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34 thoughts on “WHY DONT KILLERS WANT A ChAlLeNgE? Dead by Daylight”

  1. I thought playing killer felt more rewarding because it was harder then survivor since alot of killers call survivor "braindead" so is the issue more that killer want it to be easier but still not as easy or as easy as survivor. Thoughts?

  2. i left dead by daylight too , at high rank killer games , its so frustrating and hard , u make 1 mistake and u can loose the game from that . Actually u dont even have to make an mistake , if the survivors play decent/Good u are already done and can be happy if u get a few hooks, u are forced to tunnel and camp ..
    6/10 games are sjw premades with coms , toxic also . Not fun as killer very frustrating , many survivors use cheats too and u never know if they have them , i had lag switchers mostly , but i think there are many esp wallhack users too. Or 4,3 4,4 survivor speed hack

  3. As someone who's played off and on again of dbd, I mainly play killer at lower ranks, not because it's bad to be low rank, it's because I haven't played it in months worth of not playing it. But the fun things about the game can be the random wacky moments of lower tier survivors. It's frustrating on survivors' prospective, sure, but some of the funnier experiences and beauties of the game are with weaker opponents. What can I say?

  4. Another killer match that ends in less then 6 minutes. This is the problem with this game. Survivor objective completed to quick and killers besides Nurse and Blight can't get across the maps quick enough to apply pressure. It's not a skill issue. Tru3 has so many hours in the game. It's the survivors objective, maps having to many strong loops, and the killer roster being shit to combat the loops.

    The Badham Wesker game you played a few days ago was such a joke how fast it went.

  5. So let me get this straight we have to play against 4 man squads on voice and it's considered to be a challenge for us however survivors can't play the game as intended and it's not a challenge for them they just want to play with friends? Yeah fuck this community.

  6. I went back to play DBD as killer after a 3 months retirement and man I am getting destroyed by the 30 seconds gens, I even thought to myself "What am I doing wrong?" but then watching your videos, are the exact same games I get too, that's the reason the 100% extra bloodpoints is active the entire day for killers. Good content as always Tru3.

  7. You tunneled you are bad at the game XD
    I am joking i know that Level…you can only compete with nurse and blight…and some people cant play this game and talking about skill…(if you need to Tunnel youre bad at the game)

  8. What’s funny to me is that Chris in this game was clearly just smashing gens this game. And of course, that’s the survivors main objective so you can’t blame him. But… is that really fun? Many survivors seem to think that’s a “fun” game of DBD; getting the gens done in record time with minimal (practically zero) killer interaction until they’re standing in an open exit gate.

    That must be the challenge Tru is talking about 😂

  9. With so many YouTubers doing the "DBD is dying?" Video recently, I was intrigued. I watched a few and the comments on the video are hilarious.
    They mostly blame killers for the awful state of the game, and I honestly saw people say stuff like "just apply gen pressure" "Survivors are toxic because killers tunnel, which is toxic" and "If the gens are fast, that's the killers fault, why tunnel me?"

    I've not played in about a year because of these delusional people who are catered to.

  10. I mean if you think about the build you were running and the fact you only kicked a gen once you may as well have just been playing with bamboozle, you basically got a 2k with one perk, if you had been running other perks rather than gen kick considering how you played this game then the result could have been vastly different, lets say you ran deadlock, blood warden, bamboozle, and pain resonance, this would have likely gone very differently. You didn't play in the style of the perks you chose and still got a 2k though, which I would argue is a good result.

  11. wild this claudette crying about meg for leaving cause he wanted is free escape.. wild they got free easy game all game long… stop crying you got all easy cause of these dev. even if you die dont worry dev will get your litle baby hand anyway

  12. True calling survivors bad while genuinely getting outplayed by people who know how to use there perks and items all while saying that the game isn’t tailored for regular survivor game play ?


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