What Your KILLER MAIN Says About You | Dead by Daylight

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I don’t make the rules, you chose to main these killers!


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24 thoughts on “What Your KILLER MAIN Says About You | Dead by Daylight”

  1. As a Legion main, I would say that's not very true. Yeah, we want to be the best because the devs were really, really, REALLY bad to balance Legion for YEARS and we needed to compensate for. But as a main Legion, I love to chase, chase and chase again, it's more fun to let Survivors go, knowing that you can always come back without problems. And it's fun to vault like a Survivor do. They're not that evil with players
    I always let the last one Survivor go (unless the team are toxic bullies but hey) though

  2. My reasoning behind being a knight main is because of the chases you put such an extreme amount of pressure on your chases, as a knight player if you use him correctly you can keep a chase going for a very long time I’ve come up against very good survivors and in the end you usually have me up getting a down I do admit you feel very powerful as a knight sometimes you really feel like you can’t be stopped in a match

  3. I'm an Oni-main and i think, he's one of the funniest Killer in the game. He might not be the "best balanced Killer" but better balanced than many others in the whole game^^
    I wonder, what's your opinion about Xeno.

  4. I'm a killer main, can pretty much win with any killer my main is artist. The game all about skill and counterplay something people don't relieze. Occasion can run any killer at Red rank. Lose nearly all gens still get 3k and 4k consistently because of my map knowledge and awareness, know how to end chases fast. Unfortunately my skill has survivor sucks them again solo que is difficult when everyone wants to be a hero 😂


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