Which Killers Could Have Been Survivors? (Dead by Daylight)

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Today we explore the possibility of which of DbD’s Killers could have been a Survivor instead with small changes in their lore to circumstance or decision!

At the time of this video’s release Chapter 34 has been released, named Doomed Course, with new Killer The Houndmaster, and Survivor Taurie Cain.

Thumbnail renders by:
JMotionZ: https://twitter.com/JMotionZ

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Mysterious Strange Things – Yung Logos
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Night Run Away – An Jone

Intro 0:00
Hopeful Cases 0:33
Somewhat Hopeful Cases 3:37
Some Vague Hope 6:42
Tiniest Slither of Hope 9:43
Completely Hopeless 12:44
Outro 13:36


28 thoughts on “Which Killers Could Have Been Survivors? (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. I think I didn't hear Wesker/Mastermind in the long list nor in any other category. Maybe I missed it.

    I would even put him to the tiniest chance. Basically raised by lab conditions and extreme drive to be best. Whole environment being about backstabbing. He still wanted to take humanity to the next level, even though it was horrible way to do it. But with different childhood and proper guidance, I could see his ambitions to improve humanity in different way and light. Tiny chance! 😂

  2. Maybe this is cheating because it's so far back but I feel if Trickster had a different upbringing he could have been a survivor. His dad's obsession with stardom was pushed onto Ji-Woon and the cycle of idol schools in Korea. If he had been raised normally there's a chance he would have turned out fine

  3. If I can do a sliiiiight counter argument, I’d say that if things went differently with Lisa, I believe that Dracula could have been turned to be a bit more like Alucard. Lisa was the only thing that made him happy, and if she weren’t killed by other humans, I believe that he could have learned to live alongside them peacefully. He’d be the strongest Survivor ever but I feel like that’s the only thing that could have kept him sane.

  4. I think Trickster could have been a survivor. His lore is so lacking in my eyes, missing so much true depth that could show a lot, especially in regards to him being a kpop idol. But also, had he simply saved his group members, he could have gone a different route.

  5. What I love about the parallel universe aspect of DbD is that we could hypothetically see a standalone Survivor one day who is just an alternate universe version of one of the Killers plucked out of time and space. I could already imagine what kind of audio lines, perks, and achievements would be possible for a couple of these people

  6. Spirit really does have survivor potential. One thing I don’t think the devs did in the lore is switching the roles to the characters. Like at some point if they make a chapter where Spirit figures out the survivors are not the images of her dad then it’s a good opportunity to write out the plot where the entity breaks the deal and punishes her by swapping her killer role into a survivor instead.

  7. Hmm i thought juile of the legion would have a shot but guess not, still this is extremely interesting and when the chapter with sable and unknown released i thought Sable would be the new killer for a bit. I thought bhvr was gonna close the gap of apperances when it comes to killer/survivor i.e the trickster.

  8. Another reason I think the Entity picked her as a killer was because Carmina herself would provide extra emotion- Carmina never killed anyone (Matias’s death was both manipulated by the Entity, but also an accident.) and spent her life fighting for what she believed was right— but she’s now forced to kill survivors, which I genuinely don’t see her enjoying (here’s how she still applies to white eyes theory—)
    I’ve always loved Carmina, her lore is so tragic </3

  9. Im currently working on a concept series where i reimagine every survivor and killer to their opposite roles, if youre interested judt tell me who and i can post it here. I have written lore, powers, perks, maps and even drew visual designs for them

  10. I think Jo woon hak would be a good survivor he did had care for his band mates after the accident started he tried to help them until the screams end up made him want that for his music.

  11. i would love to have legendary survivor skins for various killers, since dbd canonically takes place within a multiverse. we even see potential survivor evan in one of the observer’s entries.

    also i would put philip in a higher tier considering he was living pretty much a normal life (as normal as you can after surviving something like that) after the war up until azarov fucked everything up. if he was taken by the entity before azarov revealed what was really going on, he would have been a survivor imo.

  12. I disagree so much with bubba, he kill because of his family and how they raser him. He’s disabled mentally and dont quite understand the extent of his acrions, him naming other pepole as "food" and not understanding they’re also human like him. I think that if cps would have taken him, if his family abandonned him because of his disabelity or of the family was diffrent he would have been a normal person

  13. I'd have gladly joined the Entity as a killer and done whatever it wanted just as thanks for not throwing me in the hell that is being a survivor. I'd especially be loyal to it and try my best for it if it gave me my most hated enemy to eternally hunt in the realm. With one other condition related to that that I won't mention here.

  14. This is honestly a super big stretch but with sort of the "what ifs" in the video, I can't help but wonder if Danny (Ghostface) would end up the same if his father (who i remember training him to be sort of violent and how to stalk prey?) maybe didn't teach him all he did, or encourage violence with Danny.

    But again, this could be the biggest stretch ever


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