When EVERYONE is Prestige 100… | Dead by Daylight

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Getting to p100 means that you’ve invested a lot of hours, so you must be really good at the game, right????

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19 thoughts on “When EVERYONE is Prestige 100… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Swf demolished indeed! They also had 2x Head On perks so they were REALLY going to try trolling you with as many stuns and blinds as they possibly could in one match.

    I had a swf on Stranger Things map run me around the raised boxes in the middle of the map with steps and a pallet either side. Eventually downed every single one of them, one got back up with unbreakable and downed them again. I think they regretted their game plan that match 😁

  2. I am really am jealous of you and little space Rock, how well you use spirit. She's one of the most strongest killers and what you can't see she just destroys survivors with great ease. Keep knocking them down those survivors. It must have took a lot of practice to be this good with spirit.


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