Why Blight is the Best Killer Design in Dead by Daylight

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33 thoughts on “Why Blight is the Best Killer Design in Dead by Daylight”

  1. If the killers hitbox got biger, to make them slower at loops but the same when walking straight, and survivors got slower, wouldn't looping start to be better than holding w? I think that could be a way out, doing that and nerfing killers with a lot of anti-loop

  2. Hopefully whenever the nerf hammer finally does come for Blight as i'm sure we're all expecting to happen sooner or later, they at least keep it directed towards his add-ons and leave his base kit alone. Not like they did with my poor Billy-

  3. to be fair to survivors you cannot loop most recent killers, you just cannot; even if you are an insanely good player, good luck looping the artist, its just not a thing

  4. I get that the idea of blight is the best design, but the way he is now makes me say otherwise. He is #2 in in the list of killers that have way to much broken shit going on to be considered “good for the game”. He was a good idea, but unfortunately was poorly executed. I’m giving the devs a pass on this one because blight must have been a nightmare to code

  5. I would rather go against 10 Ruin Undying Tinkerer Blights in a row than against one single Trickster.
    That shows how good his design is, and at the same time, how bad and unfun recent killer design has been imo.

  6. I love playing blight.. so much fun. I think his add ons are fine lol. Really good survivors can still juke him in a rush with good timing.

    Lerys, RPD and swamp/coldwind with the tall grass make it hard at times to rush with him and lack of collision.

  7. Idk but I hate going against Blight. Like you go around an object and he can flick and hit you. If he breaks a pallet, he catches you immediately and you have no chance to get anywhere else. He just feels unavoidable in many situations, maybe I'm crazy I just don't enjoy it whatsoever.

  8. Maybe you're right about him being the best overall design, but I do not enjoy playing Blight at all personally. Whether it's his gameplay or his visual style, I just really don't like him.

    It would be nice if Behaviour would actually take the time to buff and rework like 3/4's of the roster so that we can actually have options that are both fair from the Survivor's perspective AND not be pathetically weak or feel dreadful to play from the Killer point of view.

    But that's obviously never gonna happen in a thousand years, so I guess I'll just only play Pyramid Head and Demogorgon forever with the occasional masochistic Legion match.

  9. I dislike Blight because his hitbox is comically bad to the point where getting hit feels more like luck than actual skill on either side. Is he gonna hit me when I'm 10 feet behind him? Maybe he will or maybe he wont, who fucking knows. Not to mention he still continues to be a buggy mess which makes playing as him unenjoyable on the killer side. I do think that this entire looping issue is leading into DBD's biggest issue currently where holding W is the most effective counter to most killers and I think it's gonna really hurt the game. Every killer for the past year has had some bullshit 50/50 mechanic where you either get hit by their power or get hit by their basic at a pallet and it makes it makes me wonder why I even bother looping when I'd be helping my team more if I was just holding W into the corner of the map

  10. I don’t understand how people have fun with blight. He feels so clunky and honestly the bouncing just feels so unintuitive.

    I’d say game sense and reads/predictions is more of a skill than looping. The skill ceiling for looping is pretty low; there’s not that much to it. What they really need is more obstacles for chases that have different features to interact with.

    I do agree blight is balanced, though I don’t think he’s fun at all. He’s not that interesting to play against because he telegraphs everything he does pretty obviously. He has to make big obvious rushes and can’t turn easily so you can tell what he’s gonna do usually one bounce before he does it.

    Maybe I’m still salty about the cool alchemist character that had been hyped for two years to just… be a guy that runs fast. It still feels like such wasted design space.

  11. I'm sorry but I honestly don't see a problem with the "hold w" style, because to me that doesn't mean "literally just run in a straight line forever" it means "move away from a tile if it gets too dangerous, and keep doing that to get the best advantage". And plus, it's nice to have different ways to deal with different killers, imo. But you do you.

  12. While I love his design, he is cursed to be forever inconsistent, and thus more frustrating to play. I love him, but not only do I play on console, but everything is made of slicked rubber.

  13. I agree 100%. When he was released and a while after he was my favorite killer to go against. Than people started bringing 4 gen perks on him + all these flicks and i hate him now. Not to mention the addons

  14. I think Oni, Trickster, Plague, and Myers would be better and stronger killers if they had their charged power at the start of the match when survivors are at their strongest and then had to re-arm their powers in the match. I also think that Coup De Grace needs a charge at the beginning of the match, it's actually a good perk if it didn't require losing a gen to get.


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