Why Dead by Daylight is Dropping Players

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Dead by Daylight has been losing numbers on Steam since September of last year and it’s not looking good. I explain what is the reason and how they can fix some of the main issues. Spoiler alert it’s THE CORE of the game that’s bad. If you wanna see more topics give this video a like!

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Dead by Daylight’s Future Looks BAD

After putting 3500 hrs into this account and 500 on a different account. I can positively say I would not recommend this game. After six years you would think they would fix some of the same issues from 2016. I will list some of my main issues down below. I am a content creator so that’s why I have so many hours of the game. Dead by Daylight is not a good game and I would say not good for your health as well. There are only three reasons why you keep playing DbD. – MORE TO READ ON STEAM!

My Steam DbD review

VHS ► https://bit.ly/3opXYKM
Friday the 13th Game ► https://bit.ly/3c6goKW
Dead by Daylight ► https://bit.ly/38g0wXA
Resident Evil: Village ►https://bit.ly/3iR2pvK
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach ► https://bit.ly/36FP2w1
DARK DECEPTION ► https://bit.ly/3NCzLfU

Outro Song ► https://youtu.be/qPWTTSxjN4s

#DBD #EvilDeadGame #VHS


37 thoughts on “Why Dead by Daylight is Dropping Players”

  1. I think a dbd 2 is the better option at this point. There is so many that needs fixing for this game its overwhelming. I think you should do a series of videos explaining what needs fixing. Or videos pointing out things that are broken. That be cool.

  2. What ruined the game for the most part for me was when they suddendly brought in "The Realm beyond" Updates and changed the maps, but also, the lobby or certain soundtracks that were played before but not anymore. For example the lobby music for both Killers and Survivors was louder, you could clearly hear the strings being played and rather than being annoying it was an nice little calming feature. Nowdays, to me it seems like they are not hearable anymore no matter how much you turn your volume up, they sound dry, which is sort of an wierd change. However, perhaps it’s just my imagination. To the maps, they were for the most part what made the game scary and gave an creepy atmosphere, which they felt like they were vague memorys, taken from the killers mind and put into reality. Not only did they look creepy, you KNEW that there was something there and no matter which killer it was, the atmosphere was unbeatable. Until they suddendly made them look "Better" and turned them into League of Legends Arenas (Haven’t played it.) which you get tired of after 6 Rounds and are not really fun anymore to play on. Not to say they did a bad job on them, they did a great job making them look Graphically better, but artistically with the creepy maps and atmosphere you get back then, everything was sort of completely lost, except for some areas inside the map. The new walls and windows also rather look like the Entity (Nea.) was shopping at Ikea and randomly decided to position them however she eanted, simce for example on the Crotus Prenn Asylum map, the walls now look highly polished rather than dark and rotting there for decades. The new Haddonfield showed a bit improvement for me i think. But thats still to decide. For me my favourite map was the old Coldwind farm, which was ironically also the first map i played on, now the new Coldwind isn’t bad but as said, artistically everything sort of gone and highly polished. Too polished.

  3. Yea the problem is that buffing Legion or Ghostface or adding twitch prime wont make the game a better game. Its the whole core of the game that makes it unfun atm.

  4. I quit for over a year, just started playing again I'd say 2-3 weeks ago. It's just as frustrating as I remembered but actually gotten worse with boons. Killer was already weak and nerfed consistently and now boons kill most of the fun killers for me. I been playing survivor only and dominating because they are so broken.

    Only reasons I came back.
    1. Halo season 1 completed waiting for season 2.
    2. Elden Ring pvp is even more unbalanced and broken then DbD.

  5. 1 thing that still makes absolutely zero sense is the content creators who play DBD. What I mean is almost every content creator has made the mistake of making DBD the primary game and not ever changing. I get it, they enjoy it blah blah blah, but they also do nothing but talk shit about this and that and what seriously needs to change, and then are surprised when changes arent done.

    What i'm trying to say is if your that upset over the devs not doing what they NEED to do to fix the game, then why the absolute hell are you still playing it? why do you (not you personally, just in general) and the rest of the community just stop playing, make those numbers go down even more and let DBD die, make the devs understand that they NEED to fix the problems, not bandaid fix them. Make the devs understand the community is not happy with the current state and the only way that this is possible is to STOP PLAYING THE GAME. this is a concept that most DBD content creators tend to not understand.

  6. You know what’s something you can do ? Maybe they can limit perks to only two for a lobby, so only two people can carry DH, iron will, BT etc any and all perks only two per lobby I think that’ll make the game a lot more balanced honestly cause they’ll be more strategy involved

  7. I remember when the 5 year anniversary stream came out I was pretty disappointed how vague they were about the changes. Besides boons and hatch, I can’t think of anything else that happened. They never changed the mori system. The year 5 events beside the snowmen were mediocre. Bots were never implemented. We didn’t get any map updates until now with Haddonfield. No funko pops lol.

    all of that coupled with boon meta, cheaters, and lack of updates make me wanna stop playing.

  8. All they should do is nerf fk dh, I hate that one perk destroys all looping things and counters killers power and every single game this perk costs you a game in general. It is a buff for all killers. And Cheaters… hidden nerds are the big problem. Some times they have fastes gen speed, or movement speed like 4.2, wh. It is hard to see from killer side so it makes you sweat.

  9. DBD was so fun for me when I started playing and that's when clown was barely coming out, but now this game is slowly losing me and I been trying to keep hope for this game. Due to the fact of the MMR and the boon totems that makes this game even more unbearable and survivor sides in my opinion

  10. The game overall just isn't fun anymore. mechanics are the same rehashed crap all over again and nothing is fresh. camping killers, Generators, looping, etc. They need a full redesign of the game to even make people interested into it. The game won't survive another 5 years if they don't make some changes and bring something new to the game.

  11. Many reasons why it's dying you could say…some bigger than others…but at the root of them all is the devs and their dumb, blind, stupid, and stubborn decisions and refusal to listen to the players or feedback and instead go off on their own merry way doing what THEY WANT and not what WE NEED as a COMMUNITY!

    example: Early game warm up was prob the best idea for balancing things out because what is the biggest issue for killer? Correct, the first down! Against a good team the first down will sacrifice 2 possibly 3 gens already and then you just lose. Before you could hit people and not commit to chases/switch targets to make up for this but what did the devs do? Yep they removed the one thing we had by adding "Boon: infinite medkit for the entire team" and thought that that would be fucking balanced and said "we didn't change it right away because we wanted to LET IT SETTLE!!!?!?!!"

    LET IT SETTLE!??!?!?!?!?!?! oh yeah but instantly nerf gearhea- SHUT THE HELL UP BHVR JESUS YALL ARE SOME DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS!! Like I'm sorry but holy fuck just say ya'll are survivor sided on stream at this point why don't you…jeeeesus. * sigh * Oh right early game collapse I mentioned that earlier in the comment…well it's actually bad so forget about it…the devs said it's a bad idea because it's "unfun." Probably was too much adding a new mechanic that prevented survivors from steamrolling every killer that isn't nurse or spirit right? hahaha man don't you love people that don't know what they're doing ruining a game that has potential to be better? hahaha me too!

  12. I mainly stopped playing cause of Skill Based Matchmaking. And how every match I played as killer and all the survivors were so toxic and mean to me (both in game and in the endgame chat) and they all used such sweaty tryhard perks and items that never allowed me to catch them. Meanwhile every match as survivor was just tunneling and camping which is something I’m okay with happening sometimes but the fact that nearly ever killer I play against does it is just what makes it not fun to play survivor anymore

  13. mmr bad cant even go on pc with the same account and play as all new characters (no cross progress) but apparently theres cross mmr. also face campers bad teamates, rank 1 killers but low ranked teamats. its bad right now. Mmr too high to play killer as i take too many breaks and come back and cant do well. or 4 survivors parties.

  14. I’ll never understand why so many people are saying “I can’t wait for VHS to come out”, as if it could replace what DBD could offer.

    VHS is not like DBD and they both offer very different things. DBD is not in the very least bothered by that game. DBD is not great but it is still fun.

  15. Dbd BIGGEST downfall is it’s own Developers. Their killing the game so fast. Their Egotistical Prideful Whinny children who can’t handle criticism. Not only do they not understand their own game but they don’t even understand their own community. They literally get MAD if you have ANY opinion other then this game is “good”.

  16. You know the devs don’t understand their game when they try and compare it to Hockey, it’s sad to see a game I love playing with friends go down this path, and like you Jaee, I want this game to do well, but the way they’re going, this game is just becoming worse after each update, I know if they wanted to fix everything they’d have to build the game from scratch again, but I’d honestly be happy waiting months to a year for them to do so, so it can be the game it should be, instead of a buggy mess that we keep hoping will be fixed.

  17. I have many hopes for dbd all thow it's dropping player I still have a filling that dbd will live on for many years like tf2 for example they dealing with problems as well but there still living on so I still have many hopes for dbd

  18. I think dbd would have been so much easier to balance if they never made perks teachables and you could only have one of each survivor in a match. It would have given the characters more individuality, bringing their own strengths and weaknesses into a match. Obviously some perks would be different because they wouldn't of had to use them to band-aid the game. The perks would compliment the individual killer or survivors play style.

  19. I wish that maybe instead of just perk roulette, you could get like a page or two of randomly picked perks you could choose from. One of the only nice things about prestiging a character is that it can get you to use perks you otherwise wouldn't because you have limited perk selection, but you can still try to find builds/synergy in what you have

  20. There's rumors that the devs are going to add in bots to quote on quote "FIX" the long que times. Do you think the A.I will be competent enough, or will they suck? Personal I think A.I killers are just going to displease survivors because there's no fun in bullying a computer. SWFs can't frustrate a computer and they can't trash talk it in the end game. A.I will be good for farmers, but nobody else as it will take out the satisfaction of whatever a "win" is in the game.

  21. I haven't play the game like since nemesis came out, came back and played a few days ago, and let me tell you the game is not as fun anymore, I played killer and god was it annoying and so boring, playing survivor is more fun and chill. Killer is just not it anymore bro.

  22. Sadly I think the best option the have is a dbd2. Because the main main issue they got is their “spaghetti code” cuz they started out as inexperienced before and the game base is sutil built with that old code. And changing it just makes the game worse and worse. So better make a dbd2 that lets you at least port your current progress by that I mean skins, charms and gained perks and that’s it

  23. It's kinda sad cause i still enjoy this game but they gotta fix this shit or they will die and I would hate to see dbd die…they can bring new content and cosmetics all they want but if they dont give gamemodes or ANYTHING big like that theres no hope


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