These Survivors Were NOT Happy | Dead By Daylight

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24 thoughts on “These Survivors Were NOT Happy | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Parody of Can I put my ballz in you jaws:These survivors sucked az,I don't know if their mom was proud of them,All they do is play is and talk shat,And now they should be dead.
    Pretty good right lol

    (I made this as a joke not to be offensive sorry if this was offensive to you)

  2. "Bad gameplay, no point."
    They brought a Septic and an Insta and a Prove Thyself and they were playing on one of Huntress' worst maps. And they STILL had the audacity to talk shit like their complains matter.

    but hey they brought 2 streamers so the killer should be grateful and on their fucking knees am i right fellas

  3. If survivors dc, they can just leave the game. But if killer DC, and if you are not quick enough, you will see 4 survivors spraying shit in the endgame chat. I once have to DC a game after a solo bully DC, just to shit talk. I personally don't like the idea where you can be rude to others and get away with suicide or DC with no consequences.

  4. I remember going against a iri head huntress and i accidentally dropped my item and dodged a hatchet and then i picked it back up and then dead harded to a window dodging a basic attack, probably the funniest thing i done. I still lost tho


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