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We vs a tiktok star in this match, think they were trying to get some “epic” clips
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Only time I ran into NOED, I immediatly found the totem and destroyed it then got the last person off the hook and opened the door before the killer could do anything. The fact that it's aura is revealed to you ruined it.
Fuck tik tok
Claude & Z were garbage as fuck, they died instantly
It’s funny how these ticky tocky people think they’re good. They pretty much just ruined the game for the two other survivors.
Most dbd content (especially on yt shorts and tiktok) seems to be survivors doing mediocre plays and screeching into the mic about how good it was
Pretty sure that guy's name is Grasshopper or something like that (The Claudette). Which I'll be honest, is the worst name I've heard in a long time.
I played against Pauly Esther One time and he was a very toxic camping hag. People would unhook me unhook me right in front of him and he would ignore them and tunnel me and only out of the game and then after the game he would call me bad for things I can't control. So after that I unsubscribe from his channel and black listed his big fat ass
Tiktok star is a bit of an oxymoron isn't it!
Always has the worse takes, about spirit etc. She is still A-S tier, and with MDR shes OP asf
Grasshopper only post vids of noobs . Funny as hell seeing him get destroyed
Jesus this community really is more toxic than any other game I’ve played. Yeah grasshopper got smacked this game, but for one: he’s playing against one of the best killers (tru) in the game and two: when you play survivor especially as much as he does, sometimes you go into a game to mess around and have fun? Doesn’t make him bad. I’m not saying grasshoppers gods gift or anything but he is still a very good survivor.
Amazing 5 second chases from that TikTok star!
Jesus loves you
You can tell Grasshopper lowers his mmr. The baby killers in all his clips make it obvious. Just proves that he has no idea what he’s doing against a killer that knows how to play the game.
The Ash was really good. The tiktokers were crap xD
Didn’t like this ep. You didn’t have those sexy pecs out on display
epic survivor trollz
Some of the comments here are really awful, I've played with Grasshopper and I can confirm he's an AMAZING survivor. Even against good killers.
Everyone has bad matches, unfortunately his just happened to be against one of the best killer mains out there to be put on a youtube video.
Be kind and respect everyone please <3 its just a game.
Why would u sit there and blind a zombie when you can clearly see Nemesis and his meaty hands about to clobber you
Yea overall DBD tiktok is just full of survivor mains doing compilations of them on alt accounts going after brand new killer players.
This comment section gives me no hope in the DBD community.
1. Even if what everyone is saying is true and Grasshopper really does lower his MMR and only puts his best content out… so what? Why do you care so much?
2. People seem to forget that EVERYONE can make mistakes and can seem like a baby player at times. It doesn’t necessarily make someone a “baby player” if they make “baby plays” from time to time. I’d like to see everyone saying this play so I can learn to never make mistakes again. Cause apparently most people in this comment section are perfect and don’t make any mistakes ever.
3. Grasshopper plays for fun and makes silly plays for content. How are people really surprised that he dies more often as a result of this??? I’m confused.
4. Why is he even in this game to begin with if his MMR is so low? I’m confused again.
5. You don’t like Grasshopper? Cool, but WHY complain and talk shit. Just makes you look bitter and mad that he’s getting views when in your mind he’s “so bad”. Maybe be happy that someone who is “bad” can still make content. Really it should be giving you some hope that you can do it too.
People nowadays find everything to be upset about. Stop looking for the negatives about everything and instead use your energy on the positives. You’ll accomplish so much more in life that way 🙂
Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you the most skilled Tiktok DbD player.
0:36 look at mr360 hahahahaha
These are not tik tok stars these ppl.are just arrogant dog💩🤣
They suck pretty bad too😂😂😭