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#dbd #commentary #rant
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►Video Song: Mantra by White Bat Audio
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring
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It's a simple equation, really. Pokemon is child friendly and adventurous, so it attracts that audience that likes that stuff, dbd is gritty and competitive. Not as much as cod, but you get what you design for.
Edit: The term I was looking for is 'you reap what you sow', basically. MMR made people competitive, even before that we had the ranks (think how people use to put Iri rank or red rank in titles, still do sometimes) and because of that competitive drive, people got to finding out the META (Most Effect Tactic Available) to win more, and then it had a greenhouse effect. Lose? Use META, lost to META? Use META. Over time this just bred a competitive nature into DBD. And then you get salt because of that competitive nature.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
It’s kinda funny people stopped using Hex: ruin so much because it’s anti tunnel now (
this isnt a dbd problem and its not a video game problem, its the sense of entitlement that seems to be apparent in everyday life, its become all about self,me,me,me…and if your unhappy its always someone elses fault
As soon as Eruption blew up, I stopped using it.
I have used anti-healing, or chase perks, and studied anti-looping. So i would get downs no matter the meta. Now, unless your Very Good, i will have you down fast.
This is also why almost everyone will claim they're very high MMR when in reality they're probably nowhere close. People want to run the absolute strongest perks, items, addons, map offerings, sometimes over comms and if they win they're clearly the greatest pro player of all time, and if they lose it's because the other side is OP. They don't want to get better at the game.
A valid argument that I agree with. However I believe being able to taunt or torment the opponent throughout the match and still achieve victory lies closer to source of the DbD salt mine and its the meta perks that often enable this.
I refuse to be a meta slave, not gonna let perks dictate my playstyle
Yes, that's true with some players when it comes to people's attitudes towards the game, but you cannot forget that not everybody is a YouTube twitch or that has 4 hours a day. The majority of streamers say if you don't have this many hours, you're not this good, and unless you're a prodigy at the game, sadly, that's true, so some people absolutely have to have a crutch in the game to get them to the red ranks. I know a player that does not use dead hard at all. I even know a Trapper that uses no add-ons at all, maybe brings one perk, and gets wins, but they all have thousands of hours in the game.
While it's true that some people are relying way too much on perks (old Dead Hard, old Eruption etc.) I honestly believe that most of the outrage on Eruption comes from the fact that slowdown perks are becoming weaker and weaker far faster than Survivor perks are getting the same treatment. Eruption was dominating the meta for less than a year before it got a hard nerf (thankfully they listened and at least made it half-decent even though it would have been easy to rework it healthily) while Dead Hard is dominating the Survivor meta since it's creation and the rework honestly made it better but tougher to use correctly (there's a reason why it's still one of the most used Survivor perk).
Ever since the nerf was announced, it's not rare to see Killer mains (or former Killer mains) saying that they are saying that it's only a matter of time until Pain Res and CoB are nerfed into the ground too due to their high rate of usage. I believe it's not so much the perk getting nerfed itself that's causing an outrage, it's the fact that it got nerfed so quickly and that it's yet another regression perk hard nerfed (Eruption needed a nerf/rework, anybody could see it, but their initial nerf was just killing the perk).
I'll say it again: The answer isn't to nerf every good perk into the Shadow Realm, it's to rework them and buff weak perks to encourage variety.
I agree but I also feel as though many people want to win so bad is because this is now a competitive game and there are ranks, as well as mmr. Many players still have the mentality that ranking up shows their true skill, so they want to rank up and since there is no casual/unranked mode like many other competitive games (not counting custom game) people want to do everything in their power to win. (That includes running 4 slowdowns, 4 op medkits etc) Yet many people don’t realize that there will always be a bigger fish in the sea and their ego can’t take that, even if their perks should’ve carried them. So I personally feel like thats why many people get salty, but even if you run 4 slowdowns/ 4 op medkits, you still have a chance at losing, nobody is perfect and this game has way too much rng that can favor either side.
See with all do respect that statement u said if they are good players and they brought that stuff u stand no chance. so why the fuck is it a problem for a killer to camp/tunnel? makes no sense that's the equivalent of assholes bringing the best stuff. so they just get to win that's a waste of time to even play at that point.
I think the I MUST win mentallity comes from back when your rank ment something. but even back then it ment very little, people don't realise it's getting a Pip that matters, In my View anyway. and everyone can do that in a game.
Easy answer…because BHVR f s them up since years and streamers like yourself tell them "thEy ShOuLd StOp ComPlaIning" despite their complaints being 100% legit!
Okay it is just one of teh reasons but for sure the main one.
Funnier it gets when someone who started playing DBD in 2020 wants to tell someone who started in 2016 that new DBD is better and he disagrees…
Im still praying for BHVR to introduce diminishing returns for stacking regression/slowdown