DO YOU FEAR ME NOW? – Dead by Daylight!

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23 thoughts on “DO YOU FEAR ME NOW? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I remember the quote(s):

    "I don't use NoED because it's bad design, it gives you something you didn't earn."


    "If you ever see me using NoED that means the game is in a sad state"

    So yeah he did say the game would push him to it years ago.

  2. Tru3, You've been an honest man in game where the majority are vocal towards lies and silent towards reality. I personally never had an issue with NOED (especially thematically) but honestly if using it is what it takes to put fear back into the game then more power to ya brother.

  3. My god this dude is a clown. The game is not in a bad place YOU'RE just not as good as you think you are. You find ways to complain and make excuses for any time you get outplayed. Maybe leave the game if it's so bad perhaps? All you do is push a biased narrative. You don't care about health of the game you care about making the game easy for you. Sad you have a blind cult following that feeds into your nonsense 😂

  4. dbd survivor nerf ideas:

    – dead hard wont get you immune of the hit anymore, but the dash forward is faster, so it would require a little more skill to use it
    – DS will deactivate onde you boon a totem, enter in a locker, or get healed
    – unbreakable will still get you up by yourself, but the recovery time will drop 20%
    – boons will have cooldowns (depending how strong is the boon)and you cant bless a totem if a boon is activated

  5. killer buff ideas:

    – the perk enduring will also have effect in head on stuns
    – when the killer use the grab animation, he will be immune to flashlight saves, so it wont cause the powerless situation where you grab someone in locker and receive a flashlight save

  6. Dammit tru3! Now noed definitely getting nerfed. It MIGHT still give exposed, but there gonna BK Myers noed..

    "Due to recent data, we have seen that noed is over performing, so we're reducing the killers speed when noed activates to 100%, and adding a strobe light over there head w sirens. Happy hunting! See you in the fog!"

  7. At this point, I have no shame using NOED, its just funny when I get salt from 4 man swfs that brought toolboxes and meta perks saying that I need it to carry the game. Just tell them to do bones or make 5 boon totems lol


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