healthy perks for The game, yet they are still extremely oppressive.

  7. I'd agree with this if Tinkerer was in its current state when this was meta. Killers just getting fed free information with tinkerer over and over again and gaining free regression is what ruined this meta for me. But Scott never ran tinkerer so I see why he feels this way.

  8. I can agree with most of the sentiment for 200% ruin, but to play devils advocate, blight or any killer with high mobility and tinkerer was not very fun at the time because they would immediatly drop chase to protect any gen that procked tinkerer. Loved the video and think some good discussions can be made from this topic, keep up the great vids

  9. Corrupt intervention as the only slow down perk is probably the best to fight against. I play demo and the only delay I use is Corrupt because it's kinda like having lethal pursuer cause they always spawn on a Corrupt gen. 99% of the time.

  10. I would say Pop. I think it's the best in between for everyone. Killers had to work for it, but it was a good reward, and both chase oriented and setup oriented killers could use it (I usually don't have that much fun just running after people, I like to setup plays and plan ahead), and pop also allowed for that too. Pretty much, as long as you're doing your job well (hooking people) be it from chasing, or traps or whatever, you're getting great value.

  11. Well, in terms of the meta: I'm finding matches have really aggressive killer play styles for the most part. I haven't experienced much, if any, stalling.

    I felt the meta with Ruin was okay, but there was little variety at the time of course

  12. You seem to have conveniently forgotten thst ruin undying tinkerer nurse and blight exist. Weird little bubble you've formed yourself here where you're in a magical land of no tinkerer nurse and blight exists who don't just push people off gens and never drop chase to do gen defence.

  13. in regards to slowdown my first thought was pop. However, I used to LOVE Huntress Lullaby as slowdown.. Also a shout out to Thrill of the Hunt because i don't expect others to mention it.
    Totem tied perks are inconsistent in terms of health to say the least.. But in a vacuum the thought of a potentially strong perk tossed out with a totem cleanse seems.. ok; and then you think about all the spawn locations and who can defend what and its like.. idk if totems were ever HEALTHY but it do be engaging for both sides at times which ironically sounds healthy for the game..

  14. The aspect of Pop rewarding killers for hooking survivors was definitely healthy aswell. Maybe we can combine them? After hooking a survivor the killer gets a 30seconds of 200% regression Ruin effect.


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