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tl;dr: more Sprint Burst, same amount of complaints.
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
tl;dr: more Sprint Burst, same amount of complaints.
Scott "Rattington" Jund always sticking up for those poor survivors.
I’ve never had a problem with going against sprint burst. There’s a reason DH is consistently the most used perk in the game even after the nerf. I don’t think Sprint burst being the most popular exhaustion perk would be nearly as bad as the DH meta.
Getting rid of Dead Hard is easily one of the best things that can happen to this game.
On one hand exhaustion perks are inherently annoying but on the other hand i get that theyre kinda necessary bc survivors have no idea when theyre going against someone fucking around on trapper or a sweaty 10k hour nurse main
This is my aaurgument for if they nerf medkits:
Survivors won't have a fall back of healing time resulting in needing to hit gens faster and injured. There will be an uptick in toolbox useage. With just 2 perks a survivor can solo 2 gens in 65 second each, duo gens at 27 seconds while still running DH/sprint burst. If medkits are or healing in general is nerfed hard (classic BHVR) then gens will go even faster than they do now.
Edit: No prove thyself needed.
They cant lose exhaustion if you walk off for 20 seconds if they just walk the whole time they gotta run back to the gen or get the sb back and never work on a gen. So many killers can counter sprint burst, even trapper and hag can just set up traps once they run off. Good ranged killers can just hit a sb target. Wraith can bait out sb and lose like 2 seconds. Every movement killer can just catch up. If everyone just starts sb from gens ill just kick it with cob/overcharge or just throw on fearmonger and they aren’t getting away from shit. Nothing will ever be a kick in the balls like a dh but the deep would slowdown and and visual impairment at least someone balances it out.
If dead hard had to stay, then it would be nice that survivors who have the perk, has an icon or something letting you know that they have it so I know if I can lunge at an injured survivor or not.
Sprint burst meta let’s go?!
Scott Jund I don't think people will be happy in this game ever. OhToFu has been suggesting removing all exhaustion perks. As long as there is a perk that gives someone an advantage it will be complained about by a side.
I mean we can talk about a fantasy about where killers liked having fun and didn't forgo it to win.
anyone who still struggles with Dead Hard at this point is just bad tbh but most likely dont know better because they weren't here when SB and Lithe were THE exhaustion perks
if DH were to be removed we'd see the initial celebration you mentioned but after that.. good lord the whining would increase to unbearable levels and i wouldn't even touch that discussion anymore
in other words, another Scott W take
Just make it cause a even longer exhaustion cooldown… It doesn't need to be removed, but it shouldn't be available every 40 seconds…
I do disagree for a few reasons, (sorry I would of commented this earlier but life and this was gonna be a long comment)
First I prefer SB over DH because you can IDENTIFY IT EARLY. No get to them then realize they have balanced or Lithe, No having to commit to a injure to then try for a down then get DH at a pallet. You see them SB from the beginning (people who 99% SB consistently and can use it effectively are more skilled then "E AT PALLET" IMO). Also SB value is MUCH LESS than DH value, if you get DH off then you get the injure SB while the killer is going through their cooldown and are slowed for the duration of the sprint. where SB (unless they do the obvious thing of trying to bait out an attack with SB) you are still your regular speed while they are sprinting, YES SB has a longer duration than injure SB but doesn't have the killer being in a slowdown during part of the SB unless they had the survivor bait out an attack and miss. Also knowing you can FREELY lunge when you NEED TO without having to worry about DH bait is BLISS.
To go over some of your points directly
The more hold w for killers and that survivors wont just run into a corner. Killers will cut off survivors, if I see a survivor have SB and i still chase them i start cutting them off, thus reducing their distance gained. On some maps this doesn't work but that can be more attributed to bad map design than the strength of the perk.
The "committing" argument can be said for DH to, like i said earlier, SB is used at the start and you can use that knowledge to commit now or later to that survivor. DH on the other hand, you have to commit to getting them INJURED BEFORE you can confirm they have DH, you don't know until they use it where they HAVE to use SB at the start of a chase. Giving killers more information to base their plays off of.
Also if everyone runs SB, more people will waste time trying to "save SB" for when they need it, walking to hooks, gens, chests, etc instead of just running to everything since their perk is DH and they choose when to use it while injured. Also more SB meta means it can even promote (indirectly) LESS TUNNELING. The reason is that the unhooker PROBABLY used it getting to the unhook and thus if chased HAS NO exhaustion perk to use (unlike running to hook with DH, getting chased, injured, etc) AND the unhooked can SB away. That leaves the killer with "do i chase the person who has SB on cooldown and is healthy or chase the unhooked injured survivor that already SB away". If both have DH it is more "do I chase the unhooked that has DH or chase the healthy survivor that has DH but is healthy".
Your takes though on hold w becoming stronger is true though and can lead to unfun gameplay, but I feel the presence of DH and what it can do by just existing is more unfun than SB.
That is my take on SB vs DH and why I would LOVE to see more SB instead of DH, would like to see your thoughts Sccott IF you see this.
Killers would start to run fearmonger, best counter to sprint burst
The permanent solution to every issue in DbD is to uninstall it and play something else. Not that it matters, but exhaustion perks need a longer cooldown if you ask me. It's funny that some trash killer perks have longer cooldowns than the stronger survivor perks like Dead Hard that has a 40 second cooldown or shorter if you run Vigil. I say 90 seconds would be more fair even if it meant keeping Dead Hard the way it currently is. Waiting out a Dead Hard at a precise moment like a pallet or them getting around a corner (against Huntress) is uncounterable since you are forced to let them throw the pallet or get out of line of sight or throw the hatchet and they can just press E for free. Anyways, that's all for this ramble that falls upon deaf ears. Take it away, Scott. Back to you.
There are very few things keeping survivors in the game right now. I think if BHVR started removing perks people like, with the current state of the game, that would be bad. I am still waiting for survivor buffs before I come back, could be awhile because the game devs seem to be okay with a 60-70% kill rate.
Dead hard is a 3rd health state AND a speed boost and at high MMR there is no waiting it out. Survivors have that reaction speed perfect. Id rather go against 4 sprint bursts every game than face 2 Dead Hards.
He's speaking facts tho.. I've always given DH a hard time cause it sucks to not be able to swing at everything, but 4 sprint bursts would definitely be worse
I love lunging and I won’t stop.
The best strategy for survivors is to hold W. If you have something to make you run faster, the better. Dead Hard is a clutch perk that only woks half the time, because of ping, lag, bad timing, etc. Dunno why ppl get so angry at it when it's not even that decent anymore.
That's why exhaustion perks should just be gutted. The argument, "If not this, then this which is worse." That shows there's an inherent issue with that type of perk. You could easily give every exhaust perk some use without them breaking balance.
I prefer old dead hard to be honest. I don't like how it's an endurance type of perk now. Old dead hard seemed like it took slightly more effort on part of the survivor. Now I just go ahead and go for the hit most of the time because it seems like every time I try to bait it, they have impeccable timing. But before, it seemed like when I baited it, it was like 50/50 chance of it going in my favor or the survivors. Anyway, even though I find it annoying, I can deal with it. My biggest complaint on the killer side of things is maps. There are far too many maps that are poorly designed for killer.
This is a strange argument…it’s like he’s trying to grasp at straws as to why SB is worse than DH. It’s not true in any way. Less DHs will not automatically = more SBs. On top of that the “going away” scenario doesn’t add up either. Why would I as killer walk up to a survivor to bait out a perk that will inevitably proc and then walk away for 20 secs and back??? Talk about poor decision making. DH no matter the killer will tank a hit from anything extending a chase every time.
Bs. Sublte defence of a dead hard.
Sweaty swf already can run early with dh. Its much easier to down sprint burster than very low ping/auto dh user. Basically dh is a 3rd health state and allows to reach pallets which were unreachable without dh. It makes chase so longer. Sprint burst is equal only when spawn is good and they have place where to run.
Also dh provides defence against so many killers, because they cant wait it out in their power. Nurse-blight-huntress-wesker etc, all of them cant wait it out in power against pro surv.
Im ok with dh its just a broken perk, but survivors are op not because of it
Change it to broken or even incapacitated on a dead hard hit and move on. Just needs to penalize more than deep wounds.
I'll take a thousand sprint burst users over the brain dead get out jail free card extra health state for free with no requirement and can be used indefinitely even to greed pallets which has zero counterplay over the scourge and bane of my existence that is Dead Hard.
Are you likely to follow up with a look to the Future where Dead Hard AND Sprint Burst are removed? 😀
People scream for fun but play in the most unfun ways while preaching unfun
Ironic huh
Geez Scott. Med kits last week. Now, this week: Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, and the… ability to run early? What will you come for next? Perhaps survivors should just spawn into the match on hook.
Obviously the solution is to not just remove dead hard, but all exhaustion perks.
Eh, lithe wastes even more of the killers time because you run early and then they still have to deal with your burst from a window or pallet
Dead hard being useless would also make no mither, resilence builds even worse, which is one of my favorite builds because its a different way to enjoy the game and provides extra challenge.
Legit the only way to kill a sprint burst user is fearmonger. Fear monger and sprint burst would definitely be meta if DH was removed.
Overcome is much better than sprint Burst I be much more scared of 4 overcome than 4 sprint burst because someone can still run you for 30 seconds then get hit run for 15 seconds use a syringe get hit again run for another 30 if there good they can make it last mins then can have other good perks with that such as off the record or they can have a body block make it even more annoying to switch because than that person can do the same thing
No one should be complaining about DH while killers like Nurse, Blight, Artist and Knight exist. Not to mention the buffed bloodlust which rewards bad killer gameplay. I never have issues against DH when I play killer
I still think sprint burst is less painful since atleast they use it at the start of chase
Auto deadhard removes the counter play and just makes it super oppressive
Dead hard is not that bad. Yall just lack patience
Wait do people tend not to lunge as killer😅😭? I pm always lunge because I feel like I won’t have enough distance otherwise😬
My main build is sprint burst with vigil along with a personal two perks from your chosing…. Try it guys
Sprint burst would be fine if the game had a bit more variety in both target objectives and map interactable – not just pallets- maybe with a nerf that after sprint burst is used up you got like…a 20 second hindered effect.
I personally don't have a problem with dead hard as it is. I do wish though that survivors had like sub-classes or something where only certain perks can be used by said perks – maybe the same with killers to a lesser decree but with more passive buffs for killers to those subclasses: EG: hulking glass making things like nemesis break stuff passively quicker or have like a charge attack instead of a lunge that breaks stuff but locks you more rigidly in a direction – that way a killer can actually anticipate to some extent what kind of builds people are bringing and for survivors vice versa.
Figuring out from the ever growing laundry list what someone has is not fun. Especially if you are knew or don't play the other side that much. If you don't have that kind of info on hand you're kind of screwed thanks to all the aura reveal or speed increasing perks.
Just remove the survivors. Problem solved
Aren't exhaustion perks just a problem in general? "Well if they got rid of Dead Hard, they'd use Sprint burst, and if they got rid of Sprint burst, they'd all use lithe.. ect." How long until we realize exhaustion perks being in the game at all is the problem. I mean, Scott nailed that everyone focuses on hating dead hard just because it's the most used, but the conversation doesn't actually help the game in anyway. Some conclusion has to be drawn besides, "well we'd suffer if they removed dead hard, so there's no point in trying."
Very very true, great vid again Scott
Well if you don't like sprint burst just run fearmonger