Why are Killers Camping & Tunneling more in Dead by Daylight?

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Why are Killers Camping & Tunneling more in Dead by Daylight? https://www.twitch.tv/CoconutRTS


22 thoughts on “Why are Killers Camping & Tunneling more in Dead by Daylight?”

  1. “We see subtle hackers are giving themselves a slight speed boost. Let’s give all survivors a fair chance and add a boon that gives everyone a speed boost”

    Can’t make this up

  2. I hate playing killer. First, I can get every perk on a single survivor and now that survivor is no different from any of the others. I can literally main one survivor. As killer, its not the same. Even if Billy has all of the perks, he is not the same as Blight, so I cannot exclusively main Billy because the powers are different. I feel like survivors should have a perk that is locked to them and only them. You want self care? Gotta play claudette. Then killers have an idea of what to expect from particular survivors.

  3. This is exactly what's been going on with for honor. Fuck all the longtime players like me whose been around since it's launch, we're gonna do everything to favor the new players because who needs to practice to get on our level.

  4. IDK if this is just me but since boons came out ive been getting like iri ranked survivors as a low ranking killer, so most of my games just aren't fun to play

  5. "We are making some changes to CoH, it's now a token perk. You get 1/2/3 heals from the totem and the totem automatically breaks itself. You can bless a new totem, but the same thing is going to repeat."

    This is all it would take to balance this bullshit perk. But like Decisive Strike, they probably will take years before acting, even with people complaining, and when they act, they are going to fuck it up for the survivors. Then some years later balance it again and actually make it fair for both sides.

  6. So I was playing killer last night and went up against a 4 man SWF with 1 being a TTV. It was a tough match and I only got a mori on 1 of them while the rest got out. All of them had purple meta perks including 3 with with circle of healing. They pretty much had the map covered in the boon radius and there was no way I could stamp them out fast enough. I never stood a chance since I was doing challenges which included 2 lower tier yellow perks. I was fine at the end because I knew I was going to lose. I really don't get mad over losing to a team like that because there was nothing I could do.

    Then I went to their stream and said GGs (like I usually do with TTVs). They were cool until I went back and watched the vod of the match. They kept calling me "trash" and then one of them with the meta perks, ran back in after the gates opened just to "show me how trash I was". Take away those crutch perks and boons, they weren't nearly as good as they thought they were.

    I don't run hex builds. I think they are a waste especially now since everyone has boons. I want a perk so I can smash totems. At the very least, put a limit on how many times they can use them in a match.

  7. The unfortunate truth players need to learn is that the reason some killers tunnel and/or camp isn't to be "toxic", it's because it's one of the better strategies if they want to win. The same reason why survivors rush gens. It's their objective, of course they want to do them as best as they can cause they want to win. Obviously, this doesn't always work, but when it does work for them, the smarter players will capitalize and do them.

    One of the reasons why players don't do this though is because it's not fun. Sitting your ass on a generator for how many minutes isn't very fun. Chasing down the same survivor 2-3 times in a row to guarantee an early kill, then also camping them on top of that, isn't very fun. It also isn't fun for the other side as well. People want everyone to have fun, hence why they don't play "scummy" or "toxic". Ever since MMR has been in the game though, all that goes out the window because now everyone just wants to win.

  8. Circle of healing should empower your teammates to heal you faster, but be like self-care if you use it to heal yourself. It should at least take a while to heal if you can do it infinitely, or force you to briefly take 2 survivors out of action to commit to a heal if they want it to be quicker.

  9. BHVR can't fix a problem THEY DON'T SEE. For 1, survivors are interchangeable as killers have unique powers. So let's say I want all perks on 1 survivor, I level them up to 40 and 1 I level to 50 many time so he gets everything. Can you do the same on a kill? NO unless you main 1 killer. Meaning you are at the mercy of any buff/nerf BHVR decide. And to prove how strong BOONS are, @Coco you should build a SWF team and play all boons (4 boons perks each) and boon the map all over. I bet you can make 50 if not 100 wins in a row!! But hey, like Patrick said it's simple as hockey!


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