50 thoughts on “Why Chaos Shuffle is So Sweaty – Dead by Daylight”
The tunneling is crazy in CS, I get chased for nearly 2-3 minutes per game because killers refuse to give up on the one person they find. Then I see my solo Q teammates aren't touching gens. As soon as they down me, they shake their head and hump me and proxy camp for that 1 single kill, sometimes even at the cost of the other 3 escaping. It just makes Solo Q more miserable than it already is.
It's sad cos I've been duoing with my gf and we've just been running an okay medkit and an okay flashlight every game, and we've noticed a lot of our games will have the other two randoms equipping flashlights as well (I assume because flashlights are just fun to use and theres no guarantee of lightborn), so I haven't really been seeing the BNPs and syringes so it was really confusing to us why in more than half our games the killer hard tunneled someone out. I've just been using the flashlight to get saves on the person getting tunneled but it isn't enough most of the time. What you said makes sense, I can see why it might be an issue for killers to play normally, but damn I wish I could get just a few more games where I could chill instead of getting tunneled or watching my girlfriend get tunneled. It's so sad
as someone who plays killer, I've noticed that survivors actually try to loop and mindgame more than on regular game mode. Maybe it's because they don't have all the 2nd chance perks to rely on or maybe it's just cus of the bp bonus, who knows
I played two games yesterday, both as killer, anmd ended up with two kills and two escapes, which I feel is the preferred result, isn´t it? Because both games were challenging but really fun. My first game was as hag in rpd which I´ve completely forgot which perks I had, but the second one is really interesting because I managed to get a completely stealth build as pig on badham, with monitor, dark devotion and game afoot. Definetly didn´t use it as well as I could but I did get some cheeky hits from the stealth. The last perk was Undone which I know is really good slowdown but I tbh I didn´t remember what it did with just the icon until very late in the game so I took very little advantage of it. Fun matches overall tho.
If killers think they're struggling so much on this mode, then get off the mode?? Tunneling and slugging in Chaos Shuffle is crazy stuff. Just go to regular mode and use your 4 slowdowns 😭
I genuinely don‘t understand „DBD Brain“. I go on this Mode to try out perks I never use. When I have a Bad Game, either I try again or I play something else. I have the Rift Maxed, nothing else to do, why would I give a shit about the outcome of matches. A match where I make 20k BP or less still ratio‘s a perfect game when 3x BP is one, so there really isn‘t a difference
even though it can be harder, I'd still just play Chaos Shuffle if it were permanent. Playing against the same Perks over and over again is just miserable.
its been chill throughout the firat 2 days but now everyone is either slugging, tunneling, camping or genrushing, I literally just went against a 4 swyf with competetive call outs n shit I know cuz I watched their vod cuz they were streaming, crazy shit!!!
Was excited to try the mode, wasn't playing the first time around, and just about had it ruined for me. First three games I brought party streamers, and ended up tunneled out all 3 of those games immediately. Stuck with it, just with personal offerings instead, and it's been pretty dope. Really sucks people gotta play that way though.
I've been play Singularity and yes I have been playing pretty sweaty but I never tunnel off hook and usually if it's a good Game and I'm winning really hard with like 2 or 3 gens left I usually just give the last two survivors the out. I'm not gonna go easy but I'm not gonna be like most blights Ive played that literally face camp and slug all 4 survivors like a dickheads. I'm not trying to sabotage other people's time. But I will kill any survivors that play like dickheads before I kill the bill that's been getting his unhooks and helping his team. Good bills get the exit and there bps
How did we get here? It's incredible that a mode that lets survivors escape 25% of the time instead of 1% of the time is survivor sided (by your own rough statistics). Like I get it killer should feel powerful but why is it that when a mode comes out that lets you win one of 4-5 games instead of winning 1/100 games is that now survivor sided? I'm no statistics professor but that still sounds killer sided to me. If a side is almost guaranteed to win just by queueing up, that doesn't ring any alarm bells?
They need to stop balancing the game around slowdown perks, imo they aren't even impactful enough to require this anymore but even if they are just nerf them accordingly, they aren't just boring for survivors, slow down perks are boring for the killers too.
Who started the cycle? Behaviour did with their game design. Who continued the cycle? Behaviour did with their refusal to meaningful deal with said cycle. Seriously. Things can be done to stop the sweat/bully/tunnel/camp cycle but Behaviour refuse. Humans are going to be human and be terrible people and only the designers can do anything about that. Humans play other games but this is widely considered to be one of the most toxic games of all time and that's because it's game design and terrible balance attracts toxic people. You can't totally fix it, especially not at this point but Behaviour can do more.
1:24 well, you see, Dead by Daylight is like hockey: If the Rangers give the Islanders are hard time, that's obviously a problem for the Blue Jackets. How dare the Blue Jackets let the Islanders do what they did to the Rangers in their game?!
7:30 why is it killer's fault and responsability to give survs a chance to see if MAYBE they chill out? Time and time again has shown that its actually the other way around when this works. If the survs dont gen rush then the killer can go for more chases as the pressure isnt there to try and get 1 out quickly. Its the SURVIVORS who have to chill on the gen speeds, and then they can get a lot more of an "easy" time.
I was so excited for the mode because I expected it to be way less sweaty, but every killer I played against tunneled and every survivor brought the best medkits and the best toolboxes possible. I feel like items or at least the addons should have been randomized too
When you say “the game is balanced around Killers having slowdown Perks,” is that something BHVR has explicitly said, or is that just something you’re intuiting? (genuinely curious, this is not a passive-aggressive way of saying you’re wrong)
Honestly it needs a weight system where the game should always give you a perk related to gens. Now this doesn't mean you are getting a slowdown perk merely that you are getting a perk that revolves around the survivors single goal in the game. Gens.
All this talk about sweats in Chaos Shuffle and then there's me who has to literally throw games as killer not to 4k at 5 gens consistently.
On a real note, I'm not sure if I understand with the statement that survivor is easier than killer. You need top tier coordination and looping skills on top of best of the best items (this includes brown medkits too). If you lack even 1 of them, killer already has an upper hand because they have addons and their powers don't rely on perks more often than not. Usually in soloQ survivors will lack 2 or even all of these criteria to be good as a team and just eat dirt. I do admit, swfs once again spit into the equation but it doesn't change the base game's balance of swf > killer > soloq
2 main things that i think are wrong is that 1.addons and items arent randomized and imo even offerings should be 2.mmr and emblem system are active in a wacky for fun gammode
Their are really only three reasons why the game mode is sweaty, first one you are still allowed to bring in map offerings second reason you can still bring any item and add ons into your match a survivor and killer are allowed to still bring their best stuff whats stopping them, third reason survivors and killers just suck that the players rely way to much on their perks to carry them.
Killer has been a breeze for me… Most survivors are useless without their WOO and 2nd chance perks. Sure many BT in a bottle and insta heals etc, but as I said, chases are so fast… I rarely lose on killer. Survivor has been completely the other way around for me. Non stop sweat lord killers, impossible to win in solo Q. Not much more to say about that. Many idiots, but that's always the case in Solo Q.
I really feel we need to stop saying "play fair" because it implies that there is something unfair about tunneling. Tunelling is completey fair, i feel its better to say "playing nice" because thats exactly what it is.
I'm really curious if the stats would speak to this being true at all. Also excusing bad killer behavior because of this perceived assumption is kinda crazy.
The tunneling is crazy in CS, I get chased for nearly 2-3 minutes per game because killers refuse to give up on the one person they find. Then I see my solo Q teammates aren't touching gens. As soon as they down me, they shake their head and hump me and proxy camp for that 1 single kill, sometimes even at the cost of the other 3 escaping. It just makes Solo Q more miserable than it already is.
It would likely be a lot less sweaty if the trash mmr they are so proud of just disappeared.
i tried one game, and never played after getting tunneled at 5 gens, as soloqueue
I saw a video on redit where a zombie face camp a person it was funny
I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognized how sweaty it is
I think it’s time we generalize that dbd players suck for making a fun game mode so competitive and sweaty
It's sad cos I've been duoing with my gf and we've just been running an okay medkit and an okay flashlight every game, and we've noticed a lot of our games will have the other two randoms equipping flashlights as well (I assume because flashlights are just fun to use and theres no guarantee of lightborn), so I haven't really been seeing the BNPs and syringes so it was really confusing to us why in more than half our games the killer hard tunneled someone out. I've just been using the flashlight to get saves on the person getting tunneled but it isn't enough most of the time. What you said makes sense, I can see why it might be an issue for killers to play normally, but damn I wish I could get just a few more games where I could chill instead of getting tunneled or watching my girlfriend get tunneled. It's so sad
Nobody play this game for fun because it's not fun.
I've always told myself that no matter how tilting a match is, I should never, EVER take it out on the next group of survivors.
Killer winrates in this game are pretty insane.
as someone who plays killer, I've noticed that survivors actually try to loop and mindgame more than on regular game mode. Maybe it's because they don't have all the 2nd chance perks to rely on or maybe it's just cus of the bp bonus, who knows
the game mode might be more survivor sided until you put 1 solo que into the mix then you can kiss those 15min of your life goodbye
I played two games yesterday, both as killer, anmd ended up with two kills and two escapes, which I feel is the preferred result, isn´t it? Because both games were challenging but really fun. My first game was as hag in rpd which I´ve completely forgot which perks I had, but the second one is really interesting because I managed to get a completely stealth build as pig on badham, with monitor, dark devotion and game afoot. Definetly didn´t use it as well as I could but I did get some cheeky hits from the stealth. The last perk was Undone which I know is really good slowdown but I tbh I didn´t remember what it did with just the icon until very late in the game so I took very little advantage of it. Fun matches overall tho.
Hey Scott guys here plz don't die
If killers think they're struggling so much on this mode, then get off the mode?? Tunneling and slugging in Chaos Shuffle is crazy stuff. Just go to regular mode and use your 4 slowdowns 😭
4:22 👊
I genuinely don‘t understand „DBD Brain“. I go on this Mode to try out perks I never use. When I have a Bad Game, either I try again or I play something else. I have the Rift Maxed, nothing else to do, why would I give a shit about the outcome of matches. A match where I make 20k BP or less still ratio‘s a perfect game when 3x BP is one, so there really isn‘t a difference
It's so sad that i finally got all my characters to P3 and now it's triple BP time 🙁
even though it can be harder, I'd still just play Chaos Shuffle if it were permanent. Playing against the same Perks over and over again is just miserable.
I just gave up chaos shuffle after the 3rd match that i simply entered the game with no perks. lmao
Or people could just play fair and stop being me monsters
its been chill throughout the firat 2 days but now everyone is either slugging, tunneling, camping or genrushing, I literally just went against a 4 swyf with competetive call outs n shit I know cuz I watched their vod cuz they were streaming, crazy shit!!!
Was excited to try the mode, wasn't playing the first time around, and just about had it ruined for me. First three games I brought party streamers, and ended up tunneled out all 3 of those games immediately. Stuck with it, just with personal offerings instead, and it's been pretty dope. Really sucks people gotta play that way though.
Why aren't people bringing cakes/BPS? 3x Bloodfeast and people aren't even bringing personal cakes — I am beyond confused
Winning 3of4 matches and calling it survivor sided in the same video
I've been play Singularity and yes I have been playing pretty sweaty but I never tunnel off hook and usually if it's a good Game and I'm winning really hard with like 2 or 3 gens left I usually just give the last two survivors the out. I'm not gonna go easy but I'm not gonna be like most blights Ive played that literally face camp and slug all 4 survivors like a dickheads. I'm not trying to sabotage other people's time. But I will kill any survivors that play like dickheads before I kill the bill that's been getting his unhooks and helping his team. Good bills get the exit and there bps
How did we get here? It's incredible that a mode that lets survivors escape 25% of the time instead of 1% of the time is survivor sided (by your own rough statistics). Like I get it killer should feel powerful but why is it that when a mode comes out that lets you win one of 4-5 games instead of winning 1/100 games is that now survivor sided? I'm no statistics professor but that still sounds killer sided to me. If a side is almost guaranteed to win just by queueing up, that doesn't ring any alarm bells?
They need to stop balancing the game around slowdown perks, imo they aren't even impactful enough to require this anymore but even if they are just nerf them accordingly, they aren't just boring for survivors, slow down perks are boring for the killers too.
Who started the cycle? Behaviour did with their game design. Who continued the cycle? Behaviour did with their refusal to meaningful deal with said cycle. Seriously. Things can be done to stop the sweat/bully/tunnel/camp cycle but Behaviour refuse. Humans are going to be human and be terrible people and only the designers can do anything about that. Humans play other games but this is widely considered to be one of the most toxic games of all time and that's because it's game design and terrible balance attracts toxic people. You can't totally fix it, especially not at this point but Behaviour can do more.
1:24 well, you see, Dead by Daylight is like hockey: If the Rangers give the Islanders are hard time, that's obviously a problem for the Blue Jackets. How dare the Blue Jackets let the Islanders do what they did to the Rangers in their game?!
7:30 why is it killer's fault and responsability to give survs a chance to see if MAYBE they chill out? Time and time again has shown that its actually the other way around when this works. If the survs dont gen rush then the killer can go for more chases as the pressure isnt there to try and get 1 out quickly. Its the SURVIVORS who have to chill on the gen speeds, and then they can get a lot more of an "easy" time.
I rolled Insidious and stood outside the gas haven garage since the last 2 survs were on the last gen inside and jumpscared an Elodie :3
I was so excited for the mode because I expected it to be way less sweaty, but every killer I played against tunneled and every survivor brought the best medkits and the best toolboxes possible. I feel like items or at least the addons should have been randomized too
When you say “the game is balanced around Killers having slowdown Perks,” is that something BHVR has explicitly said, or is that just something you’re intuiting?
(genuinely curious, this is not a passive-aggressive way of saying you’re wrong)
Watching this right after getting tunneled at 5 gens
Honestly it needs a weight system where the game should always give you a perk related to gens. Now this doesn't mean you are getting a slowdown perk merely that you are getting a perk that revolves around the survivors single goal in the game. Gens.
This mode really highlights how dogshit 90% of the perks in this game are
All this talk about sweats in Chaos Shuffle and then there's me who has to literally throw games as killer not to 4k at 5 gens consistently.
On a real note, I'm not sure if I understand with the statement that survivor is easier than killer. You need top tier coordination and looping skills on top of best of the best items (this includes brown medkits too). If you lack even 1 of them, killer already has an upper hand because they have addons and their powers don't rely on perks more often than not. Usually in soloQ survivors will lack 2 or even all of these criteria to be good as a team and just eat dirt. I do admit, swfs once again spit into the equation but it doesn't change the base game's balance of swf > killer > soloq
This is kinda highlighting the consequence of BhVr fixing problematic design by adding perks
Addons and take in items should be disabled. Would also increase the value added from survivor perks that are looting related.
And killer addons can be stupid OP. Plus, they really should disable pips for modes like this IMO
2 main things that i think are wrong is that
1.addons and items arent randomized and imo even offerings should be
2.mmr and emblem system are active in a wacky for fun gammode
Idk I just been using it to get better at killers I want to learn like Spirit so I been playing less sweaty than usual.
Their are really only three reasons why the game mode is sweaty, first one you are still allowed to bring in map offerings second reason you can still bring any item and add ons into your match a survivor and killer are allowed to still bring their best stuff whats stopping them, third reason survivors and killers just suck that the players rely way to much on their perks to carry them.
glad im not the only one
who thought this
If DBD wasn't toxic and competitive, playing either side for fun wouldn't be a problem overall but the definition of fun is hard for schizos.
Killer has been a breeze for me… Most survivors are useless without their WOO and 2nd chance perks. Sure many BT in a bottle and insta heals etc, but as I said, chases are so fast… I rarely lose on killer. Survivor has been completely the other way around for me. Non stop sweat lord killers, impossible to win in solo Q. Not much more to say about that. Many idiots, but that's always the case in Solo Q.
I really feel we need to stop saying "play fair" because it implies that there is something unfair about tunneling. Tunelling is completey fair, i feel its better to say "playing nice" because thats exactly what it is.
I'm really curious if the stats would speak to this being true at all. Also excusing bad killer behavior because of this perceived assumption is kinda crazy.
Me over here about to detroy everyone with Sadeko “Hooks what are those?”
1:44 this is why we need a rematch option in this game