Who is MMR Actually For? – Dead by Daylight

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45 thoughts on “Who is MMR Actually For? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. What if they tracked stats like as a killer what's you average hook points. The could take stats like this and break down things like camping hooks might count against you while rapid hooks considerably rewards you.
    Trying to make a system that kinda is built Round what a good killer is roughly expected to do rather than simply getting iri emblems in a game.

  2. One thing I’ve always liked about the Rank resetting v MMR is the fact that every time I take a long break from the game and come back to rank 20s I’m not being bullied by the rank 1 veterans that I used to go against.

    Other games like For Honor and League of Legends with MMR systems are so absolutely brutal if you take a break because MMR always seems to leave you right where you left off and you just get absolutely crushed for like 5 games in a row and then give up because you forgot your old skills

  3. for the new players and the vast majority of this playerbase, because for anyone half decent at this game it's going to suck, for both sides. Dur, let's call our game a survivor party game with a ranked mode that's essentially a casual mode, then add MMR to a game that you cannot actually calculate player. Also, we'll hide the MMR so people don't really know, and also they can't chase the goal because it's invisible, and also we won't tell you if you're playing against SWF even with MMR. Lots of mistakes Overwatch learned the hard way.

  4. It's for people who do not wish to play with braindead bots while playing solo. It's for people who care for the balance of the game. Also the argument of facing only 2 killers makes no sense, because BHVR can adjust other killers to make them at least viable.

  5. MMR is for people like me, who are high ranks, 1-2, and really shouldn't be. I don't know half the maps in the game, don't know how to properly run tiles, don't know the vast majority of the perks, but I'm rank 1-2 as killer. I have 45 hours as killer. I'm always going against people with 1500-7500 hours and I get absolutely owned, but I don't ever derank enough. On top of that I can't try new killers other than Huntress (my main) because of always fighting these crazy good players.

  6. Don’t want to go against Nurse and Spirit every game? Then don’t torture killers when you figure out your team has a higher skill level than them. Just win the game and leave. Don’t do everything in your power to prolong misery. That’s it.

  7. i think every killer needs to have their own rank, like i am 1 with ghostface but i dont know nothing about nurse, so i should be rank 20 with her every month

  8. This entire argument is a strawman. Like, literally, the entire thing. You made up all of it and you have no evidence at all. You might actually be a clinical narcissist because you seem to genuinely believe that everyone else thinks like you.

    The highest performing killers are NOT only going to play Nurse, Spirit and Blight forever for the rest of eternity. You're making up a fantasy scenario in your head. You're totally dehumanizing those players and putting them into some predefined box that you invented. The person who a lot of people consider to be one of the best killers is a trapper main. You're objectively wrong on this point. I am a killer main. My favorite killer to play is Ghostface. My friend mains Legion. Another friend Doc. Just derank out of rank 1 if you don't want to go against them even if this WAS a serious issue, which it will never be. Or what, is your little red number crucial to your personality?

    Who gives a damn if it's a hard pill to swallow? People are hardstuck in every single game that has a ranking system. WHO. CARES. You don't eliminate competitions because competitors are afraid of losing. What is wrong with your brain? That is the entire purpose of a competitive experience. If you want a non competitive experience, go play animal crossing. Play SWF. Go outside. It doesn't matter. No one is forcing you to do things you don't like.

    Then you talk about the balancing. If people are accurately matched with one another, they can use those analytics to more precisely balance aspects of the game, and the company has proven they're using analytics in balancing. So you have no clue what goes into balancing a game either.

    Just because someone doesn't care about winning or losing, does NOT mean they want to go into every single game and get facecamped out of the game or never actually be able to play it. This would give those players more reasonable and consistent length games.

    I have a better question prompt. Who is the MMR system NOT for? If we're gonna strawman. Everyone is going to be ABLE to use it, but who is going to HATE using it? Survivor mains who are aware of the state of the game, who know survivors are much stronger and who don't want the developers to have access to the tool required to change or fix that. And ironically enough, your ENTIRE argument is formatted like you're a survivor main. You never even once remotely stopped and had an empathetic thought about killer mains, spoke about them or suggested how any of them might feel.

  9. WOAH WOAH WOAH Did you just say this game is survivor sided?! According to the survivor handbook that's a level 5 violation and you are to be sentenced to not using the perks that carry you every game and instead let me dead hard for distance to carry me through my many mistakes. Smh scott shame on you. (joking if that wasn't clear)

  10. I feel like the only MMR that will work for DBD is a loose mmr that just generally insulates new and learning players from experienced players that will destroy them and prevent further interest in the game; anything more specific than that is gonna be somewhat of a problem in some way or another

  11. I know that MMR is supposed to track your different killers skill separately from your other killers, so I think it'll be useful when picking up new and especially hard to learn killers like blight. Also, I think I might utilize that and just have Clown be my 'mess around' killer where I can do things like slowly and dramatically turning towards a survivor hiding in a locker and etc without worry of winning, because I'll go out of my way to never 3 hook any survivors to keep my Clown's MMR low.

  12. Wraith with both all seeing addons with make your choice, starstrucked, franklens, and gen exhaustion perk. No slowdown but kick and alot of dirty plays. But its so boring and im a super sweaty wraith main. 😑

  13. i want better team mates, i run killer around for 5 mins, no gens done, i do gens, im the only one doin gens while people hide. i deserve better team mates, while theres lots of surv that play super casually and just hide and play real slow, no thanks. and btw if ur a killer and the only way u can win is nurse and spirit ur garbage.

  14. i dont even care if my team is good, just do gens. what? i gotta run killer around map for 5-10 mins while also being the only one who touches gens while garbage ass noobs wait each other out for hatch?

  15. Oh Scott does make stuff up again how everyone hates MMR…what a nonsense…sad for you that the only negative Feedback is coming from you and your EE buddies…who are "the competetive Players you were talking to" and "the many people that have the same opinions that you have". You are a bubble. All of you always talk the same nonsense, and all your Fans agree…Because you are in a bubble…And everyone, who is not from your bubble, get`s bullied or ignored. THAT is the Reason why you are living in a Dream World! Can`t remember how often i saw you tell people to get medical help, but it is obvious that the only Person here that needs medical attention is you…

  16. I myself am a purple 8 survivor and a green rank 9/10 killer. I think the issue is sometimes there's a huge gap between ranks if I play survivor or killer. One of my matches, the survivors I was downing so easily. As it turns out, they were yellow ranks like 15, 16, I forgot the other. But the one teammate I let go who I noticed was out performing everyone, including me as the killer, was a like a solid red rank survivor. So it's not just she was out of my league, I just didn't think it was fair to her at all (in game I didn't know she was red rank I just had a feeling based on her play style and then gave her hatch). Now when I play survivor, I think everything is pretty fair, it's actually rare I get odd groupings of ranks. As a green rank killer, I get red ranks every other match. So it feels like MMR is geared more towards survivors but that's just my thoughts, and tbh I'm just okay as both killer and survivor. If my teammates touch gens I'm not gonna get mad at them for whatever mistake they make, it just sucks being an average killer going against red ranks who gen rush in like 5 mins.

  17. Honestly, I don't care whether we have mmr or not. All that I want is to not go against 4 stack sweat squads when I try a new Killer or a Killer I haven't played in months. If the only way to do that is the mmr system then I'll say we should have it then (WITH Killer specific mmr as well).

  18. This is for the very large group of people that are tired of meeting people far outside their own rank/skill level.

    Like there are a few games where I and the killer are both pretty even, but the other 3 survivors are legit lvl 20 beginners. Both my survivor and killers are around rank 9-10 and that’s where I feel comfortable at. I’m tired of going into games with killer/survivors that are just beginning. I don’t get better nor do I enjoy carrying 1-3 potatoes. I’m tired of getting red rank people because I haven’t gotten to that level yet and the large difference in skill level is not enjoyable to play against.

  19. The MMR system is actually an elaborate ploy to where the developers are attempting to make it look like they're doing something productive, but they're actually not, changing absolutely nothing about the matchmaking, and instead bamboozling us, trying to make it seem like they're trying to improve the game's health when they're actually doing jack all.

  20. It's to isolate the arbitrary "top x%" that makes everyone else mad by "sweating" in their own quarantine zone, nothing more nothing less.
    And even the people that will very intentionally get fucked with a cactus by MMR delude themselves into thinking it might be good, because cleaaaarly that will be what finally makes BHVR get to work one day and decide "dude lets balance around tourney level play guys".
    L M A O. It'll just make it VERY clear to BHVRjust how much of an irrelevantly small minority that group makes up. May they suffer horribly with long queue times and mind-numbing repetition in their matches? Of course. But who cares, the entire point is to keep them away from the rest of the playerbase in the first place. An easy sacrifice to make for BHVR.

  21. The question should not be "Who is MMR actually for?", it should be, "Who is Ranked actually for?"

    You know how many issues could start to be resolved in this game the second Ranked was replaced with something like Quick Play? Or maybe Quick Play was even added in the first place? "Separated playerbase" be damned, it didn't stop Overwatch. It didn't stop Smash. It didn't stop any other game.

  22. Rank 20 on either side if you would just get into the game and you played killer and you somehow went against a rank 1 it would not be fun and it would ruin your experience with the game and if it happens multiple times then might even quit and ik smurf are a things so it probably happens all the time and the same fir the reverse if you were a new surv and went against a rank 1 it would spoil your time and not be fun!

  23. "I want good teammates" is not something i would say, 'cause I main killers) I'm playing for over a month now, and I'm not sure if I have a word in this kind of discussions. But I already can tell that DbD is…frustrating. I'm not talking about some rng or disbalance, it's about consistency. I can go one game playing against a bunch of 4k+ survivors mains, where one of them can loop me for 5 min, while other just win a game. And the next game I have survivors who just yeet themselves on hooks. I'm playing for about 200 hours, all I ask is to my opponents to be about the same level as me. These games are the most intense and fun. I cant tell for sure whether I win or lose. I'm playing all other games in hope to get those ones where both sides are having fun without stomping on the opponent.

  24. Just give players the option (like basically every competitive game ever). If you wanna tryhard and go only against top tier killers – go to some kind of "ranked" mode with mmr; If you wanna just chill, chase around and have fun – some kind of quick match/normal/casual mode. And I guarantee you that most of the players will end up in casual game mode after meeting 10th spirit/nurse with same meta builds in one session .

  25. Scott, you're oversimplifying "good" and "bad" players. It's not just 5000+ hour streamers and everyone else, it's a long spectrum of skill. Players don't actually want pro teammates and by consequence meta sweating killers. What people mean is they want equal players, and not high variance matches where relatively 1 player is a god and 1 is a lemon.

    Yes, matching players based on skill will get all sweaty players to play against other sweaty players, but that's truly a fraction of a percent of the player base. For the rest, they will not be so good that competent A tier and below killer mains can't compete with them. So to answer your question, it's for the overwhelming majority of the player base.

    Yes, meta sweaty players will have fairer and sweatier matches and maybe less fun (personally I don't feel fulfilled by stomping players way worse than me). But what's currently happening is those sweaty players are just basically pub stomping over and over and frustrating the opponents who never had a chance in the first place.

    That said, it's still important to have a healthy top 1% meta so streamers/competitive players have fun and are entertaining. This is not the job of matchmaking to fix this, it's the job of game balance and game design. Keep the MMR system, but buff/nerf/redesign problematic perks, etc to have a more fun high skill bracket. It's fair to worry that behavior won't balance well for all skill levels because they are bad and/or shown no interest for actually doing so.

  26. The people I see asking for it the most, are the rank 10's going against rank 1's, because they're tired of going against higher ranked players. I've tried to explain to many people that MMR won't solve the issue, because in the end the true issue isn't match making, it's queue times, and matching people against the best available option at any given moment to avoid them having to wait longer.

    This is based off my experiences though, and I find when there is no queue on either side, I tend to matched appropriately, this isn't to say skill levels are proper since ranking can be quite easy, but yah.

  27. I noticed an immediate difference with the new system.

    The team I play with won considerably more matches then usual. Before we got paired with people that utterly demolished us regularly at ranks way way above us.

  28. i absolutely hate whenever they test mmr because all my matches are extremely sweaty and it sucks the fun out of the actual game for me. the mmr really doesn't work for anyone who plays more often than casual


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